
Monday 8 July 2013

Country Living house tour

Aaah, welcome to a real Country home! 
I love this home, and I want to know what you think.

home on a hill with a stone gate

Paint can make or break a house. This is an example of a home where the colour palette really makes it a huge success. The owner says, "The house is earthy and dark. I like to play off the deep browns and greys with green and other light colours". 

office with large black table in the middle of the room and medical drawings on the wall

It works a treat!

The owners say they love Modern Country style
...and particularly a kind of vintage-industrial mix.

Don't you love the way they've blended old and new possessions to make this home absolutely their own Modern Country Style statement?

They've even filled their cupboards with gorgeous goodies!

Isn't this U-shaped bench awesome? Definitely just the place to sit whilst taking off your wellies after a lovely country walk. 

gray room with corner bench and multicolor pillows

Apparently, much of the house is painted in Ralph Lauren's Winchester paint, which the owner describes as a moody greenish grey that looks diffferent in every room and at different times of the day.

Now if that doesnt sound like a Modern Country Paint Colour then I'll happily eat my paintbrush!

woman sitting on a brown leather couch

This house was in a hideous state when the owners bought it but, as they gradually brought it back to life, they began to fall in love with its obvious charms and secluded position.

After a year of hard work, they decided to make their own home! Don't you love a happy ending!?

Images via Country Living


  1. i LOVE it! it's relaxing, eclectic, slightly masculine.

  2. So loving that U-bench picture. Beautiful!
    Z xx

  3. love all the room colors. so well put together.

  4. Love each and every room and the exterior. What a stunning home. I am drawn to industrial chic style and love the table and chair and all the cabinets.

    Fantastic job by the homeowners.

  5. Oh I love that house...I still have that issue and look at it for inspiration,its one of my favorites!!

  6. I am drawn to the beautiful windows in this lovely home.


  7. O, this is the kind of house I would love to live in. I especially love that almost (or maybe all) are the same style...I do love that.

  8. It is perfect! Love. Love. Love it!,

  9. I love that grey color with the golden yellow wood tones.

  10. I have fallen in love with the table in the first pic ~ beautiful x

  11. There are so many things to love about this home. I can't even begin to list them all! Thanks for sharing.

  12. I recognise some of the photos from Country Living Magazine, but it is lovely to see so much more of the house. Really lovely. Thank you for sharing it.
