
Thursday 9 December 2010

Wreath Week: Cinnamon and Orange Wreath Tutorial

Welcome back to Wreath Week. Just one more day to go until my very first linky party.

{Eeeeek! }

If you'd like to proudly wear a Wreath Friday Party button on your blog, it's just over to the right on my sidebar. All the cool blogs are doing it, dontcha know? And you want to be cool, right?

{Oh, my marketing skills are just pure wizardry, aren't they? ;-)}

The time has come to present to you my all time favourite wreath in the whole wide world ever.

 It sums up everything that's traditionally Christmassy. Cinnamon and orange together are a match made in heaven, don't you agree? Extreme yumminess.

With this wreath, I worked in the opposite direction from the natural wreath. With this one, I started with the bigger items, the bunches of cinnamon, and worked down because this wreath doesn't need to be covered in the same way as the last.


This is what you need to make this exact one:

As a quick aside, do you know how to make dried orange slices? You just buy some cheap-as-chips BIG oranges and slice them through the middle to get the star shape of the segments.

{Take out as many of those dang pips as you can.}

Now, the trick is to get every last drop of juice out by drying them VERY sloooooowly...otherwise they go mouldy, which I think we all agree is not a good look on a Christmas wreath....

 Lay them on a tray and pop them in the oven on its lowest temperature for a day or so.

{Yes, really, that long.}

Alternatively, put them on a plate in the microwave and set it to its lowest power for about 3 hours. 

{Hooray for Mr Microwave.}

Still quite long but the bonus is that it fills the house with a lovely orangey smell. Yum!

Now......onwards and upwards to the Cinnamon and Orange Wreath tutorial....

Step 1
Take small bunches of cinnamon sticks and trim them down to the size you'd like your bunches to be. Wrap some raffia several times around each bunch and tie really, really firmly. Yes, really, really, reeeeally firmly.

{Unless you want to lose them later on...}

Loop a piece of wire through the raffia and attach the wire to the wreath base by twisting it round the stems.

I've used five bunches of cinnamon...but I am a total cinnamon maniac so feel free to use less.

Step 2

Using an awl, poke a whole in the end of the pine cones. Pop a piece of wire with glue on in the little hole and leave to set. Twist the other end of the wire around the wreath base.

Step 3

Now use the oranges to fill in the gaps. It doesn't need to be completely and utterly covered. The gorgeous base you've made (Have you made one yet? Have you? Have you?) ties in so beautifully with the colours of the cinnamon, oranges and pine cones that it becomes one big wreath of scrumptialiciousness.

It looks weird just having one little orange slice all in its own so I pile them up in groups of three or four slices together. Poke a piece of wire in through one segment and out through another.

Do this slice by slice and wrap the end of the wire around the wreath stems to attach the oranges.

OR you can poke a piece of wire through three or four slices at a time and them attach them all together to the wreath. Both methods give slightly different effect so I did a mixture of the two.

{I like to live dangerously, don't I?!}
And there you have it. A homemade, gorgeously lovely Christmassy Cinnamon and Orange wreath!


I wish I could explain how beautiful it looks and smells in real life. The heady scents mingle in the air as you walk past it. And the colours just glow.

I'm off to Harrods in London today for a spot of Christmas shopping! Yes, I do that most days, you know.

See you tomorrow at my Friday Wreath party. I've picked out my dress already.....and I have matching shoes!

I'm linking up to my favourite linky parties in my side bar....


  1. I already know from experience it must smell wonderful! Sarah I once made napkin rings using the tiny wreath bases with a pretty orange slice and cinnamon stick. They smelled so good. Very Homey. Well done:)

  2. I absolutely LOVE it! I can just imagine the heavenly scent coming from that gorgeous wreath. I want one soooo bad, but it's a little too much for me to take on right now....maybe. You may have tempted me just enough. We'll see if I can scratch up enough energy to pull it together.

    Either way, you did an awesome job. Yummy!

  3. I have oranges drying in the oven right now! I started them last night because I saw the idea on Martha Stewart and I knew you'd said something about oranges.... you're right though, it takes forever! I've got some cinnamon sticks ready to go as well!

  4. It must smell like heaven and it's gorgeous, well done!

  5. Really beautiful. Well done. Think I might just have to make one of these - would be so nice in the kitchen! liz

  6. I love it, it is so beautiful and it must smell divine!!

  7. That looks fabulous...and a little yummy!

    Hmmm...wonder if I can concoct a cookie wreath?

  8. Your wreath turned out beautiful, Sarah! I can imagine how heavenly it must smell... sigh...
    Have a wonderful day!
    Jo :)

  9. You are too cute! I love the wreath and I bet it smells soooo good!! Have have fun shopping and have a wonderful day!!!!

  10. I love this wreath Sarah!!! I am sure that it smells delightful! Great tutorial!!!

  11. Sarah, I think I smell it from here :) The organic touches are beautiful. I will pop in tomorrow for the party.


  12. Hi,Sarah!

    It looks and smells amazing! Yes, I can smell it all the way over here in CO. I wouldn't mind my house smelling like citrus and cinnamon. My youngest calls it cinna men men :) It's just wonderful!

    I'll be joining your party, tomorrow. I'll have to go shopping for some matching shoes.

    Hope you had a great time Christmas shopping!


  13. Your wreath is beautiful !!! I love the organic touches. I just added cinnamon to my store bought(ooooh)wreath but now you have inspired me to make one of your natural wreaths for my kitchen. If I can find the time I will give it a try. It's beautiful and I'm sure the scent is gorgeous.

  14. Three hours in the microwave? Can you do that?
    It looks lovely and I'm sure smells even better!
    Have fun at Harrod's...I was there once, many moons ago.

  15. Very cute , cheap, easy and probably smells devine!

    I dried oranges does smell yummy...come on over and have a look at my latest.

    I know you are busy , your blog can attest to that!

  16. Ohmygosh!!! I love this wreath! What a great job, and such a wonderful week of tutes! I may have to start drying some oranges now. :)

  17. looks great again!!!hope you found nice christmas presents:-)


  18. Why does this wreath make me want mulled cider? :) It looks so wonderfully country, Sarah, and I may just have to try it after Christmas as it seems perfectly appropriate for the winter months, too. Thanks for the lovely idea, Sarah!

  19. Dear Sarah, Not so much a wreath...more a work of art!!! A still life with Cinnamon and Oranges which the Dutch Masters would have been proud to paint.

    Would a tiara for the party be over the top?!!!

  20. This is definitely one of the very best wreaths I have seen this season! And your directions are perfect. I may just give this a try {for the smell if anything!}. Thanks so much!


  21. It is so sweet and beautiful! I will be joining your for your linky party! Although my wreath is definitely not as cool :)How fun it's your first time hosting! I can't wait!

  22. So beautiful and fragrant!
    Great idea!

  23. It was the peer pressure for sure that made me put your button on my blog! I just so badly want to be cool! :-) I have to tell you that this is one of my most favorite wreaths I have seen and it probably makes your entire house smell heavenly. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  24. I know it smells wonderful. Did I ever mention we have no less than sixty pine trees in our yard and a million cones. Well done.

  25. I bet your whole house smells delightfully heavenly!

  26. So pretty Sarah. I think I might just dry me some orange slices just to make my house smell nice :) Hope you're having a great week.

  27. Oh Sarah...I wish I were there to smell that lovely cinnamon orange scent...heavenly I'm sure. Your wreath turned out wonderful :)

  28. It is gorgeous! I wish this was small-a-blog (that sounds weird!). What great combination of scents and textures and colors.

    I saw a wreath today that was awesome - all driftwood.

  29. Yummy, the smell must be wonderful. 2 hours in the microwave ! Whoa! How many slices is that for?
    Very pretty wreaths.

  30. Yup, three hours is fine. Don't forget, they have to be on the looooooooowest setting possible, otherwise they cook, rather than dehydrate.

  31. I can just imagine that heavenly scent this wreath gives off. It's beautiful! I think this is my favorite too :-)

  32. The best thing about this wreath is that you can keep it hanging long past Christmas, I usually make a big pot-pourri plate with orange, lemon rind,vanilla pods and lots of cinamon add a few drops of Crabtree and Evelyn 'Noel'oil and then you have Christmass on a plate.
    Best Wishes,

  33. Oh nice job - I bet it smells fantastic!!

  34. MMM cinnamon my favourite smell in the whole world! Fabulous :)

  35. 3 hours! Wow... I'd love to try it though. I love the look of these and would love to smell some orange and cinnamon around here too. So naturally pretty!


  36. Ooooohhhh yummy! I can almost smell this all the way across the pond and thousands of miles inland to Utah! I'm so making this tomorrow!

  37. YUM! IF I had cinnamon sticks in my house right now I would be doing this...right now. At 5:00 in the morning because I can't sleep. So I'm stalking craft blogs. BUT I wish I was dreaming about going shopping at Harrod's in London. Kind of hard when your way in the middle of the States. {I'm originally from Reading - which would be a heck of a lot closer huh?)

  38. What a wonderful wreath! I can only imagine how great it must smell!

  39. I have visions of cinnamon dancing through my head right about now. (So much so, that I think I'll add a little to my coffee this morning! :>) Your wreath looks beautiful! :>

  40. I bet it smells wonderful, I may just try making the potpourri from the same mix. Thanks for the idea.

  41. Sarah, it's SOO beautiful! I'm wishing I had my wreaths up to link up...we're on a bit of a minimalist year around here. :) THanks for linking to the Christmas SFS! -shaunna :)

  42. This is just gorgeous, Sarah! I really love it. The pinecones are my favorite part (after the orange slices, of course). Simply beautiful.

  43. So beautiful! I have a tree of oranges that do not taste great for whatever reason so maybe I will make pretty wreaths with them! Would love for you to visit me at Sew Chatty and link up to Made with Love Monday! The party will be open until Friday if you want to link up multiple projects. Hope you have a great day!

  44. Oh Yummy! I will be needing 2 of these for my french doors. Must go and buy gragevine wreath. . .now! Thanks for sharing.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  45. Sarah, that wreath is gorgeous! And I am so excited because now I know how to dry my own orange slices! I am going to the store tomorrow and these are now on my list! I hope mine don't turn moldy...but I will stick to your directions and cross my fingers! :)

    I am loving all I am seeing from your Wreath Week! :)

  46. What a beautiful wreath! I bet it smells amazing. I featured you today on my wreath round-up :)
