
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Kitchen Ponderings Part 2

Come in, my lovely, come in.
Let's have a sit down and a chat shall we?

Mmm? You demand a drink before we get going?
What are you like, missy? Go on then, seeing as it's you....

Well, whoooooooooo-hee, there was certainly split opinion over yesterday's kitchen serving, wasn't there?
Such a kerfuffle. 
Ladies, ladies. Whatever am I to do with you.

I have a plan.
We split into two groups:
those for the gorgeousness of that kitchen
and those against its over-styledness.

We see which team can eat the most
chocolate between them...
{yes, arbitrary but yummy....}
 and we announce that team the winner.

You in?
What do you mean you don't sort out
every disagreement like that?
It's the only way; you know I'm right.

And that's why I should
rule the world.

But my point. Yes, there is a point to all this.
Yesterday, wasn't so much about that particular kitchen being lovely or not lovely. It was more that.

On the surface it was just my cup of tea, you see.
Let's see how far it would have got through my
Makeover Your Kitchen Rules:

I think it would have got through Step 1: Kitchen Foraging.
I'd give it a 10 out of 10. It is gorgeous, after all.

Yup, still loving it.

You know I love the Blue Grey colour.....veering into obsession, I know. I know.

So, this kitchen hasn't been eliminated at all.

But yet. But yet.

It doesn't do it for me.
I know it was gorgeous but no means no.

How To Makeover Your Kitchen
definitely needs a next step.

Drumroll, if you please.
{Drummer boy, where are you when I need you?  
And this is when I introduce you to

Step 4: Find your style.

And, speaking of style, I feel a little trip into the fashion-world a-coming up.
Can you feel it too?


  1. hee hee who would have thought such contraversy could rage :) love you any which way Sarah dear le xox

  2. YES! I vote 1 for Sarah to rule the world :-) I am totally with you - I LOVE that kitchen, I would be happy to have that kitchen, but that's because mine is apricot-beige. I do fear that gorgeous colour may start to feel dark and heavy, especially on cold winters maybe not...BUT maybe a few shades lighter???

    Seems I need to eat chocolate for both teams since I am fence sitting ;-)

    love ya!


  3. I would definitely win the chocolate eating competition. I'm a real choccy guzzler!

    Anyway, how did I miss the kerfuffle caused by yesterday's post!! I like the kitchen but it is a bit one-dimensional. Colour is great but just too much of it. And where is the clutter? I know I've said it before but it's only natural isn't it. Isn't it? Or am I the only clutter obsessed collector/hoarder?

    Looking forward to the next post. xx

  4. Add some gorgeous accessories and I guarantee that everyone would LOVE this kitchen.


  5. Thanks for the refreshment, now pass the chocolate! :)

  6. Seems to me, that what that kitchen needs is FOOD! It's huge, so I'm assuming it would be for a big home, and you'd have paid staff (since we're dreaming, here), and lots off greens on the chopping block, some herbs hanging on the racks, baskets of fruit, bottles of wine....rainbows of color in the form of edible art! :)

  7. You are too funny :)
    Yes, I think that kitchen needed some home cooked nourishment lying around, not to mention a few live herb pots. But when you love something you just love it, and I do see why you do, the color is all you, Sarah. xxx

  8. I loved the colour in the last post, but I think that maybe it was too much of a good thing. I thought it was a bit too stark also - I think a bit more eclectic is my 'thing'.
    That said, I'm willing to eat chocolate to help sort out the dilemma! - Melissa xx

  9. Can I get to choose what chocolate we eat - please.

  10. I spotted my favourite teapot again today :)

  11. If Godiva chocolate is involved...I'm there. I'll agree to just about anything with a mouth full of chocolate :)I think that kitchen was missing a cute girl standing there cooking in boots, haha!


  12. First, if you are candidate for being France's next president, I definitely vote for you... And I'll pay my taxes with chocolate!
    Can't wait for your next post. Right now, I'm still in the middle of step 1, but step 3 is already stressing me out!

  13. Sorry Sarah, didn't actually comment on the kitchen story...the internet was doing a spaz...again...I have to say I loved it as I have a soft spot for Plain English I can forgive the use of that colour 'everywhere'.Robx
    p.s. you do like to ponder about kitchens don't you!!!

  14. Would you believe that I'd just peeled a carrot to eat while I read this post. It's probably good that I like them all, otherwise I'd have to start eating next weeks chocolate in order to catch up.

  15. That was a really lovely comment you just wrote in my blog post *Hugs* Thank you!

  16. When I was here earlier today, blogger was having issues and I could not comment. So here I am again.
    I loved the kitchen too, but it had some drawbacks.
    But no, you can't rule the world!!!
    I'll be back to see what you will teach me tomorrow!
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  17. I kind of love it but definitely agree that it would be much too dark!

  18. Maybe that kitchen needs some chocolate? Hmmm Sarah :) We'll see what else you have to say tomorrow :)

  19. You clearly are a mom expert on sorting out arguments :) Love it! XOL

  20. Honey, if every disagreement ended with chocolate eating contests, then you may indeed rule the world.

  21. I haven't jumped in on the argument yet........
    but I'm totally in for the eating chocolate face off!

  22. That is EXACTLY how all debates should be resolved! :-D

    Meera xx
