
Monday 7 March 2011

Modern Country Craft Inspiration: Book Art

 Hey peeps.

Welcome to Inspiration Week!

This week, I'll be showing you some of my favourite inspiration images, ending with a partaaaay on Friday.

Yup, the Inspiration Journey Linky Party will be here on Friday 11th March. Will you come and show us what inspires YOU?

I'm hoping you know that Modern Country Style has three elements:
  • Renovation: charting the complete renovation of our home and garden.
  • Creation: crafting gorgeousness.
  • Inspiration: sharing what gives me Eureka! moments along the way.

Most linky parties only let you link up home make-overs and craft projects, which I've found frustrating when I've put together an inspiration post I've been really pleased with so I thought I'd start my very own link party that let's you link up what inspires you.

This Friday's Inspiration Journey party is a trial run for what I hope will become a regular feature here so if you like the idea then I'd love you to join in. ;-)

Here's the button. Will you grab my button by copying the html to your sidebar? Will you? Will you?

Modern Country Style

Today, I wanted to show you what's been inspiring me craft-wise lately.

I love ancient crafts that have been bought right up to the minute. Modern Country Crafts, I like to say (but, of course!).

Book Art.

Not Art Books. But Book Art.

Art using books and the written word.

I'm not certain yet how I'm going to take these ideas forward but that's why I wanted to call the party Inspiration JOURNEY.

What I often do when I spot an awesome image somewhere is to search around for more ideas around the same theme.

And then gradually ideas form in my head about how I'm going to interpret it for myself.

I might attempt a few of those ideas from my head until I'm left with one I love for me.

That's what I mean by my Inspiration Journey.

I first spotted a Book Art picture over at Michele's Hello Lovely Inc. blog, which is jam-packed full of awesome inspiration. Plus her writing style is fantastic. This was the image she shared, that started this whole process for me:

Absolutely stunning, eh?

Some of these works of art are made out of one book, seeing the book as a carving medium, and using scalpels and tweezers to dissect the pages.

Others use books as a vehicle to ground their art. Bringing the book to life.

Each post this week, I'll be showing you inspiration from a different area of my blog.

Today is craftilicious.

Come again and I'll be the garden.

Care to join me?


Images via: K. Stillman, Sue Blackwell, BibliOdyssey, Sarah Bodman, Nicholas Galanin, unknown, Yvette Hawkins, Brian Dettmer, Brian Dettmer, Sue Blackwell, Brian Dettmer, Brian Dettmer, Liz Hamman, Isaac Salazar, Brian Dettmer, Sue Blackwell


  1. I didn't even know book art was a thing! Where in the world did you find all these photos? Super interesting post!

  2. Book art is a subject that fascinates me as well. Amazing what can be done with skill and imagination isn't it?

  3. This book art is amazing! I'm afraid it looks wayyyy out of my league, but it's gorgeous. I can't wait til Friday, I've already started drafting up an inspiration post for the party!!! I'm going to blog about it today sometime.

  4. These are amazing! I first saw this type of art at an English art fair. I don't think this modality has hit the shores of the US yet (to my knowledge). Love these!

  5. What amazing art. I love the Alice in Wonderland. Can't wait to check out the link party Friday!

  6. Wow these images are amazing Sarah! I especially love the first one! I had no idea book art even existed. I guess I should climb out from under my rock! LOL!

  7. Good morning, my darling!

    You've made MY DAY with your COMMENT, Sarah! You truly did!
    I can't believe you thought about my blog! That's huge! ;-)

    I'll be here on Friday.. count with me! :-)

    Btw, this post is pure art! How amazing... craftilicious indeed!!! :-)

    Have a Blessed week, sweetie!


    Luciane at

    Post of the Day: Interview with Paloma Contreras of High Gloss.

  8. I love books ... but I never thought to see that!
    These pictures are very interesting ...
    Thank you for sharing them!
    Have a nice afternoon

  9. Hi Sarah! Gosh, what great photos. Isn't book art cool? I can't wait for your party...I'm trying to think something up :)

  10. Holy cow! What amazing sculpture. Hmm, the wheels are starting to turn. Like I didn't have a long enough list!

  11. These are all so amazing! I would have never guessed you could make all of that with a book! I especially love the little table in the book. So precious!

  12. Sarah, these are stunning. The "love" book was my favorite.

    This brought back a fun childhood memory. I grew up in Viet Nam, so we made most of our Christmas decorations. We use to make a Christmas angel, by folding each page of a reader's digest magazine - this became the body. Then we added a styrofoam head and painted it. Very fun.

    Your link sounds wonderful.


  13. Wow! What fascinating art work! A very interesting post. Some people sure have great imaginations. Thanks for sharing.

  14. OMGosh these are AMAZING!! I have never seen anything like these before! I am in AWE! What a great party dearie and of course I will share this with everyone! :)
    I hope that you have a fabulous day!

  15. A subject I have never come across before, fascinating!

  16. Hi Sarah!! These images are absolutely stunning! Imagine the delicate work that goes into these. I love the idea of bringing the books to life! I'm inspired!

  17. these are amazing works of art, i just can't believe it, i've never seen anything like it!! i am so excited about your inspiration link party...great idea!

  18. Hi gingersnap :)

    Wow, I've never seen such amazing art before. I am going to take another peek. I just can't get over the talent and patience it must take. Very interesting and well written post!

    I'll take your buttons on over to my place. Hmmmm... thinking thinking! Can't wait to join in!

    Michellle :)

  19. How wonderful. Everytime I went oh that one is my favorite I would look at the next picture and say the same thing. Great post.

  20. Wow! I'd better not let Sexy Nerd see this post. He'll be cutting up our books before I know it ;)


    Thanks for mentioning my blog and the kind words, Sarah. Really appreciate it and this is def one of the most luscious, drool-worthy posts of all time. I LOVE BOOKS!!! I use discarded pages in so much of my art and never tire of incorporating text into my creations.

    You have something special here, and I'm a huge admirer.

    love to you, darling.


  22. Hello lovely,

    Craftilitious indeed! What a great word. Should be added to the Oxford immediately. And what an amazing array of book art - so many talented people out there. I'm in love with the LOVE book. How cute is that. Unfortunately i'd never, ever have the patience to make it myself!
    Well, i'm looking forward to more inspirational posts from you my dear, what a clever little cookie you are ; ) Not too sure what I can pull out of the vault to join in with your linky party, but I'll give it a go.
    Wishing you a wonderful week.

    Alison xx

  23. Oh my goodness, I never knew such a thing even existed. I'm in love (get it) with the love book. I'm a hopeless romantic what can I say?

  24. Hello dear Sarah,
    I'll be there with bells on!!! On Friday, that is.
    Stunning art is an understatement!!! It must take ages to create one of those masterpieces!
    Ttyl, Cindy

  25. Love the book art. Absolutely beautiful....I am inspired!

  26. Amazing !!! this boor them...happy week

  27. I'll be there on Friday! Can't wait! I just added your button to our blog too :) Love it! PS- how do you make those?!?! I haven't been able to figure that part of blogging out yet!

  28. These are incredible Sarah! Thanks so much for sharing.

  29. These book art are amazing, I've never seen anything like!

  30. The Alice one is my favourite by's my miniature thing! xxx

  31. I blogged about your linky party and inspiration week today!

  32. c'est magnifique!!!!
    I've never seen anything like this is amazing, I love it!

  33. Oh my gosh, Sarah, I adore this book fascinating!!

  34. These pictures are absolutely amazing!! I would love to observe the artist at work, unbelievable talent. Thanks for sharing:)


  35. Hi Sarah,the book art is really amazing.


  36. Sarah,
    I'm still unsure what to post for your linky meme on Friday. Would it be alright if I sit the first one out? Once I can see what it is you have in mind. .. I think I'd like to participate.

  37. Wow- that book art is incredible Sarah! I can't wait to come to your party!!! See you soon!! :) oh- and your button is going on my sidebar sweet friend! Hugs Courtney :)

  38. What a lovely idea - to share what inspires us! This book art is amazing. I am pretty much ga-ga for anything book related. Thank yo for the lovely photos and for this wonderful idea.

  39. My goodness, these are utterly A-MAZING! Such talent...

    I am so looking forward to your fabulous party, my lovely! Need to start thinking about my post for it!

    Meera xx

  40. Laura, I'm speechless. This book art is nothing short of amazing.Thank you for sharing these images! Happy Women's Day, btw! Please accept my little blog post as a token of today's celebration. It's also a thank you for all the inspiration I derive from your lovely blog.

  41. So very cool, Sarah!
    Books, written words,
    printed words....It's
    all great and very inspiring
    in MY book, too!
    xx Suzanne

  42. This is awesome. There are so many talented people. What a great idea for a Linky Party Sarah. Thank you. It will be fun, plus insightful as to what makes everyone tick when it comes to inspiration.

    Lisa x

  43. Genius. So beautiful and imaginative. Book art and paper cutting rocks my world!

  44. I LOVE Book Art, it is just so incredibly creative and beautiful. And the layers and layers of text forms such beautiful patterns, oh yes indeed, a stunning artform...

    Love all these images you collated!

  45. I have just found your blog via Anne @ My White Homestead... those books are amazing! Such patience to achieve those works of art. You have some gorgeous images here... Georgie x

  46. What a super, fun idea! I'll join in for sure!

  47. In the vein of being inspired… New York’s answer to the recession…

    Now we can all live and read amazing books without dying of starvation too :)
