
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Crochet Baby Ballet Slippers

Some of our friends have had a
baby girl recently
{Congratulations, sweeties}
and I wanted to make
the gorgeous newborn
a beautiful present.

I used a pattern from the book I reviewed on Monday, Essential Crochet, and, oh, these are the cutest, sweetest, daintiest 
little ballet slippers for a baby girl.

They make me want to have another baby just to slip these on some teeny, tiny, dimpled feet.
{Woah there, Mrs Modern Country, calm your hormones...}

I chose palest pink yarn for the ballet slippers themselves.
Seriously, what other colour was it ever going to be?

The yarn feels soft and gentle and
warm and not the least bit scratchy.  
Perfect for keeping tinsy-insy feet
snuggled up safely.

And then I picked out
two lengths of raspberry
cotton-velvet ribbon
for a little bitta glamma.

The ribbon is threaded through specially-designed loops at the
back of each shoe to make the ballet straps.

A. Dor. A. Ble.

This is what I meant when I said that I was searching out
Modern Country Crochet Patterns.

If I'd seen these in a little boutique down a quiet side street, then I would have wanted to get flirty with Mr Credit Card.

But, really, I was thrilled, yes thrilled, I tell you, to be able to make them myself.

And I totally have luscious Loo at Jumbles and Pompoms
to thank for hauling me kicking and screaming back into the happy world of hooky.


I'm linking up to Tricia's lovely blog A Rosy Note for her Photography Feature linky party. I upgraded to a different camera at Christmas and I'm really enjoying learning more about photography.


I'm linking to my favourite parties in the sidebar...


  1. Oh my goodness me! These are absolutely beautiful. I need to learn just so that I can make these ballet shoes! Looking forward to your linky party next week! :)

  2. Do they come in bigger sizes? My daughter would love those. They are so adorable.

    Added Linky party moniker. I will look forward to it.

  3. They are toooo cute. I am happily hooked on crochet too. I have been lying on the couch crocheting away and checking in on blogland every now and then. My perfect evening in really.

  4. Yes, handmade is superior. Love those sweet little ballet slippers.

    Looking forward to the party. How on earth do I define my blog? I've had a hard enough time defining my style, this is going to exercise my brain.


  5. They are divine!

    Alison : )

  6. These are the most adorable little baby slippers I have ever seen. I love the raspberry ribbon. Beautiful work, Sarah!

  7. Sarah, those little slippers are just too precious:) I love to give handmade gifts the most and these are just terrific! Button going to the sidebar!

  8. You crochet too! You are amazing and so talented ... and sweet. These are just precious. I'd wear them myself if they were just a teeny bit bigger. :)

    Sarah xo

  9. Those are sweeeet! Good job.

  10. Oh, Sarah, these are absolutely precious. I can just imagine them on that sweet babe. What a queenly gift.

  11. Oh thanks a lot Sarah! Just when I think I don't want another baby you go and show us those! :-) Truly though, they are beyond adorable and I would be one of those poor saps who would end up paying the big bucks for them in a boutique store. You never cease to amaze me!

  12. Hello lovely Sarah! What adorable little ballet slippers. Your friends are going to love them. They almost make me want to have another wee one too :)

    Your button turned out really nice. I'll have to think up a post for your party. Thanks for adding my button to your sidebar sweetie ♥


  13. A.DOR.A.BLE. Would you consider doing some for me? I've very small feet, although these might be a little too tiny. My own ballet slippers are in an awful state and I keep postponing buying some new ones as I always thinks I have more important things to buy, like say, tiles. Everyone would be jealous in classe if I had so nice slippers.

  14. And yet another undiscovered talent of Mrs. Modern Country Style ;)
    They're darling! I velvet ribbon, which I'm sure will look adorable, too weaved around her little ankles.
    I'm going to grab your button now, and try to remember to join in on the fun Sarah. xxx tami

  15. Oh, I added you to my sidebar :)

  16. Sarah,

    These are sooo adorable!! You are so creative and talented. That is one blessed baby. Have a great week!

  17. So

  18. These are just precious, Sarah!!


  19. These are absolutely precious!! My baby sister is expecting ... might have to get a pair of these !! :) *Becca*

  20. Yes, I will be there! Your parties are always very unique and so fun!
    Yes, our weather is probably very different from yours. We are in South Central Canada, and the Winter can extend into April, so far so good this month, though! But there is plenty of snow around still. My yard is slowly melting, we got a lot of snow this Winter.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  21. So pretty Sarah....They will be cherished,
    Susan x

  22. Who needs to flirt with a credit card, when you can make such lovely handmade gifts. I bet you had fun, too.

    I just wanted to pop in and say to you Sarah ~ you leave the most kind and thoughtful comments on my blog . . . I simply want you as my next door neighbor.

    I will quote a friend, oh . . . it is you . . . please say yes, please say yes.


  23. soooo lovely Sarah!
    so delicate, so feminine ... hmmmm
    the last picture is a jewel!
    It's always a pleasure come to see you!!!

    thanks and a big hug,

  24. Hi long time now see:-)
    I read that your kitchen is ready, it looks great!!!!
    Nice things you find, but as a dutch girl i think you need more dutch inspiration instade of belgian :-)


  25. what precious little slippers! and such a heartfelt gift - I love handmade gifts the best... they say you really took the time to create something lovely xo

  26. Oooh. Where did you get the ribbon? Now I'm all broody.

  27. most adorable baby item i have ever seen. seriously. i want them for my little lady!! can i bribe, i mean pay you handsomely to make me some? if not, it's no problem at all...let me know if you feel like making another pair and shipping them to the states. they are just the cutest!!!

  28. awwwww they're super sweet, Sarah. i am hoping for granddaughters since i am blessed with sons only. i can't knit or crochet for beans but maybe someday i'll make the felted wool version!

    great photos, ma petit chou!


  29. Love those ballet slippers with the velvet trim - if they don't fit me, I think they'd look beautiful as a necklace. Maybe a belt, or hair tie?! A girl never outgrows such loveliness :) XOL

  30. Such sweet sweet slippers. I love handmade gifts. Every time you look at them you think of the love that went into them. Nice work!

  31. Aaawww these are beyond adorable, Sarah!! Soooo cute, I can't stand it! Makes me want to take up crocheting even though I haven't the foggiest what it's all about.

    Grabbing your button now!

    Meera xx

  32. Sarah,
    These are so adorable, dear friend. I'm sure they will take the prize for the most ooh's...and ahh's at the baby shower! Nothing more precious than a new baby; nothing more special than a handmade gift.
    I'm grabbing your button and marking my calendar for your linky party! Thank you for the invitation.

  33. A.Dor.A.Ble. Most definitely. The velvet ribbons are a fabulous touch.

    I really must get my act together to make something that isn't a granny square!

    I'll try and grab your button. Bye bye. xx

  34. sarah- i adore these.....ADORE....
    i must admit- i had a *little* moment as i looked at my littlest's big-5-year old feet...why did she go grow bigger on us!!

    and yep- would love to join your party and will pop your button on my sidebar...
    now to think about a post....mmmmm!

    you may also ....almost....have made me want to try some crochet!

    happy thursday to you!

    Melissa xx

  35. Oh miss Sarah.... where to start?
    I will talk in list:
    LOVE that first photo, the lighting is gorgeous,
    YOU make me laugh and smile and chuckle each and every time I read your blog or comments,
    WILL think of a post for your party, not an easy one, since I'm trying to think what my blog is really about...,
    AND I really like you as a person, you are the bomb! so to speak, don't want any military actions in my front garden now...
    All in all, I'm one happy follower, so glad we've met in cyberspace, cause in real life, we would have a drink and a cupcake and we would talk forever and the people from the pub or restaurant would kick us out, and I think we would still be talking about lovely shades of pink, or the use of velvet instead of satin or what kitchen color to go with...
    you get me right?
    Now, really gotta go, I'm trying to cook here....things are burning...
    Maureen x

  36. Sarah,those are so wonderful! I would love to see how they look on diminutive baby feet. I used to knit and crochet as a child, but somewhere along the way I completely lost my knowledge. Lately, I've resorted to online videos...still not coming back.It was so much easier to learn when my grandmother was patiently sitting beside me. You've inspired me to get back at it!


  37. Those are darling! You did an amazing job Sarah. I love the color and the sweet ribbon. ♥

    I will put your button in my blog :)

  38. Love Love Love these slippers! They are so dainty and pretty! I put the button on my sidebar of my blog. I can't wait for it.

  39. What a great gift those will make! And I think the party is a really great idea! My sister is getting married the 15th so I don't know if I can participate, but I'll try to sneak a peek at other people's posts, such a fun topic!

  40. Sarah you are absolutely sweet!!
    These are the most darling little slippers ever!!
    What a precious gift to give....
    if it was me and you were giving them to my little girl (she's not a baby anymore :) Id save them forever xo
    So kind of you..she'll be tickled pink xo

    Deborah xoxoxox

  41. The teeny tiny ballet slippers are adorable. I wish I knew how to crochet. Your linky party sounds like fun & I did put it on my sidebar.

  42. Love these wee
    slippers ~ darling!
    Guess what? Your
    next linky party
    is on my birthday : )
    AND it's my one-year
    blogiversary, so
    I'm thinking....thinking..
    thinking that I
    can tie it all together
    some how??! Hope
    all is well in the
    beautiful Cotswolds!
    xx Suzanne

  43. Sarah these are so beautiful. you are so talented.. Hugs Anne

  44. love it!
    those are just lovely!!!!!!!!!
    so simple and yet ...
    so pretty!
    take care,

  45. Those are so sweet my teeth ache! So, so cute!

  46. So cute! I am a Knitter, and can't learn to crochet for the life of me, so I might just try to find a similar knitted pattern and make these for my dd!

    Found you through Serenity Now!

  47. Great. Now I need a baby girl! Those are adorable!

  48. Oh my goodness Sarah they are adorable! Like seriously the sweetest thing I've seen in a very long time!

  49. Good morning Sarah~
    Oh these are just the sweetest little things!! Goodness- what a treasure of a gift for your friend! Looking forward to the linky party too!! Hugs, Courtney

  50. Those are about the most precious baby slippers I've ever seen in my life!!! The former ballet dancer in me wishes I could have had something like that for my girls when they were babies. A perfect gift!!

    Thanks so much for joinking my Weekeend Bloggy Reading party. Hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon. :)

  51. The cutest pink baby ballet slippers! Thanks so much for stopping by at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays & joining the party!

  52. They are almost as sweet as you :) How darling, Sarah! You are so talented! I love the ribbon! Wish I had a little baby girl to wear them. Sigh...


  53. Those little slippers are so sweet!
