
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Vintage Style Tea-Light Holders

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Over the weekend I was pottering craftily around and ended up with these tea-light holders that turned out so unexpectedly beautifully that I felt I had to share them with you.

My weapons of choice on this occasion were: an old book, a jam jar and some gorgeous ribbon.

Aaaah, I love ribbon so much, don't you? Even just to look at on the reel, ribbon makes me want to hop around with excitement.

Okay, so, I tore out two pages from the book.

I should point out here that this was a lovely Enid Blyton book that had been in the hands of my children when they were little so it had been somewhat decimated already.

Place them landscape in front of you and fold over the top of each so the total height matches the look you want when the pages are on the jam jar.

Insert one page into the other.

Glue in place and press to smooth.

Wrap this strip of pages around your jam jar.

Slip one edge of the page-strip into the other end.

Choose some of your pretty ribbon and wrap that around the circumference of the jar. Fold under one of the ends and glue this folded-under end over the other end to give a neat finish.

Repeat as many times as you want!

I wanted three. I like things in groups of three. Why? I haven't a clue!! I just find it pleasing to my eye.

I used one ribbon for one of the candle holders and another ribbon for two of the others.

Stand back and admire your work.

I love these so much. I love the ribbons, obviously.

Seriously, is there any one in the world who doesn't love ribbons?

I especially love them here against the gentle sepia of the old pages.

All the different textures work beautifully together.

The slight coarseness of the pages.

The tactile softness of the ribbons.

The steely smooth surface of the glass.

Yum. Yum. Yum.

Yes, they're so scrumptious I could almost gobble them all up.

And how do they look with candles in? 

Well, I think that's quite enough excitement for one day (did your parents say that to you too?!). I'll show you where I put these lovelies in my next post.

I've got all sorts of goodies coming up for you. Remember to Follow or Subscribe to make sure you don't miss out on a single thing!

PS. I'm linking to the parties in my sidebar...


  1. LOL yes my parents did tell me that!! Funny, hey!

    Yup, love ribbon. Yup, love old sepia pages. Yup, love candles in glass. So what you have created is a little slice of heaven!! Beautiful.



  2. Hi Sarah, I adore the jars!! They are so cute.They make such a gorgeous christmas display.It's such a great idea. Can i be a copycat!!


  3. A perfect idea just in time for Thankksgiving. I've been saving a bunch of glass jars and this would be a neat way to display them. Flowers, candles etc... Thanks for sharing and keeping me in suspense!!! haha I guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow! : )

  4. Fun and easy! I keep saving all my jars just in case I come across a good idea for them. Now I have one! I just have to decide where a good place to put them would be. I'll have to wait and see what you do with yours!

  5. I really like these, Sarah! I bet they look really pretty all lit up. Love ribbon too!!

  6. The ribbon had me at hello. I think it adds such a wonderful touch. Cute idea! They would perfect a great Christmas mantle.


  7. Those are great! Love it and can't wait to see them all lit up :)

  8. I really love these, as I'm a complete book nerd. The only challenge will be finding a book I'm willing to rip the pages out of. :)

    PS: Love your new "blog look"!!


  9. Such a simple and nice idea! Thank you for sharing it. You are right, I enjoyed what you published and was about to leave when I read that you enjoy comments and thought of how I enjoy reading my blog's. So here I am. Beatiful blog, by the way!
    Abrazos from Buenos Aires!

  10. Great idea Sarah!! They are so pretty! and yes, my parent said that to us too! :)

  11. Girl, you know ribbon does the same thing for me....those look really cute and so easy...thank you for making them and sharing them all with us.

  12. Sarah, I bet they're beautiful with the candle glowing through the pretty pages. I am already a loyal follower of your blog, I get my morning giggle from you. Not to mention, I love traveling to England without leaving my cozy bed. Can't wait to see part two of your candle/ribbon adventure. I love ribbon too, picked up some new ones yesterday for a project. xoxo tami

  13. Hi Sarah!

    So vintage and adorable! Love it!


  14. Your candleholders are adorable! I love your new header too!

  15. Love those Sarah!! You are so creative~*~*Hugs, Rachel ;)

  16. Super sweet them! I will definitely be making some of these for my vintage themed Christmas table too...thanks! ~Deb~

  17. I love these, so very pretty!

    Isnt it funny when we figure out how to do something for our blog we get so excited. I remember when I first started and it would take me hours to do something and when I figured it out it was like really? THat's it?

    Hope your having a great week, thanks for linking!

  18. Oh man how I love ribbon, spools and spools of ribbon!

    Your tea light look so nice and cheerful and the book pages is a very smart addition!

  19. Dear Sarah, Gosh I have hardly been away and everything has changed. Such a very stylish collection of images as your header and the 'mission statement'[if indeed that is what your words can be called]is absolutely perfect in summing up all that is contained within Modern Country Style.

    The tea- light holders look very retro as so totally befits this time of year. The ribbons are charming and complement each other and the old paper very well indeed.

    Odd numbers always work best in the garden for some reason.3's are the least I plant in......more is even more I say!!

  20. You creative thing, you! Very cute!

  21. Hi Sarah! Oh, how smart you are - these little candle holders are darling!! I just may have to make me some too.
    Thanks for popping in to see me and I do hope you'll come back again.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  22. LOVE ribbon!!! LOVE old books!!! LOVE jam jars ( i have some of those by the way).... guess what i'll be doing this weekend?
    Yep - going to copy you. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. These are just so beautiful. I'm a sucker for anything made with book pages. I'm giving you a Stylish Blog Award! Feel free to stop on over and pick it up.

  24. How rescourceful, yet so pretty. This is a great little project. xx

  25. I love this! I have this stuff on hand to make. Can't wait to see where you put them.

  26. I love all book page related projects right now! These are awesome!

  27. Hi -

    I enjoy creating with book pages and re-purposing trash. I love how you transformed the jar especially the one with the velvet ribbon. I bet they look so pretty lit up.
    My best- Diane

  28. gorgeous idea Sarah, nice and simple :) I look forward to getting some Christmas ribbon and giving it a go soon!

    And thanks for following my blog, I look forward to sharing the reno's with you :)

  29. what a great idea! loving the ribbon too.

  30. what a great idea! loving the ribbon too.

  31. What a great way to reuse your old jars and decorate your house! These are beautiful.. Hope you link them up to my Pink Hippo Party @

  32. nice idea we have got 2 dogs, so normal candles are a little bit dangerous. And so you can make it, just as you wish, instead of buying it.


  33. Hello, Sarah!

    How are you doing?

    These are really beautiful! Very, very charming!

    I hope you have a Bright day!

    Luciane at

  34. Very pretty candles! Simple yet elegant. Happy WW!

  35. Ribbon..ribbon..who's got the ribbon?? I love ribbon too and I so love this idea. I can just see three (my mom always told me to do arrangements of items in three' you..have no clue why but if momma said do it..then I do it.)of these sitting on my fireplace mantel. Just change the ribbon for whatever holiday it is. THANK YOU!!


    So happy I found you on Trendy Treehouse.

  36. very fun! I love candles, would have them lit everywhere except I am afraid I will forget to blow them out so I limit myself to two!

  37. Oh my! LOVE! So simple, yet stylish.

    Thanks for linking with Sugar & Spice.

  38. Sarah! What a gorgeous and easy idea! I was thinking that these would make great gifts! Love it!

  39. I love this idea. Funny I like things in groups of three too!!~ Why is that? I do wonder...

  40. Very cute and easy too. I love it Sarah :)

  41. so, i'm stealing this idea for the holidays. I LOVE THIS. and even i can't screw this up. I think. No guarantees - but i'm going to give it the high school try. Notice i did not say college.

  42. so simple and stylish! i made some jam jar and teacup candles last week and this will pretty up those jars nicely :-)

  43. Sweet Project and so pretty! Love the ribbons! Thaks for sharing!
    Tammy :-)

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. These are great little jars, and even better with the book pages and ribbon, great idea!

  46. This is such a pretty idea. Love the vintage look to the candles.

  47. What a fun and beautiful idea! I definitely want to make some of these. What great little gifts!

    I, too, LOVE ribbon and I feel like you do- I just love to look at spools of ribbon all in a row. I feel the same about thread, fabric and yarn- Just looking at those Pretties make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

    Thank you for linking up to Friday Pretties. I hope that your Friday is Wonderful!

  48. Found you thru Simply Designing linky party and wanted to tell you I love your candles. You are a girl after my own heart. Take something so junky and turn it into Fabulous! Thanks for sharing.
    New Bulldog Follower. Hope to see you soon on my blog...

  49. These are great Sarah! I might even make some. It would be all in the words for me...gotta get the right words...Tess of the d'Urbervilles? King Lear? Topsy and Tim? Oh, and hold the ribbon. Too twee for me! xxxx

  50. What a beautiful fall filled vignette. Keep up the lovely work! Happy Thanksgiving!

    I hope you'll stop by and enter my giveaway.

  51. I love that this is a quick easy and beautiful idea! Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

  52. I love the simplicity in their beauty.

  53. LOVE, love, love those!

    Have a great weekend...


  54. Oh my~ I am LOVING those!! So sweet & so beautiful!! I Love this idea- just perfect for gifts too- Thanks so much for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!! LOVE IT!!! :)

  55. So fun, what a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  56. I LOVE THIS!!! LOVE IT! I love candles! I totally want to do this now!

    I'd love for you to check out my blog, I even have a giveaway right now!!!

    mucho love.

  57. I love anything to do with candles and this darling idea is indeed a winner ! How cute these would look on my dining table. How about a couple (or three) on my bathroom counter ? Gift exchange at work ? The possiblities are endless and "thank you" for sharing this. Happy Holidays to you and yours and "thank you" for your wonderful blog.

  58. These are adorable, and a simple craft that I could actually do. Thanks so much for sharing!

  59. What a wonderful idea ... so simple and inexpensive! Came by way of Thrift Thursday ... thanks for sharing.

  60. LOVE! I save my jam jars, my peanut butter jars - you name it. They look perfect all dressed up.

  61. Beautiful job! Thanks for the inspiration!

  62. oooh! i love these! thanks for the idea :)

  63. Your jars look great! I'm just loving all the different book page projects I've been seeing around. They're so inspiring! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week!

  64. LOVE it... I cannot throw away glass jars so this is perfect for me!!!

    Hope you'll link this up at A Crafty Soiree today. We usually party on Thurs but bc of Thanksgiving, it's today.

    xoxo Malia

  65. Love this idea...did this to my cute little evergreen christmas tree pots.

    Happy weekend. xoxox

  66. These are really cute!
    I love anything that uses some part of a book!

  67. Ooh, I could make these! And how perfect would they be on a bookshelf or in a library (you know, in my fantasy house)?

  68. Darling idea!!!! I'm saving this one - as well as saving my jam jars!! Happy WW!

    xoxo laurie

  69. These are just gorgeous and I love the addition of the ribbon. Just perfect!

  70. I think this one is my favorite. Looks so simple to do, and the look will look really nice in my upcoming bedroom re-do..Thanks so much for the inspiration. I think i will bust out a couple of these before the weekend, or maybe today!.........Looking forward to linking with u tomorrow!....Bonnie
