
Saturday 5 November 2011

Mulled Cider and My Beautiful Pitcher

Tonight is Guy Fawkes night here in the UK. 

All over the country, children will be wrapped up warmly, bonfires will be burning and excited faces will ooh and aah at the sky alight with fireworks.

As you can't all be with me, much though I'd love it, I thought I'd share one of my favourite traditions with you, so we can at least be together in spirit:

Mulled Cider. 
So scrumptious.
So easy.

This is not a recipe that's fixed in stone;
there are a million variations. 
But this is the way we like it.

2 litres of cider 
(or apple juice for the children)
2 oranges, thinly sliced
3 cups of orange juice
A handful of cloves
6 cinnamon sticks
6 all-spice berries

Tip all the ingredients into a large pan and simmer until hot.
Drink and be merry.

{Did someone say easy?}

  • I'm serving it in my very handsome indeed tall ceramic pitcher.
    Isn't it beautiful?

    It's new and gorgeous and I think you can probably tell I am a tad excited about it.
    I found it in the Domestic Diva section on the Cox and Cox website. 

    {And if making mulled cider doesn't designate me a Domestic Diva, 
    then, frankly, I don't know what will..}

    Have a great evening, peeps.


Linking to my favourite parties in the sidebar...


  1. This does sound so easy and I'll bet it smells really yummy too. Enjoy the night. Who was Guy Fawkes?

  2. Beautiful pitcher and I bet your home smells heavenly!

  3. Yum. I love apple cider - I will be making this soon!

  4. I can smell the delicious aroma from here!

  5. :-)

    Have a nice evening with Mulled Cider (with cider or applejuice)!

    Your pitcher is just lovely!

    ♥ Franka

  6. What a beautiful pitcher. I haven't made mulled cider in years--thank you for reminding me about it. Guy Fawkes Day sounds like such fun!

  7. Oh that looks SO good, and the pitcher is just gorgeous!!! I usually just throw what I have around in a pot, but my fave is having Wassail simmering on the stove. Yum:-)

  8. Thanks so much for the recipe...I'll be sure to try this one! Love your pitcher, it's gorgeous!! Have a great time tonight!


  9. Ooooh, that sounds yummy, & I love your gorgeous pitcher!
    :) CAS

  10. Did you know that Guy Fawkes day is still celebrated in Newfoundland? Several years ago a large group of our church friends, some of them Newfoundlanders, had a Guy Fawkes celebration with a huge bonfire and fireworks. What a fun time we had. Your mulled cider sounds yummy and looks splendid in your pretty pitcher. Have a lovely weekend! Pamela

  11. Have a nice from

  12. Yum!! sounds wonderful on this cold and over cast day!!! I love the smell it puts throughout the house too. In fact I am going to simmer some on the stove today!! Thank you for the reminder!! xo Kathysue

  13. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating tonight dear Sarah! Your recipe sounds perfect for a chilly evening! Love, love, love your pitcher!!!

  14. Hi Sarah, your recipe does sound easy and your pitcher really is gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend! Leahx

  15. Yummy! That sounds wonderful!
    Have a wonderful night watching your fireworks and enjoying the bon-fire.
    Hugs, cindy

  16. I am in love, love, love with that pitcher!! I want the biggie and the smallie, they are glorious! And so is that easy peasy recipe for the mulled cider (now if only it was a little bit cooler here in Oz for some mulled cider...never thought i'd be wishing for cooler weather!). Can't wait to try it out (and do some online shopping @ Cox&Cox : )
    Happy Sunday.
    Alison x

  17. Sarah,
    You are definitely...a Domestic Diva! Recipe sounds delicious! Your pitcher is Modern Country!Enjoy your evening!

  18. oh double yum dear one - we;ll be right over ... do you have special glasses for this yumminess :) le xox

  19. What a cute pitcher. I loved mulled cider, but have never heard of all-spiced berries. I asked my husband what they are since he is from Germany. He is looking it up now. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Have a great night. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  20. Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament in the days of Kingly rule and to this day 5th of November is celebrated around the Commonwealth with bonfires and fireworks - yay sparklers!!!!

  21. Hope you enjoyed your evening! Love your post! :)


  22. Hi Sarah. Your post made me VERY homesick for the UK. Bonfire nights with that woodsmoke autumny (is that a word?) smell hanging in the air, little faces lit up by sparklers, hot dogs with burnt sausages, children so excited it's like Christmas..... Thanks for the memories. Hope yours was great! lol x

  23. You are most definitely a domestic diva. That mulled cider sounds scrumdiddlyumptious (yay!). Will have to try it. xxxxx

  24. Looks delish and love the pitcher! hope you had fun!! ;--))

  25. I hope you had a wonderful time, it sounds like fun! The mulled cider looks absolutely delicious and your pitcher is beautiful!
    I hope you are well and have a fabulous week!!

  26. Oooh I love that jug as much as your recipe!!! Thanks for visiting today :)

  27. You will always be a Domestic Diva!! It looks delicious, and the jug well I am just off to Cox & Cox!!

  28. Oooh your mulled cider sounds gorgeous - going to have to make that! We had a very nice night, with W's family, little nieces and their little friends and a few dogs thrown in to boot - needless to say, the noise was more from the little people than the bangs in the sky ;) Of course, I had to have a sparkler as well!!

    Your pitcher is gorgeous by the way - I love Cox & Cox! Domestic Diva indeed! xxx

  29. O, Sarah..I just adore your cute sense of humor. You make me smile every time I come over.:)

    Can't wait to try this delicious sounding recipe. We love cider...
    Of course, I would love it a lot more if I, too, had a tall, good-lookin' stone pitcher..just like yours. ;O)

  30. MMmmmm so delicious Sarah ....and pretty too!
    I had apple cider with cinnamon sticks all weekend and loved it every time!
    yes, we must think alike sweet friend :)
    Love you!

    Deborah xoxooxox

  31. I used to love guy fawkes growing up in the UK! We don't do it here though. Is it chilly over your way yet?

  32. That pitcher is beautiful and I'm sure the mulled cider tastes extra delicious in it. I can use some of that now - can you believe the snow here?!! Rediculous! Have a great week, you "Domestic Diva"!

  33. Oh, that is a completely gorgeous pitcher! Perfect for serving mulled cider from ;)

  34. That sounds so good for cool Fall days! ♥

  35. Guy Fawkes night sounds like my kind of party! Gorgeous pitcher, Sarah, and you are definitely a domestic diva ;)

  36. Sounds lovely! I didn't even know you could make mulled cider - This is definitely something I want to try - And the pitcher - Excellent choice Sarah - Stylish and Countryfied all in one!

    L x

  37. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe Sarah. I love mulled cider, it is my favorite drink in winter time. :)

  38. Mmmmmm...does that sound delish! And that pitcher is to die for. I have dishes that match it perfectly. Lovely!

  39. Christy was taken to the bonfires and enjoyed her first Guy Faulkes night in the UK. Very fun.

