
Friday 4 February 2011

In Quarantine....

Well, it's been a funny kind of a day for me. My plans have been thrown off-kilter a wee bit because my smallest kiddiewink has come down with chicken pox.
This weekend, we'll be taking it easy, as we're in quarantine. I'm thinking that we'll need lots of special treats scattered throughout the day.

For me.

Like a long lie-down in this lovely bed.


I'll be back on Monday with my promised rosebuds. They're looking so beautiful. I'm really looking forward to sharing them with you.

Oh, and then remember next Wednesday 9th is my English Garden Party at Modern Country Style. I can't wait to see all your garden or flower or...or....or anything-at-all outdoors related posts.

Thank you SO much to everyone who's grabbed the button that's on my sidebar.

See it over there to your right? Wouldn't it make *your* sidebar so pretty?!!

Have a gorgeous weekend, my cherubs.

Image unknown

I'm linking to the parties in my sidebar...


  1. Oh dear, I suspect the rest of the family will get this now, probably best they do actually, get it over with in one go. I will certainly add your button to my page of buttons. I learnt only today that my button does not even link to my blog, any tips on how to make a proper one would be appreciated if you have a minute Sarah.
    I hope the weekend is not too stressful.

  2. Darn! Well, if your chicken pox are anything like we had here, it should be nothing. My little one was two when she got them and it was so mild. She felt fine and we had a great week of baking and reading books and just doing nothing. Hope you have the same luck! Have lots of treats!

  3. Oh, so sorry Sarah! Chicken pox quarantine is the worst, so cooped up in the house! I hope that your little one isn't too scratchy!

  4. chicken pox - oh dear poor thing. Hope the littl'un feels better soon.
    Try Eurax cream on the spots. It worked great for my little girl when she got it.

  5. geez, croup over here, chicken pox over there! can't wait to see your gardens. mine is under about 4 feet of snow! take care of that little one and yourself!

  6. Dear Sarah, Oh dear, confined to the house...if only you would get the opportunity to languish in a comfortable bed all day.....but I fear that this will not be the reality of the situation. I do so hope that the Pox will be over quickly and not be too itchy...that is so miserable.

  7. So sorry for your little one. I had chicken pox when I was 6 and I still remember the itches. Hope he feels better soon.

    I will have to come back next week to join the garden fun. Waiting impatiently for spring to arrive in my neck of the woods!

    If you have a chance, I would love for you to join my linky, Fridays Unfolded at



  8. Oh, no, chicken pox are miserable ... Your poor little wee one.

    When my girls were little, my eldest brought chicken pox home from school during Christmas holiday. Two weeks to the day afterward, my youngest two, 3 and almost-2 years old at the time, came down with it. That was a Christmas I prefer to forget.

  9. Ugh, Chickenpox are the worst. I had them when I was 6. I hope your little one starts feeling better soon.

  10. Oh no, Sarah! Your poor sweet little one! I hope it is the mildest of cases:( Sending you my best wishes and lots of love to you ~ Tina xx

  11. oh poor you! Three of ours had it one after another, I felt I had been housebound for months!! Hope it is short and swift for yours.

    Would love to join in your garden party, although mine will be more a flowers in the house party because, frankly, the garden is looking dire!x

  12. Hi Sarah! Oh, I hope your little one is better soon. I do remember the days of chicken pox - one child got it and gave it the other child! :)
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me and your kind words.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Oh no!!! I hope that you are all feeling better soon, no fun at all!! Oh that bed would be amazing to rest on wouldn't it!!? I can't wait to see your rosebuds, I bet they are just gorgeous!
    So glad to see you on the sidebar my beautiful friend!! I hope that things go well this weekend!



  14. Oh poor little one ... chicken pox is a real nuisance!
    I hope he gets better soon!
    Make him a lot of pampering ...
    I wait to see your rosebuds ...
    A kiss

  15. Aww...hopefully it doesn't spread to your other little people. Praying your nights are restful because it seems like that's the worst part, as I recall. Hope you all can play games and read to make the time go faster.

    Can't wait to see your roses. Mmmmm!

    Lots of treats to you my friend!

  16. Hope little kiddiewinky feels better v soon. Make sure you treat yourself loads this w/end.

    Can't wait for the garden party. See you Weds.

  17. Aww, hope little one feels better soon and you don't go too stir crazy in quarantine! x

  18. Oh Sarah, hope your little one is well soon, although it's a process and chicken pox have to run their course. I have a confession, I'm a bad friend, I forgot to grab your button ( oh my that sounded a bit... lol) I'll post it on my side bar right now. xoxo tami

  19. Oh My, Here's is to a fast recovery and to lots of fun treats.. Lots of fun movies and popcorn..

  20. sorry to hear this, friend.


  21. Hi Sarah, I sure hope the little one gets better real soon!!


  22. Ugh, that miserable chicken pox made us miss our ship to Europe! We were set to board and then I came down with it and since we had already moved out of our quarters, I was plonked into the hospital and quarantined... i HOPE you have already had it, its awful for adults. But on a brighter note, you have that divine bed to lounge on! (It is now my official desktop picture of the week...) Cheers,love.

  23. Oh no! I'm so sorry your little sweetie pie is sick! And yes, you must lounge every so gracefully on that bed now and again so you can have plenty of energy to take care of everyone! :-) When you wake up, come by and enter to win our $25 Overstock giveaway!
    P.S. I'm going back through my photos of our garden from the summer to get them all ready for your party!

  24. 3 of my children came down with chicken pox within days of each other. I thought I was going to lose my mind playing nurse and being stuck at home for weeks. I hope it doesn't spread at your house.

    That bed looks awfully comfy!!


  25. So sorry for your little sick one...Hope everyone will be well soon. I'm going to try to get that button my sidebar... I have never done that with a button, so I can't promise it will link back to your blog; but I promise I'm working on it!!!! Can't wait for the party... I'm already choosing a dress (we have to wear a dress, don't we?)
    Magali xxx

  26. Wow! can't believe I did it in only a few minutes!!! One more thing I know about blogs!!! Very cute button, by the way, it looks very "spring-y" on my blog!

  27. Ooooh, if only you could stretch out on such loveliness as that bed is!!!
    You have a gorgeous weekend, too, sweet Sarah!
    Hugs to you and your sick little one.

  28. I can't wait to see all the garden images! Sadly I have none to share since I haven't gotten to Garden at all at our house (too many indoor projects), but this summer I hope to start! So I need to see all the images for inspiration! Have a good weekend, hope your youngest feels better!

  29. Goodness. You've had quite the week. Chicken pox are no fun. Well they were fun for me when I had a mild case and got to stay home from school, but that was many many years ago.

  30. Chicken pox are no fun. I love the bed you get to lie down on. :) Have a great weekend.

  31. Hi Sarah, We haven't had the chickenpox in our family, but hear it's no fun at all. Hope you have a wonderful weekend regardless. Leahxx

  32. Oh boy, have your other kids had it? My two boys had it in succession when they were 3 and 7 months (an entire month of being housebound for me!) but that was before my daughter was born and she hasn't had it. I wish she used to be that chicken pox went around the schools every spring, but since the vaccine came out, that doesn't happen nearly as much. We don't do the vaccine (gasp!) and prefer to get natural immunity in this case. If I lived across the pond, I'd be knocking on your door with daughter in tow!

  33. Which makes me you not have the chicken pox vaccine in Britain?
    My husband is a health professional and feels that widespread use of the cp vaccine in this country is giving everybody just a "little" immunity, and we are setting ourselves up for lots of shingles cases as this generation matures.

  34. I'm sorry. Been there, done that. Mine are grown now. My daughter is going through all that with hers now!

  35. Oh dear, chicken pox! I hope your little one only gets a mild dose. You know, sometimes being in quarantine can be nice. You can stay at home, get out of commitments without guilt. Then again, there is the cabin fever, not so nice.

  36. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear your little one has the pox! I had them as a kid and have had shingles as an adult twice! At least it gives you an excuse to stay in and just put your feet up and relax! Hope it clears up quickly!

    Have a lovely weekend my dear xo

  37. Awe - that is such an awful ichy feeling for the little munchkins! & for you, because you can't help them....I only have one who hasn't got them and i am hoping he's exposed soon before he get's much older!

    I am excited about your Garden Party Link! I too have one on Wednesday & it's not to late to link up if you'd like to! xoxox

  38. Oh no...the chickenpox. I hope it is not too awful for anyone (you included). I will work on a bed like that for dreamy would that be. I can only imagine.

    I added your button and am throwing it out there on tickled pink (spotlights) this weekend.

  39. Sarah, I hope your little one moves through having chicken pox effortlessly. I've had 3 kids that got it, and I'm still needing to have the other one get them, haha. Wish we lived closer. ;)

    I'm looking forward to your next post when your house is healthier. I want to enjoy that bed you posted myself. Oooo la la!

  40. Oh no! Poor little thing with a miserable weekend ahead : ( But I'm sure with a beautiful Mama like you, you'll make sure they feel special, even when covered in spots : ) Fingers crossed that the rest of the fam don't come down with symptoms of varying degrees. Best wishes. Looking forward to seeing the lovely rose buds. Alison xx

  41. Sorry to read that your little one has the pox! :( Hope the rest of you escape with minimal spotting. LOVE that bed. If only. Can't wait to see your rosebuds. I'd love to participate in your party but we're in the dead of winter.


  42. I had chicken pox as a kid (with a scar to prove it) and my husband had it when we were dating. I am so sorry to hear your kiddo has the pox. I hope that it is over soon and bearable in the meantime :) Sending you some virtual chicken noodle soup for the wee one, and bottle of wine for you :)

    Is the garden party on the 9th a linky party? The 9th is my favorite number - sure to be a great day!

  43. Aww so sorry to hear your wee one is unwell! I'm such a homebody that a forced quarantine at home actually sounds rather lovely, especially if I had that bed!

    When you have a chance in between caretaking, have a mosey on over to my blog, I left a wee pressie for ya hunny x

  44. I agree . . . lots of treats for YOU. I remember how very sick my kids were when they got the chickenpox. Happily, you can't get it again. :)


  45. Oh I hope everything will be ok. I am just out of hospital with my wee boy. He has tonsilitis. But doing good now!!!

  46. Aww, I hope your little one gets over it soon.

    That bedroom is divine, I'm going to be dreaming of it tonight!

    I've grabbed your button! :) xx

  47. Ugh! Chicken pox! You deserve a nice nap in that fabulously decadent bed.

    Hope you have lots of movies to keep you occupied and snacks would be good too.

  48. Hope you and your lovies get all the tlc you need...

    Thanks for coming by and sharing my moment at Sofia’s Ideas. :)

  49. Aaah - chicken pox. Enjoy your time in quarantine :) That room is phenomenal! Wow! It looks like something out of a palace!

  50. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet little wee one. Chicken Pox are awful.
    That bed looks so divine...I think that is the perfect place for you to get some rest and relaxation.
    Take care and stay warm.

  51. Oh Sarah, I am sorry to hear this! I remember the chicken pox vividly, and it was not fun...I hope your little one mends quickly! AND that you can catch a nap or two...or three. And don't rule out chocolate either, to get you through this. A little chocolate goes a long way! :)

    I can't wait to see your rosebuds, and know they are going to be beautiful, because everything you do it. (I truly mean that.)

    I am looking forward to your garden party, and even if I am not in time to join in on it, will be looking at all of the others for sure! :)

    I hope you are doing all right, and am saying a little prayer for you all right now. I know my mom was REALLY worn out by the time my sister and I were done with the chicken pox, so my heart goes out to you!


  52. Oh, boy,
    so sorry to
    hear that the
    POX is upon your
    Both my kiddos
    were vaccinated
    but my daughter
    then contracted
    Shingles in the
    first grade ~ SO
    painful! I hope
    by now things are
    looking up for your
    wee one. Looking
    forward to linking
    up to the garden
    party. Mine will
    be more indoor shots,
    as our high on Wed.
    will be 9 degrees F!!
    xx Suzanne

  53. oooh, bummer on the chickenpox, but not on the quiet weekend. That actually sounds pretty lovely. As does a wee rest in that bed. Funny.....looks just like my bed. ;)
    (NOT..but I wish it did)
    Your upcoming garden party sounds so very nice. I wish I had something fabulous to share, but my yard is in a state of disaster. I'll definitely be stopping by to drool at everyone else's photos, though.

  54. Enjoy your time in quarantine! :) Lovely bed... I hope you get well soon from your chickenpox.

  55. Hi Sarah... Thanks for your comment :) I miss farrow & Ball, you can not get them over here :(

    Great bed and volume of space! Have fun, Lisa

  56. I hope your little one feels better soon!! What I would give to be cozy in that bed!! Happy Monday!!

  57. Olá Sarah, bom dia !!! Amei conhecer seu blog, é tudo muito fascinate e glamuroso por aqui!!!
    Um grande abraço,
    Paula Fonseca.
