
Thursday 9 February 2012

Day 17: Pigtails...and a Batman cape...?

Jumper: Crave Maternity, Skirt: Top Shop, Shoes: Pod, Hat: Accessorize

Were you with us on Facebook, when we were asking each other the million-dollar question:
When is too old to wear pig-tails?
Our conclusion? We'll still be wearing them when we're 90....

I think it's all about how you wear them...I'll be leaving the gingham ribbons to the school-girls, and plump for low-slung hippy braids instead.

And as for this jumper...remember seeing it here, way back on Day 9 of my 30 for 30 outfits, as a tunic dress? Is there no end to its versatility? Perhaps next time, I'll sport it as a pair of trousers...I'm thinking the armholes could somehow double up as the legs...and the time after that, a Batman cape...

Yeah, baby, see me work it....

Linking to the lovely girls in my sidebar...


  1. love you in the pigtails- that look is SO me with that hat and pigtails- i am trying to grow my hair out! :)

  2. You are so adorable! LOVE the braids. I think I have way too many layers for braids, though (I just got a modified Rachel cut...remember Jennifer ANniston's hair from friends in the nineties? well the Rachel is back...only different).... You really should write a book with your cute outfits for other expectant moms!


  3. You're absolutely right about pigtails. If they look good (like you you, m'dear), then wear them. I look like a demented idiot with pigtails so I won't be wearing them anytime soon.

    Is it sunny where you are? It looks it. No sun here. Grey as grey can be.


  4. I agree...the braids are adorable!! You look great!!

  5. I think those braids are the way to're looking cute! I love pigtails too, but I think my hair is too long for them...when you're older, it seems like pigtails and mid-length hair work best.

  6. You look so cute in the pigtails. I didn't know there were maternity sweaters - my daughter has been too hot this pregnancy to wear anything like that. She's even been wearing sleeveless tops! I had to check the earlier post to see it worn as a tunic. Very versatile piece and I love the color.

  7. we are always able to wear whatever gives us confidence and comfort.. doesn't matter the age ;)

    your are looking so cute with your pretty hat and belly!


  8. You are adorable in a hat...and you can pull off the braids, too! Your posts make me want to be preggo again...and try to be more fashionable this time around!

  9. You are rockin those pigtails girl! I don't think we are ever too old to wear them. :)
    Love the skirt.


  10. You are just too funny! Love the pigtails!


  11. Love the braids with the cap!

  12. You are a funny girl... Yes my hubby hugs me all the time... Anyways you look so cute with pigtails, I wish i could go for that...

  13. I had pigtails all the time growing up - disciplinarian paternal grandmother, boarding school rules, convent school rules and public English school rules!! Have not gone back there but I love it when my kids sport them...hmmmm perhaps it is time to try them again.:)

  14. Cute outfit! And for the record, I will ALWAYS continue to put my hair in pigtails, regardless of my age. haha but like you, I'll leave the ribbons for the little girls..unless, we're matching that day. haha
    Emily at Amazing Grapes

  15. Sarah,
    On you, darling, braids take on an air of sophistication! Bring on the "Bat Cape"...I can hardly wait!

  16. My hair is too long to rock the pigtails but you're only as old as you feel!! :)

    ♥ B
    With Love From Michigan

  17. beautiful outfit!!!amazing blog!! i'm following you!!if you like mine,do the same!!!
    Freaky Friday

    Freaky Friday FB FanPage

  18. You make me smile every time I visit you, Sarah! :) LUV you so for that - you darling girl!

    xoxo laurie

  19. A very cute look, as was the previous day...lovely! Sharon

  20. You are one spunky diva! :) Seriously, your humour cracks me up.
    I love pig-tails. I wore them to my 2 year olds "Farm" themed b'day party in November (Except mine were too short at the time to plait). Keep on wearing them - I could totaly see you in them at 90! ;)

  21. I'm still loving that skirt. Your braids are adorable.

  22. Loving that sweater - and your hat is so cute :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  23. You look lovely in pigtails, your outfit today is really pretty, love it!
    Hugs, Cindy

  24. I do believe that black car in the background of the last picture has just slammed on its' brakes, taken aback by your gorgeousness!
    Z xx

  25. loving the plaits - never too old I say .... best le xox


  26. Hey good information, can you tell me where can i buy pigtails online pls suggest me
