
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Annie Sloan Week: Colour Mixing

Hey lovely,

I'm in a painting kind of mood 
and I hope these posts inspire you to get cracking 
on that piece you've been meaning to tackle.

And now onto Day 2 of Annie Sloan week.

I'll be honest.
While I was completely sold on the idea of the Annie Sloan paints 
{I was hooked as soon as I realised no stripping was involved.
Stripping is not my strong point, you understand}, 
when I first saw the Annie Sloan paint chart, 
I wasn't convinced these were the paints for me.

But my moment of true conversion came when Annie showed me a book she'd put together of each paint colour diluted with Old White.
This purposefully takes her range to a huuuuuuuuuuge number of colours. These paints are *designed* for mixing - they mix so easily.

Old White is a gorgeous greyed white. 
Here's a photo of a can of Old White that needs a good shake to mix it. 
See how much grey there is in there floating on the surface? 
That gives the colour a slightly dirtied feel.

Which makes it the perfect colour for knocking 
back some of these brighter shades for 
the perfect 
Modern Country look.
{For those of you who prefer cleaner colours, 
some new whites will be introduced to the range very shortly, 
including one called 'Pure', 
which is a bright, fresh white.}

Look at these photos. 
The colour on the top left of each page is the original colour
and then each lighter shade has been mixed with one extra part of Old White. 
So the second swatch is mixed with one part Old White, 
then two parts, then three...

Looking at these totally opened my eyes to 
the idea of mixing my perfect shades.
{And I can't begin to explain the satisfaction of creating my own, unique colours.}

The colour that immediately grabbed my imagination was 
Chateau Grey. 

At first glance, I NEVER would have picked it out 
but mix it with Old White and it's mine, baby!!
Those gentle grey-greens with a hint of blue 
have my name written all over them.

L.O.V.E. T.H.E.M.

Several of you asked for a list of stockists.

I hope that helps, peeps.

Now then, who's curious about what I actually learned 
on my course with Annie Sloan herself?
That's what I'll be sharing on Thursday.


  1. Do you know, I thought exactly the same when I first saw the colours, but you are right - when mixed with old white every colour possibility imaginable is covered!!

    I'd LOVE the set with the two colours of paint (that you choose) and the waxes - might have to put it on my birthday list - does that make me dull?!!

    S x

  2. This is so cool.
    I am a bit under
    the weather this week
    but would love to
    knock off a painting
    project and join the
    party....We'll see : )
    Hope you are enjoying
    your summer, Sarah!
    xx Suzanne

  3. I love this post! It is so nice to see all of the things you can do with the paint and of course the range of color.

    Love visiting your blog! Thank you for sharing.

  4. That explains it. I got two matchpots old white and cream and I thought the cream was rather yellow. I had no idea you were supposed to mix existing colours with the white, let me at em! I can custom colour my wardrobe, and then the.... no I will finish one thing first.

  5. I think I may have something for your party!! Thanks for the tips on the Annie Sloan paint!


  6. We are always curious about what you learned and what you are thinking about, Sarah.

    Something about those paint charts . . . each one slightly different . . . gets me.


  7. This is really great and SO HELPFUL!! I'm looking forward to hearing more of what you learned!! :)

  8. really amazing to see the range of colors with each paint! thanks for sharing this info. I'll be there for your paint party!! come for a visit when you can. xoxo Debra

  9. Can you imagine a dresser done in that lovely ombre effect?

  10. Those are sure beautiful colors!

  11. I have been intrigued by the idea of chalk paint since I heard about it a few months ago on another blog. So cool that you got to take a class with Annie Sloan herself. I'll be tuning in all week :).

  12. I would love to try these paints. Not available anywhere near me so maybe I'll have to order them. I've mixed up my own colors with latex many times. But oooohhh the possibilities with these :-D

  13. Annie Sloan - well she is the master of paint techniques, quite a while ago I went on one of her courses, truly inspirational and great to learn all the tricks of the trade. I have lots of her books they are brilliant. So glad you are enjoying the course, I have to say I have a real interest in paint and love what effect it has on your environment and home! I could talk about paint forever, back to the ironing pile! Have a great week.

  14. Hi!!!
    This is awesome and exactly what I'm looking for, lol!!!
    I would love for you to link up with a new party I'm starting on my blog!!
    It's called Show Me How!!! and it's all about tips, tricks, and tutorials!! I think your tips would be a PERFECT addition!!! Please come visit and check it out :))
    Have a wonderful day!!
    Oh yeah, it starts this Friday but I did an intro post for it.

  15. I will be back on Friday to link up with your party as well!! Painting is what I do, lol!!!
    See you soon :))
    Lotsa Love From Texas!!

  16. Love the vast range of colours that Old White achieves, lovely lovely. Looking forward to hearing more about these gorgeous paints :-)

    Meera xx

  17. What a great concept you have come across Sarah.

  18. Loving this new series - can't wait to read more XOL

  19. Me, me, me! I'm so curious about what you learnt and what you painted!!!

  20. I have Provence blue - when I painted my little chair it was not the right shade - had I mixed it with some of the Old White - I may have come up with a color I more had in mind. I did paint over with old white and distressed it. This works well! Thank you for sharing this wonderful chart (s)!

  21. BTW - your paint party may be the incentive for me to start and to finish planned projects!

  22. i'm in love with the colors knocked down by the old white. can't wait to see the stuff you're painting!

    that kitchen favs party of yours led to some 'interesting' press and comments for me:

    some days i think i must be mad to put myself out there!


  23. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this information. It does open up a whole new world of AS Chalk Paint.

  24. I LoVe this post Sarah !
    Your sketch book full of artists value charts is inspiring.
    It makes me want to pull out my oil paints and create a masterpiece !
    Thank you for sharing!

  25. love the graphite diluted! i love to mix my chalk paint colors!

  26. Oh I have been painting and painting this summer...and would L.O.V.E. to get my hands on some chalk paint. I'll try to remember to come back on Friday ---I have tons of posts I could share!!!!

  27. I"d stay and swoon over the paint colours more (gorgeous) but I want to read your other posts - I'm a new follower! LOVE your blog.
    Nicki xx (

  28. Beautiful colours. I'm new to your blog and look forward to reading more!

  29. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am your newest follower!

  30. So amazing how many colors you can get. I've got to look into getting my hands on some of her paint.

  31. Hi Miss Sarah, I know it's been awhile since I've stopped by...I've missed your fun posts. Love this one on paints. There's something so fun to me about paint...and those paint colors. I just love going up and down the aisles at Home Depot and pulling color chips and taking them home to inspire me :)...I know, kinda goofy, anyway, I'm hoping to be able to link up to your party...fingers crossed. Hugs to you!

  32. the colors designed by the addition of Old White. I think I would enjoy creating my own color too. I'm very intrigued by chalk paint and can't wait to see how you've used it. Curious about the use of wax too. You are a lucky girl to meet Annie and pick up some useful tips to share.

    Blessings patootie!

  33. loving the duck egg blue too :) le xox

  34. Thanks for the tips! I'm getting ready to buy some chalk paint and this will definitely help:)

  35. Paint IS magic. I must get my husband off on a trip to Britain so I can explore your stores (my hotel gets paid that way):-

  36. I've really enjoyed your posts on Annie Sloan paint, I've earmarked a writing bureau to try it out on and am thinking of stocking them in my online shop too :)

  37. Did you happen to snap a shot of Aubusson mixed with Old White? I only have a little sample and don't want to waste it by mixing, would be so great to see it in a chart!

  38. Coming by to party as soon as it is up! Love Annie she is super sweet! She will be answering readers questions over at my place so be sure to stop on by though you are sooo lucky to have met her in person!!

  39. oh my! great post, do you have any more pictures of the paints? any other colors. i love the chat. grey too, and have been going over and over in my head which to buy, this or the olive. is the olive too green? i want one that is a little grey. thanks!

  40. Before you are finished with the ASCP series, please address the wax. Also, I love Rust-Oleum Ultimate Polyerethane Matte Interior (ultra-durable protection, fingerprint resistant, soap & water clean up). Am wondering how ASCP would do under this protective layer. I've tried her wax on 2 different pieces and wasn't thrilled.

  41. I am painting my kitchens cabinets with one part Antibes and two parts Chateau Grey...for the most beautiful country/farmhouse green you ever saw!!

  42. Thank you for this, love the colors you are showing us, oh so dreamy. happy New year!

  43. Wow thanks I use Annie Sloan almost every day thanks for sharing.
