
Tuesday 29 June 2010


Our kittens have been born! I know it's not, strictly speaking, part of a Modern Country Style blog, but it was one of the most amazing things I've seen in my whole life so I wanted to share it.

If you are of a delicate disposition, you may look away now...

This first picture is of the second kitten, moments after it had been born. Our cat, Pippi, is eating the sac that it is born in.

Each kitten is born in it's sac and then its placenta is delivered about a minute or two afterwards. The mummy cat eats the sac and the placenta and bites off the umbilical cord a few centimetres from the kitten.

It feels like watching a miracle. How do they know what to do?

Before the kitten's placenta is born, it can travel only so far as it is still attached. Most of the kittens born reached round and start suckling, as in this shot.

More and more were born...

...until there were six!

Utterly, utterly adorable!


  1. Didn't think they'd be so big and hairy as newborns. But maybe I'm getting muddled up with baby birds!

    So are you getting her spayed now or is Witney going to be overun with cats?!!!!!

  2. How absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It was one of the most lovely experiences of my childhood - having kittens! How completely wonderful for you all. Naming them now is v important...

  4. Which Claire said which comment???!!

  5. Oh, aren't kittens just the cutest! My oldest is allergic so no cats for us.

    Erika B

  6. They are so adorable! Looks like she is a very good mom and happy they are here.

  7. Oh lawsie, that's just so cute! :)

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