
Tuesday 20 December 2011

How To Have Your Best Ever Christmas...

Doesn't this look perfect? Cute little cherubs. Gorgeous tree, with every last ornament in place. I can almost see Father Christmas taking a quick photo to show his wife for 'How To Do Christmas Better' hints and tips....and can almost picture where the number of ways she might break his camera after that...

Which leads me onto wondering...what does make the perfect Christmas?

Definitely NOT on the list would be forgetting the plumber is coming around early and answering the door in jimmy-jams. Surprising how quickly I can get dressed when necessity comes calling.

Definitely NOT on the list would be losing your daughter's main  (read: most expensive...) Christmas present for three tortuous days...though the relief when you find it, not to mention the forgotten bags of extra presents that were unearthed during the now-legendary search, makes the endless looking almost worthwhile (so I keep telling myself...). 

Definitely NOT on the list is having a completely hilarious time playing with our new fishing rod - possibly slightly hysterical after said searching...- a length of tinsel stuffed into an empty wrapping-paper cardboard roll. Can you bite onto the tinsel before the fisher whisks it away? So undignified. So raucous. So funny. 

Let me tell you. I plan to have a perfect Christmas. But not picture perfect. Not high-pressure stressy-pants perfect. Just perfect in my own way.

Sounds good, huh?

{And if you fancy an easy-peasy non-stressy-pants craft...then look here, at the blog I write for Relics Of Witney for a bit of gilding magic...}


  1. Sounds Ideal - I plan to have an imperfectly perfect Christmas myself!

  2. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your own struggles and for reminding us that "picture-perfect" isn't the goal. It's too easy to lose sight of that essential fact.

    A blessed Christmastide to you and yours!

  3. Wishing you peace and happiness this Christmas Season. Your kind of perfect seems perfect to me! xxx

  4. I have been having days like that more and more every Christmas as my kids get older and inquire about every package or bag that enters the house. I have to find new hiding places. And the adults do Secret Santa so more hiding places! Crazy but fun!

  5. That photo of the little girls is adorable. That looks very much like a perfect Christmas to me!

  6. Have a very Merry Christmas!! ;-) xoxo

  7. I'm with you, Sarah. Not picture perfect, just perfect because we will all be together.

    Have a blessed Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family Sarah. Your christmas idea sounds perfectly lovely. Have a good one!! Leahx

  9. It is always something isn't it? I laughed out loud at the "fishing pole" mention.

    Christmas is all about family and friends and you are so right it is not about making everything perfect.

  10. SO glad you found the important gift...and the others! Hoping Father Christmas is kind and you have a perfect for you Christmas.

    Lots of love!

  11. Happy Christmas to you Sarah and your sweet family.


  12. ...I'm so with you!!! Imperfectly perfect..Iove it! Would you believe that we've found hidden Christmas gifts way after the fact? It's like Christmas all over again. I bet you were relieved to find the presents. Phew!!! All is well! I hope you are enjoying the season with your family. Miss all the teasing we did when I blogged with you sugar booger, haaa! Merry merry... ~Michelle

  13. Oh, and the photo is adorable! I think my sister and I slept under the tree once... You know, to check that Santa was doing his job :).

  14. It sounds like a plan. Have a perfectly perfect Christmas. Hugs n xxx from here.

  15. This has really made me smile Sarah.

    I never plan to have a perfect Christmas. Just one that is generous, harmonious, warm and loving. If it turns-out to be perfect, then it is thanks to all of the above.

    Best wishes

  16. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sarah!

  17. "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful".......:)

  18. Great post! Enjoying what happens when it isn't part of your "perfect" plan is the way to live.

    Merry Christmas to you!!!


  19. Few things in life are really perfect, anything stress free has a chance of being my definition of perfect. I don't do stress well, ever.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, dear Sarah.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  20. Awww lovely reminder!! Hope you and your gorgeous family have a perfectly imperfect Christmas my dear! xxx

  21. hi Sarah ~ sending warm wishes to you and your precious family for a joyful Christmas and peace in the coming year. Thank you for all that you have contributed to this fabulous blog community to build esprit d'coeur and share so much inspiration this year. I'm so thankful that I found you and your blog. You have given me so much inspiration! xo, Diane

  22. Wishing you,and your family a Merry Christmas!!


  23. I think the most perfect Christmases were when they were at the grandparents home. Now that I'm older I realize just how much work went into making everything perfect, or seem perfect for us young ones. It's bittersweet but I love it. Besides, most people, unless you are like me, ever notice the insisted end table or the floor not being shiny. Majority of people already find Christmas perfect if family is there, foods on the table and laughs are shared... A tree being up is probably good too. Lol

    Merry Christmas,

  24. That's the most perfect looking Christmas picture! (I know about having to open the door in jimjams when someone knocks on the door too early!)

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful fun Christmas and New Year, my lovely!!

    Meera xx

  25. Sarah, I used to alway forget a present or too, and then find them a week or so was o.k. though as the two eldest have birthdays in Feb...have a lovely Christmas. Robx

  26. merry days lovely one :) hope yours is just as you want it ... be safe and be happy - best le xox
