
Friday 1 April 2011

Belgian Style Part 3: Texture

Word for today: texture.
Texture in Belgian interiors.



Well, waddayaknow?
The word TEXTURE is onomatopoeic.
I love that. Feel those sounds.


Did I just catch you mouthing it? Did I? Did I?

You know, talking to yourself is the
first out of three signs of
total addiction
Modern Country Style, don't you?

The second sign is smiling.


Now, for those of you who found the Belgian colour palette a little too drab, this post is for you.
The reason why I think a Belgian Style Interior can get away with such a limited range of colours is because it uses masses and masses of different textures to add interest, instead of bombarding you with a riot of colour.

Why don't we take one room and see the variety of texture that's used?

Ready? You have thirty seconds to
spot as many textures as you can.....
......I'll see you on the other side.

How many did you spot?

Here's my list:
the cool-to-the-touch floor tiles, the wicker chair, the wooden door, the cast iron door knob, the gleaming Venetian mirrors, the rough stone walls, the soft throw, the shine of the chrome taps, the smooth sheen of the sanitary ware, the moulded bath legs, the matte smoothness of the fabric in the corner and the steely bars of the radiator.

That's quite a quota for such a small space, isn't it?

I bet that when your eyes
looked at the picture they wanted to
flicker and fly all over the room
examining every texture.

Even though there's very little contrast in terms of colour, nevertheless the huge array of texture means that the room is a visual feast.

And, really, who doesn't love a feast?

Coming up soon, I'll take you on an
intimate tour of how I've used texture in our master bedroom to make it a romantic haven. Aaaaaaah! 

Are you looking forward to it already?

And that's the third and final sign of complete addiction to Modern Country Style. What to do now? 

Surrender is the only option.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend, chickadees.

Images via: Unknown, Chatta Fabulous, Unknown, Perfect Grey, Homes & Gardens, The White Company


  1. Just when I thought no one was home. There you were, delicious post. I want to sit on that chaise and read an elegant novel - in the sunshine.

    That is after I have painted our bedroom WHITE.

    Texture in the bedroom sounds yummy - can't wait - see I am addicted!

    Have a great weekend AND Mother's Day. x

  2. Amazing pictures!
    I like specially the chaise longue!
    Have a beautiful and warmy weekend

  3. I wish I could just jump into that last photo and live there forever. It is so beautiful. Your posts make me want to scrap my home and start all over . . . maybe in England somewhere! :)

  4. Beautiful inspiration photos Sarah! Looking forward to seeing more of your bedroom. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  5. Ok clever clogs so I DID mouth it lol caught in the act. Love that first bedroom but how high is that ceiling it does on forever. I love that bathroo as well its gorgeous, are the walls concrete do you think. There is a lot of texture going on there i wouldnt like to pin on a number incase ive missed too much...ok ill go look again

  6. Hi Sarah,
    You are a did catch me mouthing it...outloud even!
    And you caught me looking around my living room at all the texture I could find. :)
    LOVE the last picture...can I please come stay ~ it's gorgeous!
    Have a great weekend ~
    Sarah xo

  7. Thank last bedroom is to die for.. I love texture almost as much as I love color. It really does something to a room..Like the walls in the Bathroom I just want to touch them .lol As always beautiful post..

  8. Hi Sarah, Lovely pics YET AGAIN! I really need that chaise longue in my life.


  9. Amazing, beautiful, gorgeous pictures, I want my house to look like this!

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  10. I love this post's focus. I tend to like more simple color schemes and never really thought about how important texture is in those spaces to make it feel cozy. But it makes sense--thanks, teacher ;)! Have a fabulous weekend!

  11. Delightful! I love adding different textures to a room.

  12. Hi Loverly girl!

    I had to run and get my coffee so I could sit and enjoy Belgian style. I hope it's okay if I drooled on the screen a little. It's my screen so... no worries, haha! I can see why you have crush. It does make the heart beat, no? I do love the use of texture and the soothing color palette. Not sure what color you would call the chair and ottoman, but I love it! I could see it in my house :)
    We will be on Spring break this week!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Very inspirational post! Right up my proverbial alley!
    Please come visit my post on my most recent shelter pet in need and enter my GIVEAWAY!


  14. Oh..loving those textures Sarah!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Susan x


    i surrender, i surrender!

    texture is something i need
    more of here. when everything
    is soft and cushy it can feel
    too precious, yes?

    i don't neeed any added color
    to my beloved belgian design.
    the lack of it has critical
    implications i love: the
    people and company in the rooms
    get to fill in the gaps. there's
    an 'unfinished' element that sits
    so well with me. throwing a couple
    pink pillows (or whatev) on a linen sofa 'finishes' it too much for me. the lack of color provides a space for me to dream and inject
    all the color i WANT!!!

    ramblin like a fool today!


  16. Lovely rooms, so pretty and soothing!
    But you know, we Americans say TEKKK-SSS-CHHH-URR. And yes, I did mouth it ;)

  17. fact, i just 'pinned' the bathroom photo in all it's loveliness.



  18. Hahahaha! Yes, I did say it outloud and laughed and then laughed some more, you are totally funny! Love this B-style, look forward what you've made of it at home. Have a good weekend!

  19. Sarah,
    You may have that chaise and the cashmere throw deliver to my home...pronto! Adore some of the elements...texture is great...but still needing more color. Okay! I'll be patient and wait for your romantic master bedroom tour. From one romantic~to another...thanks for sharing!

  20. Hello lovely Sarah! this post. This Belgian style is so perfect, it makes me happy...low on color, high on texture.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend :) Tricia

  21. Stunning. I honestly never really thought about the power of texture in home decor until I strated reading about Belgian Style. Thanks for all the great tips and inspiration.

  22. Hi Sarah, another brilliant post. Just love this series! And your own personality really shines through an makes me almost giggle. But there's a lot of substance here and I appreciate it. Hope you have a fabulous weekend :)

  23. You crack me up! Okay, I am in, addicted, fully committed...a wannabe daffydowndilly!!!

  24. I know I was supposed to be looking at texture, but I became entranced when I saw the chaise.Love the bedroom in the last photo. Have a beautiful weekend.


  25. Yup, I am addicted. The texture count was interesting . . . I often think shape, color, style etc. but not always texture.

    Missed you while I was in Seattle - a whole week unplugged. Now I am catching up.


  26. swish,klink!yaaaahhh! Way to hit this one out of the park.
    Nothing like a good Onomatopoeia-- to grab my interest. he he he

    as for the tek-sss-cha--- I chose the same ones you did except for the door knob... missed that one.
    I think it's the texture that grabs you and pulls you into a room--- you can almost hear it calling you---
    teks--sss cha!

    ha! fun post... and interesting

  27. Excellent post - classic Sarah - which is why I'm so addicted!! Love the fur on the window seat.

    And are there chickadees here? I haven't seen any - at least not that I know of :) Except for you, of course :) XOL

  28. Aahhh such beautiful dreamy images! I am seriously drawn to all these rooms with their pared-back colour palettes and lovely lovely texcha. Onomatopoeic... great word, although I can barely say it!

    It would seem I am displaying all three signs of total addiction to Modern Country Style!

    Hope you're having a groovy weekend, lovely!

    Meera xx

  29. This has been a great series Sarah! I love texture and the toned down tones, ahhh, Belgian Style :D LOVE it!!

  30. Texture - my favorite inspiration ever - it adds dimension and interest to everything, very underrated.


  31. Oh my, that bedroom in the first picture is AMAZING! Look at that light!


  32. Texture is so underrated, so I love this post!! I have written a post about texture a wee while ago, my eye always searches out for it - in nature, interiors, architecture, really means a lot to me! xxx

  33. Hmm. Maybe texture is what I need. I most definitely need some furniture that wasn't made by argos.

  34. ohhhhhhhh I am so jealous!!! What an absolutely GORGEOUS room :)

    Bravo on the awesome job . . . have a wonderful weekend . . . Gina

  35. hello dear one - loving those bedrooms ... ahhhh ... looking forward to the day we are back in our own home and not renting ... best le xox

  36. Yes I was mouthing it and yes I am smiling :)
    I love textcha!!
    It does so much for a room!
    I can't wait to see your master bedroom!!
    Have a great weekend dear! xo

    Deborah xoxo

  37. Loving that last bedroom picture you posted. So beautiful. Hope you're having an amazing weekend.

  38. I've enjoyed this
    series and now that
    the kiddos are heading
    back to school tomorrow,
    MY head is back to
    blogging and other things
    that I love, including
    MCS!! I've got a few
    projects on the horizon,
    so am loving your little
    lessons, Sarah.
    Happy Sunday,
    xx Suzanne

  39. Love that word, just don't want to have to spell it! Simply beautiful pictures. Especially like the last one of the gray & white bedroom. Yes, please, I'll take "turn down" service!

  40. I am without a doubt, addicted, my friend :-)

    Thank you so much for your prayers for Jordan. We've been so encouraged, and he's improving daily.

  41. Gorgeous inspiration as always, Sarah. Judging by the signs, I am definitely suffering from complete addiction to Modern Country Style. Loved your post over on Chris's blog this weekend.

  42. Hi,

    Thanks so much for visiting my corner, the feature was clearly in excellent company :) I'm glad I found you this way, I'll definitely be your regular new reader, too! Take care, x

  43. Hallo Sarah,
    Absolutely wonderful post today.
    But actually all your posts are wonderful. I loved the bedroom with the pink roses, and the fantastic bathroom. Such calm; I could soak it up all day!- Angela XX

  44. PS And - I did catch myself mouthing it.....! tekkk-ssss-chhh-aaa! Ah well......onomatopoea(sp?!)is totally irresistable, isn't it? - Angela XX

  45. So beautiful! What a dream! Swoons. Loving that bathroom!

  46. Great post! I've a renewed appreciation of how texture adds interest to a room! I am a color girl myself, but I can see how being in a room (as opposed to just seeing it in a photo) filled with texture would be as much of a great experience as being in a room with great colors.

  47. Hello, found you at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia...our entries are very close. Love the textures. That is what really makes a room. Also love the little lights along the headboard. I do that in my home and love the effect.

  48. Surrender indeed - Resistance is futile! (Star Trek reference, I'm such a geek, I know.)

    Oh that last bedroom, just like everyone else, has left me utterly entranced.

    I love that you say TEX-CHA... I've got to work on my English accent quite obviously because I still say TEX-CHURRRRR lol

    Another fab post my darling! Oh and I'm away for the next few days, hoping I don't miss your linky party but in case I do, I will look forward to the link ups when I return!

    Have a fabulous week dear! x

  49. What a lovely blog you have just found you! and a fellow Brit as well.. great photos I now off to see your garden :) x

  50. Scrumptious texture. Amazing photos. Heavenly home! :)

    xoxo laurie

  51. These are gorgeous! I just added one to my pinterest board. I think I've got the signs of addiction!

  52. I've really enjoyed the Belgian style series, I am in complete agreement that you don't need an array of colour to make a statement, loving all the images! x

  53. I really..REALLY..enjoyed this reason is that I have a post in draft that is on the very subject of texture. :)
    Second, my favorite color in the world now is whites. Notice I said whiteS...all different shades of it.

    You have a beautiful large. What a wonderful job of making it beautiful.

    I am signing up to follow..hope you will come over and see me..also am having a giveaway of a beautiful Danish enamel house sign that I just KNOW you would die for.
    xoxo bj
