
Friday 14 September 2012

Our Girls' Bedroom: The Snuggly Beds

For our girls' bedroom, we decided on a gentle blend of florals in a restricted palette of white and pinks, which helps keep the chintzy look at arms length.
{though that's not to say that it can't look beautiful in some settings
....just not what I was after in this room}

We're also limited the florals to the soft furnishings:
The curtains. 
The quilts. 
The bunting. 
{How could there not be bunting?
This is Modern Country, after all. ;-)}

It's all very well showing beautiful images from glossy magazines but how do these ideas translate to real rooms with real children in real families?

The very happy answer is really rather well.
This is a look that feels homely and sweet and cosy 
- just right for my gorgeous girlies.

I began where I believe all bedrooms should start: 
the bed.
The delicious focal point of the room.

I wanted the girls' beds to be a real haven, 
somewhere they can flop with their cuddly toys 
and a good book and 
just forget about the cares of the day.

Somewhere that I can snuggle them down 
with a hot water bottle as the nights draw in....

but where a hot water bottle is never strictly necessary because the bed is 

And, let me tell you, the girls LOVE it,
which, to me, is the best test of all!

I'm linking with At The Picket Fence!


  1. Love it. Now I have a new baby granddaughter. I got her the cutest lamb at the Shaapenkop in Veere, Netherlands. I'll have to look it up to see if there is an address. It is English. You would like it. I just bought me a beautiful wool sweater there. xo Jenny

  2. Ooooh! It looks gorgeous - LOVE those quilts - can't wait to see more!!
    Have a great weekend,
    Paula xxx
    p.s. Doing my best to juggle things so that I can get to the tea party at Sketch - will keep you posted - would LOVE to meet up! x

  3. Your girls' bedrooms plus teddy look so cute.
    Can't wait to see the rest of the room.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Petty and sweetly feminine, just like your girls I bet. xx

  5. It truly does look snuggly, bet it will be hard to get the girls up out that plush, comfy bed on a cold winter's morning. :)

  6. What a darling room and wonderful color scheme!

  7. I love that quilt... I have a bit of an obsession with them! It all looks so beautiful - lucky girlies! x

  8. Love the quilt...and that stone wall! What fun. Can't wait to see more. What lucky little girls to have such a design savvy mama.

  9. Sarah,
    The last two days our temperatures haven't been above 66 degrees! I could snuggly up on this comforter and take a long needed nap!

  10. It does look snuggly. If that bear could talk I'm sure he would agree.

  11. I fancy a little lie down in one of those pretty beds. So cozy and inviting.

  12. and it does look so snuggly.
    I love the soft pinks and whites...

    ...sweet dreams, Pat

  13. Hello Sarah!

    I love your choice of bedding for your girls' room, and the pink wall I can see in the background. AND of course that little teddy bear looks quite cute and comfy! :)

    I hope you have a lovely weekend! :)


  14. I understand this post is about girly, snuggly, sweet things... But I can't help it... Oh My God, they have a stone wall in their bedroom? That is just perfect! It will balance all the girliness!!!

  15. The hot water bottle is an English thing, and I think I need to break down and buy 4 of them for this winter - one for each of us. In the US, we use electric pads (which I don't recall seeing here, as your voltage is double ours and electric bills are pricey). Boy, are those snugly beds with cozy quilts. Can't wait to see more in your posts!

  16. You've shown us so many delicous looking snippets of the room - I am living in anticipation of the big reveal. :)

  17. So sweet and're girls must be thrilled and yes, it'll be fun to see the entire room! Janell

  18. So pretty pretty pretty. Especially love the quilts of course!
    Happy days. Chris x

  19. I can just picture many happy snuggly moments in this beautiful room.


  20. It certainly looks snuggly. A bear and a floral quilt makes it more cozy. Any girl would love it.

  21. What a pretty quilt - it looks so sweet and cozy, perfect for a little girl :) Is it sad that I just swapped my light 4.5 tog for my mega snuggly 13 tog this weekend? I'm loving it! xxx

  22. Perfect for a little girl they surely like it. I absolutely love the interior of the quilt.

  23. Very beautiful Sarah!
    My daughter would adore this bedroom. She loves things floral and girly but not too chintzy. You've perfected the look. :)

  24. The quilt and teddy are lovely, but I'd really like to see more of the room. I'm sure the rest of it is very pretty, too.
    Hugs, Cidny

  25. You are my 100th person to join my blog as a follower! Ya Hoo! Thanks for joining. xo Jenny

  26. It has been way too long since I visited Sarah! It's been a busy summer, but I can feel things beginning to settle back into a routine.

    The bedding is scrumpdillyicious! Definitely snuggle worthy. I'm loving where this room is heading. Can't wait to see more!

  27. The quilts are beautiful, and would love to know where you found them! I wonder if it would be possible to track them down in the would look lovely in my daughters room. :)
    What lucky girls you have!

  28. Beautiful quilts! Very snuggly-looking, indeed :) You've got some lucky little girls!

  29. So sweet and darling Sarah! Love the color, a snuggly bed for sure. Thanks for sharing with us at Inspiration Friday! Hope all is well on your side of the pond. :)

