
Wednesday 9 February 2011

My English Garden Linky Party

Welcome to My English Garden Party!

And some ground-breaking news too. It's an exciting moment for me at Modern Country Style....I've just set up my very own Facebook page.

I'd LOVE it if you'd click on the little Like button over on the right on my sidebar. It's a special button that allows you to Like Modern Country Style without being whisked over Facebook.

It's the perfect way to have a bit more of a chat with me and each other than blogging allows. You'll be able to hear the inner workings of my brain.


Will you join in? It's just to your right? See it? Yup, that's the puppy. Now, just a little click and you're away....

There. Simple, eh?



This is my garden in about May/June, looking away from the house.

I love scent in the garden. When I walk out of our back door, I want to be embraced by the heavenly fragrances of my favourite flowers wafting towards me. In May, that comes mainly from the roses and honeysuckles that you can see here rambling their way over our fences.

The back part of the garden is jam-packed with fruit. Yup, I said JAM-packed. Ha!

We have redcurrant, white currants, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, plums, apples, peaches, loganberries and tayberries. All fairly easy to grow in England and all so utterly delicious. I can feel my taste buds perking up at the thought of all that plucking fresh, plump, juicy fruit.

We generally manage to eat it all but what little there is left over, gets made into jams and ice cream.

This is one of the flower beds about half way up the garden, near where we have our table and chairs. I'm on the lookout for some nicer ones this that our twins are hopefully old enough to stop wanting to push them to one side and use the paved terrace for tricycling. 

So are you ready to link up your gorgeousness of the flower/ plant/ garden variety?

Here are three things I'd love you to do.

1) Follow Modern Country Style if you're liking what you see here.
2) Like Modern Country Style on Facebook. 
3) Link back to me in your post so other people can come and share the garden love.

Not rules...but I'm hopeful. ;-)

Now, take it away.....

I'm linking to my favourite parties in my sidebar.


  1. Wish I had something to link in. It's just way too early here in the midwest. definitely miss the earlier Spring in the UK! liz

  2. Sarah, dear, your garden is everything that I imagined it would be. I can only imagine how wonderful it is to sit on your terrace and enjoy all that loveliness.

  3. Oooh I've linked up Sarah. Soooooo excited (I'm easily excited I know). Love your garden, it's so idyllic.

    Not sure about Facebook - I have a bit of a Facebook phobia....

  4. Thank you for doing this! I'm supposed to be writing, but I suspect I'll be drooling over other people's gardens instead.

  5. Your garden is simply delightful. Love. It. When we bought our home 3 years ago one of the areas that was in bad condition was the yard. We have been cutting down trees, pulling out vicious vines, planting and weeding. One day I will have the garden I see in my head!

    Thanks for hosting....going over to 'like' your FB page. I have one too and it's a fun way to chat.

  6. Your garden is so lush and beautiful! And fruit too - oh yum! Can't wait for spring! Thanks for hosting!

  7. Your garden is so nice!! Thanks for sharing girly!!

  8. Sarah your garden looks delightful..ohhh all that lovely fruit...mmm...the jam...mmm...heavenly!

    And you have twins...what a busy girl you are : ) I'm looking forward to some new outdoor furniture when I get home too. Funny how our gardens evolve around our children's needs.

    Thanks for being the hostess with the mostess. Now off for a cup of tea and to join in with the other linkees.

    Happy garden party to you. Enjoy.

    Alison xx

  9. Sarah your garden is so gorgeous!! Oh how I would love to spend a summer day there with you! All that fruit would be so wonderful! Can't grow anything here but wild strawberries that are so tiny you can even taste them! :)

    Thanks for hosting this beautiful party!

  10. Hello, new here :) Diane over at Home Sweet Homemade recommended I add my "Springy" blooms to your Garden Party...and I'm so glad she did! Your blog is beautiful! Thanks, Laurel@chippingwithcharm

  11. Oh, your garden is to die for! You have given me inspiration to get on with mine this year.
    I am off to like your facebook page! x

  12. Hi Sarah, I'm sniggering (I'm at work, you see) over your comment about swapping Little Miss' and Grandmammy's paintings over. V. funny. OK, I'll go now. Byeeeee. xx

  13. Lovely! Lovely garden you have.

  14. Mmmmm....
    I can almost
    smell the roses
    and honeysuckle
    and feel the soft
    grass under my
    bare feet and the
    sunshine on my
    xx Suzanne
    PS: I'm not on FB,
    yet, but if/when I
    am, you know that I
    will LIKE you : )!!

  15. Sarah, you're garden looks lovely! I can't believe you have that gorgeous garden and you live in the Cotswolds - I'm so jealous!
    Hope you're having a lovely day and I've just added my 'Garden Party' to the list - Melissa xx

  16. Hello dear Sarah,
    I am a follower, I pressed like for FB and I have added my link!
    Your garden is gorgeous! Oh how nice to have so many berry bushes, we did have a blackberry bush, but it died when we made the back patio. Thanks for the little visual break, I enjoyed your party! And thanks so much for doing this!
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. Sarah, your garden is just heavenly!!

    I don't have anything to share because my yard and gardens are still very new (my yard was basically a blank slate when I bought my house, so I've only had one summer so far to work on it)...and it's covered in ice right now. LOL

    Someday though, I hope my yard looks like yours!! :)

  18. Thanks for hosting a delightful party! We certainly do need a breath of fresh air.. ours is 5 degrees this morning! Lovely yard. Love your stepping stones.

  19. Sorry, I'm a bit late... I was ready to join and was already clicking on the linky button when in came the TV guy! It took him two hours to find why I haven't been getting any channel for three weeks! He went everywhere: downstairs sockets, up in the attic (I thought he wouldn't fit in because of his noce beer belly!) and finally up on the roof, where the problem was! I'm going to link my post any minute, now!

  20. OOoooo Sarah, you're garden is divine! Jam packed...ha! Love how lush and greeen it all looks. Jealous of all your berries. I can't even grow strawberries :(I can imagine spending the entire day out there. It's exactly how I picture an English garden. Beautiful!

    Thanks so much for hosting! I'm off to take the kids to school. I'll be back to see all the other gorgeous gardens!

    Facebook :D

    ~Michelle :)

  21. Gorgeous garden Sarah! All linked up- thanks for hosting- I just joined fb too-and set my blogs fb- I'm popping over to 'like' your page :)

  22. Your garden is luscious. Touring everyone's beautiful gardens is a lovely way to spend this dreary February morning. Thank you for hosting:)

  23. Hello Missus: Well, this is a wonderful link party! I can't wait to visit my "linky neighbors" I see some gorgeous gardens here. Speaking of, yours is amazing! And it looks like you've got lots of room for the little ones to play too. It is what I think of when I think English Country Garden. Well done, my friend, xoxo tami

  24. Dear Sarah, A blowsy, romantically planted oasis....just how I imagined your garden may be. You obviously have some pretty colour combinations and combine some stalwarts of the English garden with adventurous newcomers. And, how cleverly you have added the fruit garden which is clearly very prolific in the season. Perfectly lovely!

  25. Sarah your garden is what I Imagine being a true English garden ...
    I will have a real garden in the new house too... I'm very happy ...
    Have a nice afternoon

  26. Oh how divine! I can't wait to see pictures of your berry harvest! :)

  27. Your garden is absolutely enchanting! I wish I had all those fruits. As I eat strawberries and blueberries on my cereal each morning. I'll have to look into that this year. Thanks for hostessing this!

  28. Oooh, so excited that the party is here!! So fun! I love your garden - any photos of a tayberry? The sun was shining today for a bit - yea! XOL

  29. Hi Sarah! I did it, I did it, I joined your awesome garden party! I love viewing gardens and outdoor rooms so thanks again for inviting moi. Your garden is spectacular! Can't wait to see bits and pieces as we get the warmer weather this year.

  30. I saw your "like" button today and thought I had just missed it so I clicked and saw that it was new. Congratulations!

  31. Hi Sarah, I'm all linked up! This is my first linky party, it's very exciting! :D

    Your garden is SO lovely!! Gorgeous, and how good are you with all your fruit growing!

    Hmm, facebook - I've been umming and aahing about whether to have a facebook page, but haven't managed to convince myself about it yet. Maybe it's time I stop avoiding it!

  32. Hi Sarah, I just found you from BloominRoseMusings, and I am now your newest follower! I'm too late for this party so I hope you will repeat it in the near future. In the meantime, I can't wait to visit all the lovely links and scroll back through your blog! Linda

  33. Hi Sarah, thank you so much for inviting me to your lovely garden party. Your garden is wonderful and I can almost smell the roses and honeysuckle. This was a wonderful idea for a party to remind us all that spring will eventually get here.
    I'm not on FB but I'm sure you will have many people joining you.
    Thanks again.

  34. This is stunning, Sarah!

    It's romantic and really beautiful. Love


    Luciane at

    Post of the Day: Interior Designer Brad Ford's Home.

  35. Sarah, thanks for hosting the link party today. Your garden is just beautiful. Breathtaking, really. Do you have to replant every year after the winter freeze? Or do some of the plants survive? I'm asking because many plants that can survive a Texas summer just cannot survive a freeze. And unfortunately, we have both. Even though the winter freeze may last for just a day, it's enough to damage or kill the plants. So I'm wondering what to do to make my own yard more gardeny without having to replant each year. Thx - Diane

  36. So jealous of your garden - its so beautiful! xo

  37. The talk of all those berries has my mouth watering Sarah. I'd like to grow some of those, but so far I've only been able to grow strawberries here in the desert.
    Wonderful party dear friend!!

  38. sarah, this is the BEST linky party ever!!! oh my, swoon:)

  39. What a beautiful garden!! So glad I found your blog too!! Unfortunately, everything here is covered in snow and frozen, but I can enjoy looking at these lovely photos!!

  40. What a beautiful, established garden! We have lived in our house for just over a year and unfortunately it was mainly filled with bedding plants! So last year we started again, buying lots of shrubs.......still we will get there in the end!
    Your blogs look as though they are my style! So I am going back to have a nose at your old blogs and piccies!

  41. Your garden is so beautiful! I'm so jealous, I have yet to learn any gardening skills. I might have to come back to this post in a couple months to look through all the ideas once I can start planting in our yard.

  42. Your garden is just beautiful, Sarah! Unfortunately, I have nothing to link up. We have lots of piles of snow still :-( I am enjoying looking at other people's beautiful flowers though - spring can't be too far away, can it?

  43. I am so sorry I'm late to the party Sarah! I got stuck in that bathtub in the forest and no one heard me calling for help! :-) I whipped up a post just for you but due to a horrible migraine I kept the words to a minimum. Probably better to not hear me chattering on anyway! I adore your garden and wish I could come stroll through it with you. I'm certain we would have some lovely talks there! After I stopped yelling at my children for picking your flowers.

  44. Sarah, I can picture you in that truly English garden. It it so pretty. Thanks for this touch of warmth in this cold time. ♥O

  45. All linked up for the party, Pimms at the ready! Got slightly carried away reminiscing over our wedding last year in the garden and added quite a few pics to my blog. Your garden looks beautiful, look forward to seeing this years pics!

  46. the garden sounds heavenly. blooming with loveliness just like your blog.

    JAM packed? oh no she di'nt! ha!


    p.s. would love to guest post! record # of visitors to my site today thx to you, sweet pea.

  47. Hi, I'm linking with your party for the first time at the suggestion of Little Cozy House. Thanks for hosting, I'm a gardener and just waiting for some warmer days so I can go out and play. Come see me sometimes at Nanniepannies in East Tennessee, USA.

  48. I am so glad to have found your English Garden Party today via Cindy at Custom Comforts! You warmed my day reminding me that brighter days are coming and snow will melt eventually!

    bee blessed

  49. Sweet Sarah ~ thank you for hosting this wonderfully fun party! It has been a pleasure to view such beautiful gardens and pictures of what is yet to come. Gives us hope for these last gray winter days.

  50. I love your gorgeous garden! Thank you for the virtual tour!

    I am so looking forward to seeing everyone else's garden. This is going to be fun!

    Best wishes,

  51. Your garden is just beautiful!!! You just made my night, Sarah! :) I just loved seeing all of those pics of spring and summer flowers. I could almost smell the sweet, earthy mingled fragrances. Ahhhhhh!!!! I'm headed out to take a walk through some of these beautiful gardens and dream of spring......Bye! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  52. Um, really, Can I come live with you! Just breathtakingly gorgeous! Let's see if I can find a photo when my yard was not scary and I will link up tomorrow! I liked you on FB! I'd like you anywhere (I feel a Dr. Seuss moment coming on, so I will stop)

  53. I can't wait to come back for a stroll through the gardens... really lovely.

  54. Your garden is gorgeous! We just moved a few months ago so we have a lot of outside work to do once it gets a little nicer. Thanks for the lovely inspiration!

    Thanks for following me. :) I'm on my way to like you on facebook!

  55. Hi Sarah,
    Me again! Just to answer what you said about the Foxgloves, I think basically, to keep your darker colours you need to pull any white ones so that you don't get hybrids.
    (Not that I'm an expert by any stretch - but that is the advice I was given)
    - Melissa x

  56. Yeah, the garden party! How fabulous! And look how many wonderful entries you have already. I am just in awe of your garden. I would love to while away some hours there in the warm summer and maybe pick all your fruit. ;) Even in summer, my garden is sadly lacking. It's truly difficult to grow things where I am. Sigh......
    But how fun to see all these gorgeous blooms in the middle of winter. I am looking out the window right now at snow coming down.
    Oh, totally clicked on your FB like button. You go, girl!

  57. You have a gorgeous garden. Wish I could grow all those lovely fruits. My neighbor and friend is from England and her garden is the closest to an English Cottage Garden here I know! She also grows organic fruits and vegetables!
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful party,

  58. Thanks for hosting Sarah! I am really enjoying all the beautiful pictures and links. Your garden is gorgeous! I would be besides myself if I had a garden that could produce so much fruit and berries!

  59. I will have to catch you in the spring on stupid gardening skill..suck. I did run around one day last November and throw in a whole bunch of tulips! I see some tips poking through so may I will join you soon!

  60. As I have said before your garden really appeals to me. I am not linking up as I just have too much else going on but I will of course pop over to FB and like your new page. Dare I hope you will return the gesture for News From Italy FB page, thanks :)

  61. Your garden must
    have been calling,
    because it's 3:47AM
    and I cannot sleep : )
    Thought I'd pop back
    over and congratulate
    you on such a wonderful
    garden party. Loved
    it and hope you will
    invite me, again!!
    xx Suzanne

  62. I wish I had a post I could link up.... darn... Monday I'm going to be including tulips in my post. They're stocking the garden section at Lowes this week, and I couldn't resist buying a few plants for the garden.
    Your garden is lovely, Sarah! I can imagine the heavenly scents that must come from it when it's in full bloom... sigh... :)
    Have a great day!
    ~ Jo

    p.s. I'm a new blog follower... not on facebook. ;-)

  63. Your garden is so beautiful. Absolutely love it!

  64. I'm so in love with your garden! I can't wait for spring so I can build many small gardens around my new home. We moved into a jungle in September and finding the ground was about all we had time for before the snow came. Come on Spring!

  65. Hi, I 'm your latest follower. I found you through "A Vision to Remember's" Linky party and instantly fell in love with your garden. It's how I want my yard to look when it grows up. Can't wait to see more~

  66. Oh my! Is it too terrible to say how jealous I am? This is the garden of my dreams!! I guess I live in the wrong state (TX). What a gorgeous garden. I bet it looks beautiful any time of year.
    Patricia :o)

  67. What a beautiful party - I'll be back to check out the links. I'm so itchy for spring! ~R

  68. Oh what a lovely blog! Thank you for participating (and linking) in our Show Off Your Cottage Monday. I didn't see our logo here, so I hope I'm leaving my message in the right spot! ;)


  69. What a beautiful party, Sarah. Full of eye candy:) I'm definitely in the mood for spring now. Your garden is fabulous. I can't grow anything indoors or out. The cat eats everything inside and the deer eat everything outside.

  70. Oh my, this is gorgeous. I would love a garden like this. Such lovely plants and so inviting. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  71. So pretty! Makes me long for spring. Of course, the snow is still nearly waist high here...sighhhh!

  72. All those gorgeous pictures has me oh-so-longing for spring! Your garden is absolutely beautiful!!

  73. Your post is just full of all kinds of loveliness. So anxious for spring now.

  74. I am so excited to find this wonderful party. I have enjoyed my morning visiting each wonderful post. I am now suffering from spring fever!

  75. Your garden is amazing!! Makes me wanna stroll through and sit & have tea!

  76. Lovely gardens asking to be walked through.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  77. If only I had a green thumb. Hoping to plant some pretties this year & pray that the wild life doesn't enjoy them before we do. Your English garden is beautiful. I haven't seen it before.

  78. I love your garden. It's absolutely gorgeous.

    I found you via The Polohouse. Love your blog.

  79. pg ทดลอง เล่น ฟรี ซื้อ ฟรี สปิน พร้อมที่จะลุ้นโชคด้วยการเล่นด้วยจริงคุณสามารถซื้อฟรีสปิน เพื่อเพิ่มโอกาสในการชนะ! ทดลอง PG ที่เว็บไซต์ของเราและค้นพบความสนุกที่ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด!
