
Friday 14 October 2011

Something's Gotta Give: Master Bedroom

Today, we're in the bedroom...or, more specifically, in 
the Master Bedroom from Something's Gotta Give.

What an eye-poppingly lovely lot of things there are to look at in this beautiful room.

That desk? Drool.

Those windows? Swoon.

The squishy armchair? Faint.

Is it bad that I was as entranced with the room as with the crying? 

This film was released in 2003. Have you looked at interior magazines from 2003 recently? I have. And they looked daaaaaated. What I love about this film is that, although it was released nearly ten years ago, it hasn't aged one jot. It would still stun me if it was released now.

And I suspect this house will look as good in twenty years time. It's just got that classic, timeless feel about it.

Now, you go and have a great weekend, you hear me?

And don't forget to pop by on Monday when we can have more of a good snoop around the Something's Gotta Give Beach House...Is it just me or does the gate-crashing element add to the thrill? 


  1. Wow I totally love it!! I am going to go get that movie again just to see the home!

  2. I actually saw this film for the first time at the ArcLight in Hollywood. Later the same week I got to see Ms Keaton in the flesh at a book signing. I had assumed this gorgeous house was for real - the Hamptons maybe - thank goodness I didn't ask where the house was!

  3. I thought of you when I saw this today

    Have a great weekend! XOL

  4. LOVE the chaise longue...wish we had more space in our home *sigh*
    have a great weekend,

  5. This home has always been the dream home in my mind. I don't know how many countless times I've watched the movie, pausing and taking in every nook and cranny. It just never gets old! :)

  6. Hello my friend,
    That really is a lovely bedroom and it really isn't dated in the least. How great it would be to have a room surrounded by windows and french doors, I could live there!
    Hugs, Cindy

  7. I agree, this room is lovely and timeless.

  8. It's been one of my favorite movie homes, the kitchen, and bedroom, all so perfect! And so biggggggggg!
    I mean the bedroom, is more of a suite.
    Another movie home that is just deelish is one of my faves when I started my blog I posted about it, the Susan Sarandon home in "Stepmom".
    This is a very inspiring post, hope you are well, hugs, tami

  9. I must be the only one who has never seen this movie. I'll be sure to watch it now and I will be looking at the decor...definitely!!


  10. Your so right this is a gorgeous room and hasn't dated any! It is so beautiful :) have a great weekend.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  11. If you keep this up Sarah, I'm gonna have to drag out the dvd and watch it for the 27th time...gorgeous that howling scene that Diana Keaton does so Keanu...Robx

  12. such a luscious space
    for dreaming


    thanks for sharing!


  13. I would take that house in a second, but I don't think I'd invite Jack Nicholson.

  14. I loved that movie sweet Sarah and loved the home and all the decor too!
    My daughter always says I look and remind her of Diane Keaton. Its too funny..Ive had a couple of customers I serve say the same thing!
    Have a great weekend too..I just got home and am pooped!

    Much Love,
    Deborah xoxoxoxo

  15. Thank you for all these lovely pictures of this classic home. Just lovely! God bless x

  16. Al I can keep doing is going....siiiiigggggghhhhhh......

  17. Hello sweetpea, this is a lovely series! Totally agree, the styles are timeless and I too 'watch' the interiors in a set as much as the story.

    I prefer cosier spaces though, like what most of us get in the UK, I find it difficult to relate to gigantic rooms like these. Perhaps I'm the weird one!

    Love to you, sweet Sarah!
    Meera xx

    P.S. You won't want to miss the giveaway that's on my blog! :-)

  18. I generally don't like bedrooms that are so large . . . but this is stunning. What a beautiful place to cry.


  19. I am in love with that house. You are right, the decor is timeless. I wish I could achieve that in my own home! Have a gret weekend!

  20. It's all so beautiful...and the huge size of all the rooms doesn't hurt, either.

  21. I could not agree with you more, the entire house/ set is timeless. Hats off to the designers.

    You can never go wrong with the classics, that is why I redid my kitchen the way I did. I had read an article in Traditional Home about 2 years ago, forgot the name of the designer but he was an older man, and they asked him about his home why he decorated it the way he did and then they showed photos of the kitchen, it was stunning, white cabinets, soapstone counters, classic, the interviewer asked when he had done his kitchen...he said 30 years ago! It looked like it was done yesterday.

    Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely fall weekend.

  22. Oh, my, cleaning these windows must be such a pain... Ok, I admit, I'm jealous because I have only two small windows in my bedroom!

  23. you're so right - the styling of that home for the film was spectacular. I've long been a fan. Looking back is such a treat! Thanks for sharing these wonderful images :)

  24. Oh Lordy, just LOVE
    this!!! And yes, the snoop
    factor does add to the thrill!
    xx Suzanne

  25. Yep I would take it all in a jiffy, not so sure about Jack Nicholson, however I bet he can make you laugh.

    You have guessed it, out comes the film to drink in the gorgeous interiors. I even like the shop they go to, sad or what!

  26. I LOVE the movie, and a big part of it is that I love the house! Well, that, and that I'm so there, except for the famous playwright part.:)

  27. Hi again,
    Check out Revisionary Life!
    I've nominated you for an award. :)

  28. Quite the room. That whole house s is spectacular!

    I would love to have the job of the person who finds the house for the movie and then has to accessorize it too. I could so do that job!

  29. Only just managed to get a look at this post and oh, my! I really wish I had a bedroom like that - All that writing space which makes so much use of those fantastic windows!!!!!!

    Also, the picture with them being filmed in bed did make me smile - It's funny how intimate they can make films seem and you always forget that while they're having that moment there's about fifteen other people in the room - hilarious!

    Lizzy x

  30. Loved the movie and the house was amazing. You're right. It is definitely a timeless look. My daughter worked with Diane once and she was a lovely person. Happy to have found your blog.
