
Friday 20 January 2012

Garden Sieve Noticeboard Part 3: Reveal!!

Hello my poppett,

And a big welcome to the grand reveal of 
my Garden Sieve Noticeboard.
{Did you see the tutorial in Part 2?}

I love the whole vintage-y look of it,
perfected, if I may be so bold, 
{Gotta love that gorgeous raspberry scrumptiousness.}

We're in the end stretch of all the coughs and snuffles in our house. Huzzah!
Oh yes. It's been a barrel of laughs round here.
A veritable ca-cough-phany
{That hilarious joke is brought to you by lover-boy himself...}

A cough-cough here...
And a cough-cough there.
Here a cough, there a cough...

{Please tell me you're getting the Old MacDonald Reference...? 
Or is it just me singing here on my own? 
Not a good sound with my currently raspy voice....}

So, what have I been up to these last few days? 
Well, funny you should ask...
I've been busily picking out my items for my 30 for 30.

I have to choose 30 pieces 
and remix them over 30 days 
to produce 30 different outfits. 

I'm starting my 
30 for 30: Maternity: Modern Country Style series 
on Monday.

So this weekend, 
I shall be wearing all my other clothes, 
probably on top of one another, 
in my last bid for fabric-freedom.

Cos that's how I roll.
Probably quite literally in this case, with all my layers....

Think: Michelin Man...
but add coughing....

Nothing but top-class allure, in this house, my friends.
Nothing but allure.

I'm linking to my favourite parties in the sidebar!


  1. Love your noticeboard... so clever and pretty! Hope the coughing subsides soon. E I E I O :)

  2. Ha! I'm so glad you got it - I wondered if it was those moments where we all watch the tumbleweed blow past...



  3. Such a fab idea! Love the look.


  4. Girl, I was singing Old McDonald right along with you. I'm completely in tune with your top-class allure. And I really like your garden sieve, too--it looks great! Especially sitting there with the F&M cheese crock and those lovely bottles. Well done!

  5. Wow, this is really lovely, I want to go and make one now!! Brilliant idea! x

  6. I like what you did with the sieve, but I was laughing out loud at the picture of you wearing all the clothes that don't make the 30 for 30 cut! I hope your cough goes away soon.

  7. that turned out so cute!
    and we have the cold starting here...
    a nose pick here, a nose pick there, here a pick there a pick....
    yes, my son keeps picking his nose. awesome.

  8. Small one calls them 'boogins' and now I need to go and listen to some other type of music :-)

  9. This turned out so well. Love the vintage feel, such a terrific and very useful creation. Bravo!

  10. Sarah I love this! Nice job mixing the fabric with the old metal! Where do I get a sieve?
    Susan (Homeroad)

  11. We are having our own cough-fest around here Wowza, I love that garden sieve. Super cute, Sarah! I'll bet you're looking pretty cute with that growing baby bump too :)


  12. Bit of fun over at the blog later today-I'm 'tagging' you. :-)

  13. So cute and so funny, even with a cold. Get well soon!


  14. Sarah darling! Oh, I am so behind on my blog activities, and I read blogs before I read the news, so I have no idea what's going on in the world either.

    Your sieve noticeboard is GENIUS and GORGEOUS! I've saved your tutorial in case I happen to find such a lovely item out in the yard.

    And of course... ***jumping in excitement*** A GIRL!!! IT'S A GIRL!! That is SOOO exciting and I look forward to following it all, including your 30 for 30 - what a clever idea and one that I will file for future reference!

    Happy weekend, darling. Have fun with the dressing up :)

    Hugs hugs,

    Meera xx

  15. Such a clever girl I'd never have thought of that. Now I know just what to do should I ever find such a beautiful sieve. Happy days chris

  16. I expect nothing less than allure! Have a great weekend and here's hoping everyone is on the mend.

  17. LOL! of course, humor is the most alluring thing, and you combine that with being as cute as a button! Love the sieve...

  18. Love the sieve.......and your humor.

    Hope you feel better soon.


  19. Sarah,
    If only we could send my homemade Chicken Rice Soup'd be cured in no time at all! My son swears by it!!! Sorry you're not feeling your best, dear friend...take good care of yourselves, please! Adore your garden sieve! Very creative! See you soon!

  20. Sarah, I love it! This is one of my all time favorite projects. I adore the toile, and the sieve is so pretty and vintage. I used to see them all the time and now I don't. So I suppose they're becoming more rare. Don't think I didn't notice the pretty crocks either, coincidentally, I just purchased two small crocks, one for my salt, the other just for prettiness and to hold flatware, so you must know I think yours are lovely too and a wonderful accompany to your Notice Board. Thank you for sharing, and the tutorial, hugs, tami

  21. Oh I need one of those, especially with the old F&M pot.

  22. poor wee darlings - hope all is better and cough free soon - yes I got the song reference before you had to say it :) le xox

  23. It is perfect! Glad to hear you are better. Half the family here had a cough which lasted about 2 long months! But I did not, thankfully.

  24. Great idea...and nice pics to show it off. Feel better!

  25. I was wondering why it was raining here today, but now that I heard you sing, I know!!!
    Hope all the family will feel better soon, cough!

    Magali xxx

  26. It's gorgeous and you are very clever. I did't know what it was going to look like, but you did a fab job!

  27. That is fabulous! It's unique and so very modern country!
    I hope your ca-cough-phany is subsiding, hm...another word that spell-check doesn't recognize! What?!;)
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  28. This post seriously made me giggle on a Monday morning - Not only the lovely coughing song you sang but also the coughing, rolling allure of wearing multiple outfits at once. And 'fabric freedom' what a phrase!

    I am looking forward to the 30 30 maternity blogging!

    Lizzy x

  29. That's so cute...looked to me at first like a "panning for gold"...piece...closer inspection....your garden seive is already "GOLD"...nice board...
    Mel's Designs ....'n Harmony blog...

  30. hehe, You make me giggle Sarah. Missed you on Sunday. Hope you are all feeling better soon. Cant wait to see your 30 for 30! x

  31. This is so the idea!

  32. Oh you make me laugh! And now I have that song stuck in my head too. Hope you feel better soon. Good luck with the clothes. God bless x

  33. Beautiful! Really such a clever way to repurpose that sieve -- love the fabric background you chose! Hope you're all on the mend!

  34. Hey, Clever girl! What a darling project! The cabbage & roses print truly makes it look so vintage!!! Hope you're feeling better now, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  35. Such a sweet idea! I've seen these in antique shops, but could never really think what to do with them. Now I know!

  36. I love your garden sieve noticeboard almost as much as I love your sense of humor Sarah! :-) Thanks so much for sharing both with us at Inspiration Friday!

  37. This is beautiful, Sarah. Fantastic idea!

  38. That is just too cool! I love the fabric peeking out and the whole look is so you!

  39. LOVE this!!! I saw you featured over at BTPF and realized I hadn't been by for a visit for a while!! Sorry you've been glad you are on the mend :) Laurel

  40. Love this Sarah and your outfits that you have been sharing are so cute too!! Thanks so much for sharing at FNF!!:) Hugs, Courtney
