
Thursday, 3 July 2014

Rookery House: Stunning Modern Country Garden

These are the kind of ingredients that I was imagining when I talked about overlooking a Modern Country garden: a blend of romantic roses with neat rows of catmint, combined with formal topiary. These low buxus' (box) are newly planted but will end up as neatly clipped parterre hedges.

Modern Country garden: Roses and catmint
Modern Country garden: Roses and catmint

The client wanted tranquillity and calm...

Circular pool and catmint
Modern Country Garden: Circular pool and catmint

...which is provided by both the symmetry and the softly-softly colour palette....gentle pinks and mauves.

Roses and low parterre
Modern Country Garden: Roses and boxwood parterre

The balance between the two produces a very Modern Country garden.

Images via Taylor Tripp


  1. I love "working" in the garden too. It's so nice to see the results of your hard work when everything starts blooming. You can't beat's such a good bloomer and can totally take the heat. I used to have a ton of them at my old house and they were the star of the show. :) Your garden looks fantastic! Are those wooden shutters I see? They're gorgeous!
    Garden Ponds Design

  2. Beautiful!! I love the boxwood centre and the purple blooms! Its all so manicured and peaceful!
