
Friday 3 February 2012

Day 11: Awkward, awkward, awkward....

Shirt: TM Lewin, Skirt: Top Shop, Belt: Next, Bangle: Primark

I have this friend. right? And this friend sent a text message to her husband. And let's say it was quite...errr...smoochy. Yes, my pumpkins, that was one hot-mama text. Only she didn't send it to her husband. 

She sent it to her sister-in-law.

And then this friend had to phone her sister-in-law and shriek various embarrassment-filled pleas to delete said text AT ONCE. And not to clap eyes on it in any way at all. Purrrrleeeeeease.

Wouldn't that be an awful thing to happen to anyone?

It was me.
It was yesterday.
It was awkward.


  1. Too funny! Love that skirt! Have a great weekend.


  2. OMG, I love, love, love the last photo - you look so natural, gorgeous and happy!!

    I feel your shame re: the text - I almost did similar - we had a builder with the same name as Mr G, I was just about to fire off a "smoochy" text and realised it was about to go to the wrong person - it was a close cal!!

    Since then everyone with the same initial as Mr G has gone in my phone by surname, so he is the only one under that letter!!

    Have a lovely weekend....

    S x

  3. Oh Sarah, you've bought a blush to my cheeks!

    Lurve the outfit and pics today (actually, that should read "every day". xxxxx

  4. you are too cute! and i have done things like that before- OOPS!!!!! yeah, it's awkward. but it keeps life pretty interesting!

  5. You made my chuckle out loud Sarah! Loving the striped shirt though! Sharon

  6. I am really giggling. Too funny. I had a skirt like that once. Loved it. Looks adorable on you.

  7. You must have been FREEZING taking that today!

    Sara x

  8. Sarah, that is too funny. At least it was family. Thanks for the comments on my blog. Sure do look forward each day to seeing what you are going to be wearing next. Love this.

  9. Hilarious! That pink shirt must match your blushes!

  10. Eek! I've done that before. You just try to avoid eye contact with that person. Like, forever.

    Oh! Do you have Bella Bands in the UK? I used one to make a lot of my skirts and trousers fit me well into my pregnancy.

  11. Oh my word, that is hilarious! I am always scared that I will do something like that. I'm sure it will happen eventually!

  12. I love the lighting in this photo.

  13. I LOVE denim skirts...You look just precious in this outfit...Gosh you are so tiny...I went to 180 lbs with both children and I am 5'2".

    Bless your heart!! Some SIL would have cracked up about it...and then some would have been so embarassed...the BEST response would be appreciation of the "Still in the Honeymoom Phase" reaction. I would LOVE knowing that my SIL still had the hots for my brother after several years of marriage! I don't actually have a brother...I'm just sayin' :)

    I have written an email which was sent to the wrong was a tutorial link for a DIY...and I sent it to a male co-worker :)
    So he KNEW I was totally goofing off on the job.

    Oh, well LOL

    Have an awesome weekend...Hugs, Jan

  14. hahahahahha

    That is really funny. I wouldn't be worried about it or even embarrassed. I'd be very proud and happy that you still feel that way about him.

    Love Marge x

  15. Hee hee - I love it!!! Did she sneakily ready it anyway!? xx

  16. Embarassing!! And by the way, you are glowing..amazing pictures.

  17. Poor Sarah! I would definitely blame it on the hormones too:) You are looking so pretty and lovely. Pregnancy agrees with you. God bless x

  18. You kill me.....

    We'll at least we now know how the whole baby thing happened. haha

    PS come by for a giveaway

  19. lolololololol
    You look stunning here!
    Love that background hunny!

    Deborah xoxoxoxoxo

  20. I love this story - and how you told it. If I had done that, I must admit that both of my SILs would have laughed and then teased me about it for years.

  21. Oh that's fabulous... better than the mother in law.. haha. Quite a smashing look for the day..Indie chic. Too fun.

  22. Sarah,
    OOPS! Oh, well, life happens!
    You look like you belong here, with, me on the Prairie! That skirt is gorgeous...made more so with your lovely presence!
    P.S. That text will bring sweet memories when you've reached my age, dear!

  23. wow that is a funny one, once I sent a note about someone and was ranting and raving and pushed send and realize instead of sending it to my husband I sent it to the person...oops. Yeah we all have done that I think.

  24. Thanks for the laugh, lady! :p

    p.s. My email account was recently compromised and sent out spam re: Viagra to everyone on my address list including my old boss. Oh boy.

  25. oh dear!! It's funny until it happens to you ... I've done it, but send it to my friend - who still teases me about it, 2 years later :-(

    You look great today ...

  26. love is a wonderful thing :) I've been enjoying your 30 day look book so much! xoxo diane

  27. Noooooo!! Wonder if she could resist reading!? New family legend made for sure! Xx

  28. Oh no!!! I hope you deleted it before she opened it!
    You look wonderful in the long skirt and pretty blouse.
    Hugs, Cindy

  29. Oh no!!! That would a bit awkward but so cute that you send your hubby such messages, it is good to have that. :)
    Love your photos and skirt and blouse.

  30. Bahahahaha! I'm sorry, but that is too funny! Kinda sweet though too :) As usual you look smashing.

  31. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS to read this on a Monday morning!

    I feel for you...I really do!!!

    L x

  32. Hahahahaha! Love that. But humiliation is never fun. At least you realized it before she read it, though :).

  33. That was embarassing I'll bet, but you have to say it was a tad funny too. At least it was your sister in law rather than your Mother-in-law,
    that would be worse.

    You look adorable in todays outfit,
    as always, you sure do not look like the mother of 4, er almost 5!! lol
    Keep those smoochy messages going, you are a smart cookie. Course, maybe better to handwrite them and leave them on the bathroom mirror or something!! lol
    blessings, nellie

  34. Oh my gosh! Thanks for the Monday giggle.

  35. Hello, I've had this in my inbox for ages because I just wanted to say how much I love the light and you look so pretty in pink! xx

  36. Ahh placenta brain - don't worry - it gets me into trouble too. Love your shirt! :)
