
Friday 15 March 2013

Going Upstairs...

First, things first, I've added a Pin It Button to Modern Country Style {Thanks, Miranda for the request!}, so feel free to Pin away to your heart's content! On your marks, get set...PIN!!...

And, now on with this scrummy post.....

Well, here we again. Back inside this beautiful house.

On Wednesday, I showed you around the Flow-Through ground floor....I do hope your appetite has been thoroughly whetted for a trip upstairs to continue our house tour. It has? Marvellous.Then let's go.....

Upstairs has the same understated palette of pure white, brown and touches of black. Perfectly illustrated by one of my favourite images:

The use of brown is so beautiful; ranging from beige to rich chestnut, brown covers a whole range of natural finishes.... 



door handles...


and even this handsome giraffe.

Brown offers so much flexibilty and is one of my favourite anchoring colours for any room, particularly if applied across a whole house.

Let me show you what I mean.....

Images via Angie Green


  1. Lovely! Those are mostly the base colours for our home, with blue accents. I am looking forward to fine tuning our colour scheme and looking forward to your next post.

  2. Oh my word, SO BEAUTIFUL! I wouldn't change a thing in that house, it's PERFECT!

  3. I know, so simple and so beautiful....and so big!


  4. First things first...where is your PINIT button ? I must Google and see how to add one to my photos.
    I love every single thing about this house. So beautiful.....

  5. My favorite part is the beautiful stairwell.


  6. Hi bj,

    The Pin It button is just by each of the photos - when you pin that image, it will link back to this post so that you can always find it again.

    Hope that let me know if it's not working for you...


  7. Oh, I am loving this place!! This just pushes me back to my love of the more neutral palette. Really stunning.
    P.S. Sarah have you seen the pin button that you can add which appears when you hover over an image. I just added it on my blog and I love it! Of course this works too! :)

  8. Love that Master Bedroom, what a gorgeous retreat ! Would make me feel like I'm at a fine resort.

  9. Oh my word, what a perfect house from top to bottom. I love the way they have displayed their photos. xx

  10. Hi Sarah! Firstly, I LOVE your blog, can't wait for it to make an appearance in my inbox. Your writing style is wonderful, and the photos are just gorgeous. On that note, I wanted to say thank you for the 'Pin it' button. I must confess I have become somewhat addicted to Pinterest of late, and had always wished I could pin some of the photos from your blog. I am sooooo appreciative (not to mention excited) that now I can! I must confess I have gotten a little bit carried away.... SOOO many beautiful photos to choose from! With thanks and warmest regards Tania

  11. Love this house!!! your photos are beautiful! Is there any way to find a floor plan for this home?
