
Friday 10 February 2012

Day 18: Hair-band long will my luck last?

Jeans: French Connection, Jumper: Kookai, Jacket: Thrifted, Boots: Nine West,
Bangles, Earrings and Belt: Primark,  Sunglasses: The Sunglasses Hut 

Something tells me I was the tinsiest bit optimistic when picking out some of the clothes for my 30 for 30 outfits. These jeans are only juuuuuust functioning in the modest category by the skin of their teeth. Thank you, hairband trick. And thank you, big wide belt.

{Do you know that trick? Thread a hair-band through the buttonhole of your jeans and then hook both ends over the button. And, ta-daaaaaah, you get another month or so's wear from your favourite jeans.}

Guy had quite the surprise when I took my belt off, let me tell you. His eyes popped out on stalks when he realised what I had been hiding under that belt all day. To me, it was a necessary Guy? Smokin'. I will never understand how the minds of men work...

Linking to the lovely girls in my sidebar...


  1. Ok Can you look any more beautiful? Nope!!!

  2. Awesome! You have to find a Bella band-you'll be good for quite sometime and comfortable too.

  3. I did not know that trick - thank you!! Love your outfit too, pretty gal!

  4. Great outfit! The hairband trick is especially useful if you have eaten too much at dinner...! I have been known to use it :) x

  5. Hilarious about the hair-band and such a good trick!

    You and Guy sound soooo cute!

    Have a great weekend!

    L x

  6. LOL! Must try the hairband trick the next time around. Love the entire outfit!

  7. The hairband trick is soon great...and I will definitely have to save it post-pregnancy for big dinners out! Ha! I love that!

  8. Great photos, you look amazing! Really enjoying your blog and am your newest follower. xoxo

  9. I have some pre-pregnancy jeans that are still eluding me--maybe I need to break out the hair elastic. Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. lolol! Too funny, Sarah! Boys will be boys....! hehehe!

    xoxo laurie

  11. Sarah,
    You look amazing...had you NOT told on yourself...I would NEVER have guess those jeans were a bit...well, you know! Guy is a wise man NOT to speak his mind!
    P.S. I know how emotional I got if someone approached the subject of my changing body when carrying our sons!

  12. You look adorable! Enjoy the week end :)

  13. Glad the hairband trick is still alive and well. I used it with my 'regular' jeans early in my pregnancy a gazillion years ago! Guess some things are too good to fade away.

    And no, I don't get how men's minds work either. hahaha

  14. I have done that with every pregnancy so far - and I'm still getting milage out of my skinny jeans! (SHOCKED, I can tell you.) Guy's reaction made me crack up. Seriously, I don't understand them either, but mine's the same and they sure make life much more entertaining! :)
    Hope you are having a great weekend!
    S xo

  15. You look so precious today!! I didn't know about that trick 30 years ago :( Husbands are too funny...I know mine cracks me up after 31 years of marriage. That IS a good thing!! Hugs and Love, Jan

  16. The hairband idea is fabulous! It would also work for us who eat too much at a big meal and are uncomfortable in our clothes, jeans or skirt. We could use that as a standby fastener!
    Your sweater is so pretty and the wide belt looks wonderful on you.
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. HAHAH! I used to do that all the time with my favorite jeans!
    I love what you are wearing and I hope it keeps you cozy warm!!

  18. Adore this winter white outfit. Beautiful.
    Sadly, I may have to try that hairband trick and I'm not pregnant!
    Z xx

  19. Genius, i wish i had this clued in approach to pregnancy, i tell you, there was zero fashion in 1998 & i got so big so quickly, i wouldn't be able to get my thighs in my jeans anyway. Mercifully i lost all the blubber but seriously, you do pregnancy with such glamour & style, well done you!! Love Posie

  20. Guy just made me laugh out loud - hee hee le xox

  21. wow you are looking hot mama! You have a great pregnancy body. Unfortunately I get huger than huge and fast and will never look that great! this is baby number 5 and I was out of my regular jeans at 6 weeks. not good!

