
Friday 21 October 2011

Something's Gotta Give House: The Details

And now, just in time 
for your weekend of blissdom, 
comes the last part of this 
Something's Gotta Give fest.

Today, let's look at a couple of small touches that make a her-yuuuuuge difference to the house.

It would be easy to go on for weeks and weeks with all the beautiful touches that this house uses to create its glorious whole but I've stuck to two big scheme ideas and two li'l detail ideas to keep it simple and, I hope, more inspiring.

Numero uno.

Consistency of furniture: Although at first glance, the furniture choices may seem rather random...the African-style stool in the Living Room, the formal round dining table.....

BUT look at the wood. ALL of it is dark. ALL of it contrasts with pale surroundings. From chair arms, to side tables to sideboards.

It doesn't matter if your furniture is a bit of a hotch potch...but it DOES matter if there is no common thread that links it all together. My TOP TIP  would be to stick to either light, or to dark wood.

Secondly, the lighting.

There is absolutely no shortage of lamps in The Beach House. Think of their electricity bill!! All around, there are main lights, wall lights, table lamps and standard lamps so that the mood can be changed at, literally, the flick of a switch.

How easy-peasy-japanesy it is to do the same in any house. Don't rely solely on overhead lighting. The light is often harsh. 

I love, LOVE, L:O:V:E lamps. So much versatility at so little cost.
This weekend, if you have a moment, and fancy a treat, buy an extra lamp and see what I mean.

What's coming up next week?
A Farrow and Ball extravaganza.
Culminating, next Friday, 
with the coolest giveaway in the world.

Yes, you heard it here first.


  1. EXCELLENT advice there Missus! There is something to be said about consistancy and expectation.

    I have tried to restrain myself in terms of pallet in my house but it's hard when you are a magpie like myself! So I have allowed a bit of leeway in my upstairs rooms (namely, bath and dressing rooms which don't carry the same colours as everywhere else)! But the wood throughout is dark (or white/painted) everywhere - so yay! I think I passed your test lol

    Hope you are having a fabulous weekend my dear xxx

  2. I use lamps everywhere. As well as giving a cosy glow they are much more flattering than overheads. I've enjoyed this series of posts xx

  3. Great tips, and I think I'm going down to the basement to bring another lamp up to our livingroom.

  4. Hi Sarah! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. You can check out the details on my blog. Have a great weekend :)

  5. Wonderful tips, Sarah dear.

  6. I never ever get tired of a Something's Gotta Give House post. That house is iconic. Thanks for pointing out details that show us why we love it so much. Have a fantastic weekend!

  7. You are so right, I hadn't noticed that before. But what if some of your furniture is golden and some of it dark, I know folks say the golden is "out of style" but I don't CARE if it's out of style, if it's a good antique, I am not going to change it.
    I am so glad you pointed that out.
    You do such great posts.
    Have a good weekend, Cindy

  8. Wow! I believe I'm a very good pupil of yours! I try to keep a wood colour consistency in my house (altjough, it's sometimes to say no to a beautiful piece...) and I love to have all kind of different ways to light a room dependng on my mood and on the season. I'm still mad at my contractor who forgot two sockets from the list I had written for him... You did a very good job in studying that house/set!

  9. i HAVE totally enjoyed your series on this MAGNIFICENT house.
    The creamy whites..the blue stripped rug, the ABSENCE of little tiny knick-knacks..(a major PLUS) and, as you say, MOSTLY AWESOME LIGHTING. It is so important..can change a room with the click of the switch. My living room look just hum-drum during the night, with low lighting, it looks so much better.
    Thanks for a delightful time.
    xo bj

  10. Wonderful!!!! I LOVE that last room, it looks so cozy and I love what the lighting does for the room not to mention those gorgeous windows!!!

  11. You are just so smart. I would never have figured that out. (And now I am embarrassed to say that I have a hodge podge of different colored woods in my home. Ugh.)

  12. Thanks so much for this great series. What fun it's been to be able to tear the house apart and learn what made it so great. Thanks again!

  13. Sarah, this series
    has been so timely
    for me as I am re-doing
    our main living area
    as well as our master
    bedroom. I love the
    color palette and your
    advice about the furniture
    is spot-on. The lamps,
    too! Thank you for
    giving my reno some
    direction; I have always
    LOVED the interiors of
    this movie and it's a
    great inspiration!
    xx Suzanne

  14. Oh, this is just not your post, your post is great...but I have light and dark wood at home - I told my other half it was a bad idea!

    Now I have been vindicated!

    I think it's so true about keeping the furniture with a light or dark theme, it gives loads of flexibility in style and that dark brown is such a rich colour and look I think I would go for that if I was doing a house makeover - it's a timeless wood.

    Lighting is, I have to say, my number one thing when it comes to interior design, I think lighting is what makes a room and if I could, I would go and buy loads more lamps right now!

  15. As I can see like me you love the film Something's gotta give, last night we watched It's Complicated and you would so love that too! its by the same directors and the locations are brilliant!
    have fun this week,

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