
Wednesday 30 March 2011

Tig's White Canvas: Paint With Me

The Inspiration Photo

Well, hello there, sweetness.
You're looking stunning, as always. 

And, yes, I did see you give your hair a
flirty little flick after reading that.

Today, in a slight break from my strictly-planned blog rota
(can you hear the irony alarm bell clanging?),
please may I tell you about Cath and her blog

If you have any interest at all in painting and drawing, even if you're an absolute beginner, then this really and truly is the blog for you. Cath is not only AWESOME at painting but is also amaaaaazing at teaching too.

I am rather embarrassed to be showing you my own painting but I told Cath I would so here it is...


My Finished Version

In a completely relaxed way, and over a whole series of posts, she takes you through the entire process of how to paint a particular picture, allowing you complete freedom to add what you like and leave out what you don't.

There's no hurry: you can take your time.

Cath taught us how to add acrylic on top of the watercolours...

Mr Modern Country and I sit down most Sunday evenings and have a bit of a painting sesh, reading through Cath's posts and then having a go ourselves. I LOVE our special Sunday evenings together.

See, this blog is even good for relationships!!

It's like having your very own one-to-one session. Oh, wait. It *is* having your very own one-to-one session.

....and then how to use coloured pencils on top of the acrylic.

Tig's White Canvas: Paint With Me currently only has 16 followers and I can't for the life of me understand why.
It's seriously one of the best blogs I know.

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.

This is Cath's awesome finished picture: yeah, hers gets a frame...

Next Stop, Belgian Style


  1. Hey gorgeous!! May I say you did a super job with your painting!! Am very proud!

    And thank you, I am in a HUGE blush.

    Mwah xxx

    Thanks honey!!

  2. I thought you did a great job, the picture looks fab!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  3. You too honeybun, love the outfit!

    Wow, I'm impressed with this painting lark and love it that you and Mr MCS do it together - that's brilliant. I've been on the odd art course with my daughter. After the last one, Mr J and P bought me some lovely pencils and pastels and a proper sketch pad and for a (v. short) while, I would announce to no-one in particular "I'm just off to do some sketching" and off I'd go! The sketching was a very short-lived thing but I've been so inspired by your beautiful effort that I may try it again!

    I'm off to look at that blog. Byeeeeeexxxxxxxxx

  4. how lovely, your painting and her blog! Thank you for introducing us to her blog. Your Iris is fantastic, and How cute that your husband joins you! Wonder if I can get mine to do that....hmmm...


  5. Seriously Sarah, you did a beautiful job! That's wonderful that you and your husband are doing the sessions together!

  6. That is beautiful! Off to check out this blog! Janell

  7. If you and your husband never painted before
    you were very good and even your blogger teacher!

  8. You did a great job Sarah! :)

  9. Sarah, from someone who can't draw a straight line, I'm very impressed! No seriously, I can draw a know the small circle sitting on the big circle....and the fish out of water from the Dr. Zeus book!! Robx

  10. Husband and I cannot manage anything half so creative YET - we are sticking to white paint on walls. Baby steps!

  11. I think you did a lovely job on your painting. It's wonderful that you and your hubby share something so creative and fun together. Thanks for sharing :-)

  12. ooooh i love to paint, but i couldn't paint your flowers. i'm drawn to graphic stuff and abstracts. ever use watercolor pencils? sooooo fun and easy to use!

    there's a shot of a kitchen in my post today that reads very modern country to me...

    love to you, Sarah.


  13. Way to be brave! I think your flower deserves a frame, too.

  14. Your painting looks great! And what a great thing to do together as a couple. I'm going to check out her blog--I think it would be a fun thing to do with my kids over summer vacation or the many rainy Western Washington afternoons...

  15. Your painting is beautiful, Sarah! Yours deserves a frame toooooo :) What a great way to spend a Sunday evening with the hubby. It sounds cozy and fun! I have never heard of using acrylic on top of watercolors. Cath's work is beautiful! Thanks for sharing her talent!
    Happy painting, Sarah Sarah!

  16. Sarah, the last time I took a painting class I wanted to stab myself in the eye but You did a lovely painting of the iris! hugs♥O

  17. I love your iris! I've already discovered Tig and am following her blog, she so talented!

  18. beautiful picture...i'll have to head on over to check her out...sorry to sound so stalkerish...



  19. Your painting is lovely.I am so excited that you posted this-I am headed over right now to check out her blog. I love drawing, but my art professor became very frustrated with me because all I ever came to class with were portraits. I really need to broaden my horizons and learn to draw and paint things other than faces. Thank you so much!


  20. Have a nice evening darling...warm hugs from me

  21. You've discovered a new talent! You should definitely frame your painting :)

  22. Miss Sarah, whatever are you talking about???? I love the way yours turned out! These were my wedding flowers, so I am partial...but you did a terrific job and I love the colors, the scale is awesome and the depth is great too. Great job!

  23. Ooh your painting is beautiful! The colours are stunning! How sweet that you and Mr MCS have your painting time together :)

    Cath is lovely to teach painting online like this.

    Meera xx

  24. Sarah,
    A M A Z I N G!
    Who knew you were so talented!

  25. Hi Sarah,
    YOur painting is really gorgeous! I think it deserves a frame, too. I have never been to this blog but maybe I need to take a look.
    Have a really wonderful day!
    Hugs, Cindy

  26. Following! I need a good kick in the butt to do some more painting.:)

  27. Well I'm heading over. Now, if you don't hear from me in the next few days will you please ask her to send me home? There are papers to grade and bags to pack.

  28. I really like your painting - well done! Can we see 'is?!

    I wish someone would call me a daffydowndilly. That'd make my day.


  29. I'm impressed... your painting is fabulous! It absolutely deserves a frame! Georgie x

  30. You beautiful silly girl, your painting is gorgeous!!! Don't ever be afraid to show your work, you did an amazing job! I love her blog and follow but unfortunately I don't have time right now to paint but I am hoping with all my might and crossing fingers and toes that I will be able to do this soon! I miss watercolors, they are my favorite. :)

  31. Sarah, your painting turned out gorgeous! I love that you and your husband spend time together doing this! I have NO talent when it comes to art. In fact my almost 3 year old looks on in horror if his Daddy suggests to have Mommy draw his train picture for him...yes, I'm that bad, and all my kids know it, haha.

    I LOVE yours, and I think it deserves a frame for sure ♥

  32. Wow, your painting looks awesome! I hopped over to her blog RIGHT AWAY, because I want to learn to paint like that too! :) Thanks for sharing.

  33. Well look at artist too. You're amazing!

  34. Awesome job Sarah, I just found her site this week and am hoping to have a go some time. You did great!


  35. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing Tig's lovely site too.

  36. Absolutly gorgeous, Sarah! Thanks for sharing your masterpiece! *Becca*

  37. Thanks for sharing this info about Tig's. I have so many things I'm interested in doing, including the art of painting, but have never pursued that. I'm heading over right now to see what this blog has to offer.

  38. I think you did a beautiful job, Sarah. You should be very proud of yourself. I love that you paint with your husband... that's so cute:)

  39. Hi Sarah---Just wanted to let you know I did a post today on my blog referring to you and your friend of Tig's White Canvas: Come Paint With Me. Really love it and just what I needed to read and see. When you get a chance to look at my post you will see why.

    So appreciate your kindness!

  40. That is the most beautiful poppy I've ever seen - wink wink

    I can't wait to check her out - I'd love to start drawing again.

    I love that the two of you paint together on the weekend. You sound like the perfect couple.

  41. Sarah--just updating my info since i am no longer on blogger in reference to comment of above.

  42. I think you did a fabulous job on your painting! My husband just told me the other day that he thought I should take up tole painting lol Like I have time to try another thing :) Anyway, I will definitely go check out her blog ;)

  43. Oh I love that you paint together! How romantic :)

    Your painting is fabulous and definitely deserves a frame :) Your talent knows no bounds my sweet x

  44. So impressed that you are learning to paint together, and your iris looks so beautiful.
