
Friday 10 September 2010

Bottom shelf and Nigella......

Modern Country Kitchen
I know I've plodded through showing you the shelves rather slowly. But that's not an apology, rather, I've done it purposefully. I have a tendency to race through the posts relating to showing rooms. I just get so excited and want to reveal everything all at once. Slow down, Mrs Modern Country. This time round, I'm determined to take the pace slower. 'm hoping your liking sseeing our kitchen gently unfold. it's time for the bottom shelf to have its time in the spotlight. It's been patiently biding its time.

Modern Country shelves
First up is this platter is from Dibor. Do you remember me mentioning Dibor in an earlier post? It's where I got my top shelf large mugs from. They sell gorgeous French goodies by Mail Order in the UK. Definitely to be checked out if you haven't been there before. You're in for a treat.

Modern Country hearts
It's hand-finished. I love it so much! If we're having some kind of help-yourself meal, then I lay out food on here. Ooooh, so yummy.

It looked a bit odd all on its own there so I put these four jugs in front. Two of them are made by Denby in their Greenwich style. They're such a beautiful colour. A subtle glaucous glaze.

I got this patterned jug from a little ceramics company exhibiting at the Country Living Fair. I love it's gentle monochrome roses, with a toile de jouy feel.

Modern Country jug

The last jug was a present from my mother (along with some lovely flowers.). It's plain and elegant all at once. Just what I like.

Lastly, is my stash of favourite recipe books.

Nigella recipe books
Yes, you are seeing rightly. You're eyes do not deceive you. I have my very own Nigella shrine in the corner of my kitchen. I thought we all do? What do you mean it's just me?

Seriously, what's not to love about her scrummy recipes? Aaaaah.

Nigella, Modern Country Style salutes you.

Modern Country Style


  1. Really like that hearts platter! And help yourself meals...and careulshelf-filling...and children coming home to mums in kitchens making nice smells... and...and...and...taste overlap is now occurring big time xxxxxxx

  2. Hi. I definitely recognized your remark about racing through rooms and posting too fast. So well done, your journey along shelves! I adore the white jug, it is gorgeous! Have a nice weekend, Marjo

  3. Love all the way your kitchen is coming along!!

    Jugs are my favourite:)

    Found you through Happy's Blog and have just become a follower:)

  4. How I miss the Country Living Fair - so many lovely things all in one place. It's like Christmas. Shelves are looking good!

  5. Love your jugs! But Nigella? Oh boy, I don't like cooking at all!
    No Nigella's and Jamie's in my kitchen. I prefer John Grisham in my livingroom ;- )

  6. That is a gorgeous shelf! I love the jug/pitcher. And the Nigella collection..I think I have only 2 or 3 of her books at the moment, but I have most of her shows recorded! Rachaelxx

  7. What a pretty that jug from your mom too. Well...I have to admit, there is no Nigella cookbooks at my house. I love to eat but not cook :)

  8. ~*~So charming and practical!~**~ :)Rachel

  9. Love the jugs especially! It is all so clean too... Am feeling inspired.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi! I've found your blog reading your comment on Little Emma English Home. I really love the way you're changing your kitchen and I will follow your renovating journey!
    Hugs from Italy!

  12. Love the pink jug. And yes, I have a few Nigella books too. You're not alone.

  13. That's great! I love all the platters and jugs they are just gorgeous! The Nigella shrine? Looks like my house. You gotta love Nigella!

  14. Hi
    Great to see a Nigella fan,
    I love to see the corner in the kitchen with all of Nigellas books, I would love to own a few too but here in India they are too too expensive for my budget almost 5 times the normal cooking books that we have so I have to satisfy myself with watching her programs...
    did you watch Nigellas kitchen?
    Do you try her recipes?
    I love your blog and have you on my side bar
