
Monday 8 November 2010

J'adore a door...

See what I did there? Did you appreciate my hilarious title today?

When we first moved into our house it was chockablock with hideous doors. All the beautiful original doors had been ripped out by previous villains.

Errr, I mean owners.

Hard not to feel frustrated but I guess it was their house...

Part of renovating our Master bedroom was picking out salvaged doors.

A dirty job...but someone a got to do it...

Time to call in Mr Modern Country.

Salvage Superhero...

There are some lusciously gorgeous doors out there.

And some pretty hideous ones it has to be said.

Here's a selection of divine doors on which to feast your hungry eyes.

Do you like your doors traditionally-served?

Or Modern-looking?

Doors have such a huge impact, don't they?

I speak from tragic experience, having lived with the grossest doors in the world for a year.

Do you like to keep your doors open...

...nice and airy?

Or shut....

...a cosy cocoon?

Or a little bit of both?

Now that reclaimed doors are so widely available, there's no excuse for dowdy doors....

Next time, I'll share the adventure of how we eventually found our salvaged doors.

Oooh, and I'm so excited to share my Christmas crafts with you over the next couple of months. I keep waking up in the middle of the night with new ideas!!

Is that normal?

Simply Natural Decor, PR WEB, attic mag, Style Park, White- Hall, archinspire, Wellsfargo, Villa Anna, Lavender and Lilies, Valley Doors, Country Carpentry, Hooked ON Houses


  1. I can't wait to see all your christmas projects. Yes it's normal! I'm going to start decorating real soon! I can't wait. I love all the gorgeous doors.


  2. Hehe! Yes, it is ;))
    Can't wait to see what you have to share!
    Love that pic with sweet doggie and all blue and white. Definitely my kind of decorating.
    P.S. Hope I will live in the Cotswolds someday soon :)
    Thanks for following along, hope you'll enjoy the journey!

  3. Sarah, you are so funny!! I love all of the doors you showed us. I like my doors closed in the front, but I will sometimes leave my sunroom door open. Yes you are normal, unfortunately.. but still looking forward to the crafts!

  4. Love all these doors. I wish we could replace ours, or even just the doorknob. Maybe one day...
    Very excited to see yours!

  5. Ooh La La! I love your door pics. My favorite is the Dutch Door! You must see this post...

    I'm very excited to see what you've been working on for Christmas! and yes it's completely normal to have those visions at 3 in the morning!!! That's usually when my creativity starts!!! LOL

  6. Your posts bring a smile to my day.

    Look at all those doors. I'll take mine traditional, thank you. The older the better. Tuscan style works, too. I fell in love with our house partially because of the doors. Can't wait to see what doors you chose.

    I think you're totally normal. I was going to post a blog on some Christmas ornaments, today. My husband thinks I'm nuts. Okay, I'll wait a day or two:)

    Looking forward to all the Christmas ideas you have.

    Merry merry...

  7. Gorgeous examples of doors, particularly the first. I can't wait to see what you found...and when you moved in the doors were gone?! If you posted about that I missed it...

  8. Beautiful doors !! favorite is the last one...that Golden Retriever !!! o my i am in love....happy new week darling...did you get my mail???? love Ria....

  9. I love beautiful traditional doors - the first one...perfection!!

  10. traditional 5 panel, painted white, extra tall on barn door hardware - that's my fav but that is what I have so it's a good thing. We also don't have any locks on ours. Couldn't find a good way to lock sliders. So, if the door is closed at our farmhouse, please knock.

  11. Oh Yes...I J'adore a door too. But I
    détestez MY door. I hate hate my own front door even though many visitors come and say they love it. It's on my list of things to replace eventually. Can't wait to see yours, hugs, tami

  12. Oh Sarah I love the doors you picked out!! I keep telling my hubby we need a barn door in our house and he just thinks I am crazy!! :) I can't wait to see how you picked yours out and all of your Christmas crafts!! Oh, and I think it is normal to wake up with ideas! ;)

  13. Girl.... I loved this post.

    Pap and I have remodeled a zillion things over the years. I love a good challenge.

  14. Dear Sarah, I do so agree that doors [ or, rather the correct doors] can make such a difference to the success or otherwise of a room. I seem to recall that the noted John Fowler when painting doors used at least four different tints and tones of the base colour to achieve the perfect panelled door. A man after my own heart!!

  15. I love, love, love all these doors! I think I lean toward doors served 'traditional'.
    Totally normal waking up with ideas, in fact I think those are often the best ones! xx

  16. ~*~*Love old chippy doors with a farmhouse feel!! And of course always keep my doors open~*~* The ones in our 1930s home are the original single paneled painted white with the antique crystal doorknobs!! LOVE them~*~Hugs, Rachel ~**~

  17. hi Sarah!! This post is so me right now....seriously. We are entirely remodeling our new house (before we move in of course!) and just special ordered our interior doors. We wanted something with character, ya know? Plain ol white doors just wont do! We have 2 salvaged doors that we have hung on to over the past few years, but we are saving them for an outdoor entertaining area that we are eventually going to build....hopefully next summer!
    Thanks for the fantastic inspiration photos. I was drooling over the kitchen ones below too....

  18. Yet another fascinating post, Sarah. Our doors are of the most hideous kind. The foolish people before us replaced the orginal doors with ones made of the same cheap wood that sheds are made from and they were even stained the same sort of shed colour (you know a "rusty" "brownie" colour). They had never been sanded down and woolly jumpers were perpetually being snagged on those despicable doors - they were so rough.

    We, or I should say I, sanded down all the doors, painted them white and replaced the very cheap brass handles with not so cheap chrome knobs.

    Just thought I'd share that with you, Sarah. Bye bye.

  19. Olden doors speak volumes and I am glad you found some. Our old house has great doors and I have threatened to make a table out of one we do not use but Joe frowns at that.

  20. Love this post! Those doors are so gorgeous and actually the doors in my house were one of my favorite features. They are all painted this muddy green tone (which doesn't sound pretty when I write it out like that!) and just gave it so much more character than all white. Although a couple of them had to be fixed because they had holes in them! We had some crazy previous owners of our house too!
    Can't wait to see your doors and your Christmas crafts too! :-)

  21. My favorite doors are the ones that are wood and rounded at the top. Sigh, just love them!

  22. Hi Sarah, I agree doors can have such an impact on rooms. Next time I am travelling to India or Nepal I will ship some back for our next home! Have fun with your new doors, Lisa

  23. Hi Sarah! What pretty doors...I love them all. Sometimes when I am on vacation, I take photos of doors. Can't wait to hear how you found yours ;)
