
Wednesday 27 October 2010

Vintage Suitcase: Modern Country Style

So...where were we before I so rudely had to dash away yesterday...? I'm sorry to keep breaking up our lovely chats. Thank you for waiting so patiently for me.

That's right.....vintage suitcases.

Did you like my li'l homage to these beauties? Weren't there some amazing uses for upcycling? I love the idea of giving new life to old pieces. LOVE. L.O.V.E. Really, reeeeally like this idea. Taking the best of really well-made things that have bags of character and giving them a whole new function for today's life. It's a huge part of what Modern Country Style is about......what my style is about.....

I have my mother's old suitcase and, instead of keeping it with the other more modern suitcases that we have in the attic, I like to keep this one at the end of our bed.

I love the old, battered leather against the soft glow of the mahogany.

I only like using vintage items if they have a real function for our family life NOW. I don't just like vintage for vintage's sake. It has to have function AND beauty to earn it's keep.

Yes, I'm a hard task-master. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen is my house mantra.

I use this suitcase for storage. What did I tell you? Function AND beauty...

I wanted a place to keep winter bedding in the summer, summer bedding in the winter, spring bedding in the....oh, you get it?!

You want me to stop going on and show you inside?

I can't believe you guys sometimes!

Alright, just this once....

See? This is our summer throw....

Vintage Suitcase. Two words....but don't they conjure up such glamorous images?


I really struggled to get the right bedside table for our...errr...bedside. After looking and looking, I decided to paint my own. Yes, shock, horror, I finally tackled a paint project!!

I'll share all the gory details with you next time...

I'm linking to parties in my sidebar...


  1. LOVE old suitcases, boxes, hat boxes, etc.. mainly for the sound they make when they close...I'm odd, I know. :)

  2. You crack me up! I love your suitcase!

  3. No wonder I like you so much, you are quite funny! Love the shots!

  4. Sarah, you are good for a giggle! I feel the same way about items, they should be functional, and this stresses a very good point. We found a great old trunk several years ago at a yard sale, and although we loved how it looks, we knew we would actually use it in our office for storage. Your Mom's old suitcase is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. I love that it's more simple in design, and the patina is beautiful.

  5. You're a mean one Mrs. Grench. I have a policy of if I like it I buy it and get rid of something I like less. Seeing beauty is a function for me...twisted sister I know:D ♥O

  6. I love the bit about vintage having to be beautiful and functional...totally agree with you!


  7. Dear Sarah, The old suitcase does indeed look very good at the foot of the bed and rather suggests that some exciting travel opportunity is just about to happen. I like the thought of that.

    Your philosophy is very resonant with William Morris...I paraphrase....that nothing should be in one's house unless it is either practical or beautiful. I really like the way that you so carefully choose items which are both. Storage for bedding out of season....what a brilliant idea for your leather case.

  8. Hi Sarah! I love your old suitcase. I feel the same as and function should go together :)

  9. Such a good idea for holding extra bedding and linens. Mine have no home and just kinda move about the house nomadically. By the way, I gave you a shout out in my blog post today!

  10. I too have vintage suitcases. That is a great shot showing the old and hard exterior, to "surprise" soft and fluffy inside. :)x

  11. I too have vintage suitcases. That is a great shot showing the old and hard exterior, to "surprise" soft and fluffy inside. :)x

  12. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen??!! I'm totally laughing out loud here! May I borrow that mantra? Seriously though, I love your vintage suitcases and especially love that they are functional as well as beautiful. I have 2 sitting on top of an armoire and they always make me picture someone carrying them as they hop on a train, maybe in an Agatha Christie novel! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely finds with us!

  13. What a great place to store your bedding! The suitcase is beautiful and very cool that it was your moms! Love your motto too, you always make me smile!! :)

  14. I like the sheer fact that the suitcase belonged to your mom. I like to add pieces that were handed down. I'm guilty of using a couple of pieces that don't serve a purpose, other than they make me smile. That's a purpose, I guess :) I love modern country and you do it so well!

  15. Love vintage suitcases...beautiful and functional!!

  16. Great photos. I agree, it is great if things are beautiful as well as funcional, most of the time.

  17. Thank you Sarah for your kind words today :) I totally agree with you in regards to vintage items and I also use an old suitcase to store my winter blankets and spare pillows. Great for extra storage! Have fun, Lisa

  18. Do you ever wonder about the past life of vintage things? Like suitcases...where have they been? Did they take one of those cool overnight train trips back when trains were the thing? Come over to America via Ellis Island? Well, I guess you wouldn't wonder that in your case, but you know what I mean.

  19. These pics are a kind of porn for the interior design crowd. Haha. Love the close ups!

  20. Hi Sarah, just wanted to stop back by and say congrats for being featured on the Welcome Wagon's anniversary post! You do have such an enjoyable blog, and beautiful home. Have a wonderful day, tami

  21. I am here visiting from Brenda's Cozy Little House blog. Nice to meet you! I love your style...
    p.s. come visit My Comforts of Home blog when you have time.

  22. I just popped in from Brenda's Welcome Wagon. What a lovely blog. Gorgeous repurposed suitcase. Love your idea. And beautiful bedding too. Have a good day.

  23. Your olden suitcase is beautiful...and your photos are outstanding.

  24. I love vintage suitcases and especially the leather ones. Yours is so perfect for your storage solution and because it belonged to your Mother is even more special. Thanks for sharing...beautiful.

  25. What a lovely room, and the suitcase is perfect. Vintage suitcases kind of get to me too. I love them. What wonderful ideas you have on your blog. So many things to drool over!!!!

  26. Your vintage suitcase looks great at the end of your it! Awesome photo's too! ~Deb~

  27. I adore vintage suitcases (though sadly own none)


    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog

    I always love seeing your posts


  28. You're a smart one, you've found a real good place to put that old but really gorgeous suitcase.

    I love reading your post and your images are lovely too.

    Be back soon...

  29. Welcome to blogland! Happy to have found you on "Welcome Wagon Fridays." I was one of the featured newbies last week. I love you "Ode to the Old Suitcase."
    I do have a question: Do you have any problems (or maybe a solution) for the old musty smell being sucked into your stored bedding?

  30. I'm a collector of old suitcases myself, and have them filled to the brim with anything that will fit! Beats tupperware any day! Marcia

  31. I love secret storage spaces and collect vintage picnic baskets for that very I need to give a second look to suitcases :)


  32. The patina on that suitcase is just lovely!

  33. I love vintage luggage also and store lots of stuff in them.
    I like what someone said likes to hear the sound they make closing


  34. LOVE anything vintage...that includes old suitcases like that one. So pretty...we always use them in the shop as props of sorts..stack them one on the other and create a kind of table. Great for storage..function with beauty. Who can beat that?? :)

    ~ Hope you have a happy pretty friday!

  35. I am right there with you on using the vintage suitcases for storage and have half a dozen myself but I have to tell you... Your suitcase photography is AMAZING! I just LOVE those photos. Thank you so much for sharing!

  36. The thing I love about vintage suitcases, is the stories they hold.
    Another friday's favorite for sure :-)

  37. Hi There!
    Just popping over from Brenda's blog to say hello and happy blogging. I too love decorating and painting. Can't wait to read more of your posts.

    Happy blogging.

    Viola from Poway, Calif (outskirts of San Diego).

  38. Hi ! Visiting from Debra's VIF...

    Great post. I love old suitcases too!
    A new follower!
    Tammy :-)

  39. Love vintage suitcases! I have several and use them to display and to store things. Terrific decorative items!

  40. I love vintage suitcases. I would stack them all the way up my bedroom wall if I could!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I share your love of vintage suitcases. I also share your philosophy of use it now, or get rid of it! The one you've shown here looks terrific at the foot of the bed.

    Thanks for linking to my party. I look forward to seeing you link up each week.

    By the way, I just joined you as a follower, and I'll be showcasing you tonight.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
