
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Valentine's Rosebud Initials

Here are my Valentines Rosebud Ornaments. I've shaped them into our initials.

G for Guy

S for Sarah

And, of course, a heart.

Sarah loves Guy.

Or Guy loves Sarah.

Depending on how the mood takes me.


The letters were actually easier to make than in yesterday's post. There was no twisting of the wire to be done.  Just gently bending the end back around the last rosebud.

One more day to go to my English Garden Party. Eeeeee!

Come on over tomorrow (Wednesday morning GMT) to link up.

There will be a bath available for anyone who gets over-excited by all the scrumptiousness available to drool over.....

{Can you imagine? A bath in the garden?}

I'm linking to the fab parties in my sidebar.


  1. Sarah, so so so adorable!!! You must post at the same time that I sit down for my morning cup of coffee after getting kids to school and cleaning the kitchen. You must think I am your stalker, Maybe I am :-)

  2. Beautiful! I love that!!! :)


  3. How many times have I said this but you're an utter genius, my dear! xx

  4. these are FABULOUSLY romantic, Sarah. bravo.

    but the bath in the garden? do we really need to give my neighbors any more fodder?

    get your party on!


  5. Pretty pretty!
    ..a bath in the garden? Even in summer here it is usually too cold! Brrrrr! We are talking the UK here are we? ;-)

  6. Very Creative Sarah! Oh the possibilities... I love them!

  7. Love these Sarah. I have an old claw foot tub in the yard at the old house I really must plant flowers in some day.

  8. Those rose bud initials and heart are gorgeous. Love your blog. Came over from High Street Cottage.

  9. Just found your blog, not a big fan of Valentine's day myself but if that means I can make all the gorgeous things you have posted, bring it on! Must admit not taken by the idea of a bath outside at this time of the year...

  10. Very pretty!Thank you for sharing and the play by play instructions! I like easy!;)The photo's are lovely!

  11. Love the initials Sarah, Oh, I think numbers would be cool too! You make the loveliest things, can't wait for tomorrow. xoxo tami

  12. Those are adorable my friend!! I love them and I love that bath! Oh that would be wonderful!!!!! Can't wait to for your party!!

  13. Dear Sarah, How lovely your rosebud garlands much more stylish and elegant than so many of the really rather nasty Valentine gifts that I have chanced to see in so many shop windows. And where are they to be hung?

  14. Wow Sarah is a great idea to make garlands of rosebuds with the initials!
    I could use them either ...
    Mari loves Mauro ... M and M. ..

  15. Oh you are so clever, I just read the post about making these with the rosebuds from e-bay.
    I hope your husband appreciates this romantic gesture.

  16. I would love a bath in the garden if it was surrounded by tall breezy grasses. Sigh.

  17. Sarah, you are a good old-fashioned romantic, I love that!! So sweet!

    That bath is dreamy, it's got me imagining myself in a hot climate and of course, that there would be my private land surrounded by trees.

    Meera xx

  18. It looks wonderful Sarah. I'm off to do school with my kids but I just had to get online to see what you created. Beautiful!!!

  19. Very cute! These are great for Spring too.

    I'd love to take a bath in garden right about now. It's snowing like crazy today!

    Take care, "S" is for Sarah and sweet!


  20. Love it! It is very cute and Valentine's themed without screaming Valentine's decor in a cheesy way. Did that make sense? Maybe not, but I love it!

  21. That was so not what was I expected! I should have known you wouldn't do any simple little wreath with those rosebuds. What a darling idea! And, ummmm...bath in a garden? Just as long as its way out in the middle of nowhere! :-)
    Thanks for your sweet comment on the post today friend, you made my day!

  22. Really romantic! I love it... how not fall in love with it, right?

    Have a nice day, sweetie!

    I hope you keep in touch.


    Luciane at

    Post of the Day: Interior Canadian Designer Sarah Richardson.

  23. I sure would love a bath in my garden as well! Sooo gorgeous. Love your "love" buds as well, very adorable.

    Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to your garden party tomorrow. I'll be sure to link in.

  24. This is just the cutest idea! I bet it smells good too.

  25. Love it! What a great touch for V day (or any day for that matter).

    I'm excited to see what you have going for your garden party. Yay for spring!

  26. I so want to recreate these - they are stunning! xo

  27. Absolutely beautiful! And very romantic. So delicate and beautiful.

  28. Hi Sarah, thanks for your kind comments. I love those rosebud letters, and shall be dropping by tomorrow morning with my bunting ;) x

  29. Love these Sarah, sooo cute! And that bath, well I have one very similar and I just love it!

  30. Hi Sarah, I just love them!! They are so adorable.


  31. Hello dearest Sarah,
    I have not been on the computer much this week, I am just SO tired. And therefore I am feeling blogged out...a new expression, I made it up!;o)
    I adore your gorgeous rosebud heart and initials, they are very sweet. I will be by for your party tomorrow, though, I will show my garden last summer and what it looks like now. I hope that is okay, it's got two feet of snow on it indoor flowers or plants.
    And I have not been working on my sweater, I need some cashola and a trip to the fabric store first.
    Thanks for checking up on me.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  32. Your rosebuds are so cute, and perfectly Valentine-y!
    I'm going to try to join your party tomorrow. I don't technically have flower gardens at this house, but I think I can come up with some older photos.

  33. Hi I just popped over from Blessedmon's. I love your style. Exactly the look we are after in our renovation too. Feel free to drop by and check us out too (oh I also prefer posting to lurking :)

  34. Oh Sarah, this is just adorable. I love it - easy, thoughtful & original. I love how you photographed the bath in my garden - lovely isn't it :) XOL

  35. How gorgeously romantic they look. Just lovely. Sweet, sweet, sweet!

    And wonderful day here in Munich for a garden party...the sun is out in celebration...yay...spring is coming! : )

    Have a great day & enjoy your English Garden Party, Alison x

  36. My goodness, what a sweet project, Sarah! So absolutely delicate and romantic and SWEET!
    I'll be back later today to start drooling over your garden party. :)

  37. Oh my! This is just breathtaking! Absolutely beautiful!

  38. These are really beautiful! I'd love for you to submit this to the M&T Spotlight:

  39. These initials are sweet and beautiful and well, perfect. I am just in love with them.

  40. These are so pretty! I think they fit your style perfectly : )

  41. I think a bath in a 'secluded' garden sounds heavenly - but not in this weather. Brrr!

  42. gorgeous! I love roses- what a great idea! please come link this to our party over here:

    Have a great weekend!

  43. Hey girlie! I'm just coming back over to say thanks for linking up to Inspiration Friday this week and for linking up your Garden party as well! I say, the more the merrier! :-)

  44. I LOVE it! I'm working on a large burlap covered wood (empty) frame to hang above our bed and had planned to put 2 hanging quilt hearts inside the frame but I think this is now the plan. Absolutely LOVE the idea - oh mine will be an "S" for Sarah too. :-)

  45. Hi Sarah~ Just stopping back by to say thanks for sharing this at my party this week! Hugs, Courtney :)

  46. Hi Sarah, those rosebud Initials are just lovely for Valentine's day.
    Greetings, Johanna

  47. Perfect little valentine messages. You are so clever. The rosebud initials are darling.
    Happy Valentine's Day! ~ Sarah

  48. So beautiful, so romantic! ;)

  49. Gorgeous project, Sarah! So romantic. I never knew you could get rosebuds on eBay. They are just lovely.

  50. Oh how stunning and creative. Love it. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  51. How sweet and romantic. Ah, I remember those really cam out pretty.

  52. That looks BEAUTIFUL, Sarah! I can smell the roses now! ;)
    Oh, how I WISH I could join your garden party! I still have about 3 feet of snow on my lawn. Maybe I can show the flowers hubs got me for V-day? :)

  53. Hello Sarah,

    This is the first time I've seen your site. It's great. I'm adding it to Favorites. Thanks for the great ideas.

    Silk Chiffon Fabric NYC
    Silk Organza Fabric NYC
