
Friday 29 June 2012

Can you watch this and *not* cry? I dare ya...

Goose bumps
...every time...

Happy Friday!


  1. Shew...okay I've wiped my tears, yes a beautiful moving post Sarah. Have a lovely weekend. Sharon x

  2. Crazy Sponsors... they'll do anything to sell a product.
    Even make an old crusty like me...tear up!
    Sarah, please don't dare me... I can hardly resist a dare! It's not in my nature. :)

  3. Okay, you got me there... blub..;o) x x

  4. Beautiful Sarah!
    I think you'll find a lot of mother hearts crying here :)

    Much love,
    Deborah xoxo

  5. Those sweet mommas. I believe we are all raising Olympians of some sort. Three cheers for all dads and moms.

    Especially sweet Sophie's dad and mom.

  6. Okay, you got me. *surreptitiously wipes eye*

  7. It's gorgeous isn't it. My middle boy is a flag bearer for some of the Olympic football games in Cardiff, I'm sure I will be a blubbing mum watching him do just that. Those olympic mums will be so proud of their children xx

  8. Oh my, goosebumps upon goosebumps and then the tears...

    Memories of sitting on the sidelines or bleachers watching Cam play soccer since he was 5 (at that age the insects that clambered through the grass was much more interesting than the ball that was heading for him!). As he got older he blossomed into a talented striker... a natural soccer player with incredible potential.

    At the age of 19 he was struck with a severe eye condition that required he have 2 corneal transplants. He was told he could not participate in any contact sports. He must quit soccer.

    It broke this mum's heart but I did not say a thing except one big hug. He took it extremely well and is now still a soccer aficionado. For his university graduation present I bought him a VIP ticket to see one of Chelsea's important games in London. He plans to travel to Brazil in 2014 to attend some of the Fifa World Cup series.

    I have learned some life lessons my son -- how he has responded to this tragedy. He turned a challenge into an opportunity.

    In my mind he is a world champion soccer player...

    Sarah, thanks so much for sharing this lovely ad.


  9. THAT was a good comercial, I love it when those real everyday moments are shown. It is like those picture bookd with vacations and birthdays, but not one photo of that bus-stop where you waited every day for 15 years...
