
Monday 10 September 2012

Florals in Girls' Bedrooms

Right then. Back to the delicious business of redoing our girls' bedroom. Remember, before the summer holidays all rolled into one hectic (but lovely) roller coaster, we were in the process of turning this room into a heavenly haven for two of our girls?

Well, now, I'm back on track!

So today, let's go girly. 
And let's go floral.

There are several ways you can go with florals in girls bedrooms. Let's take a closer peek at each, shall we?

Romantic Florals

The first is the most obvious. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Particularly for little girlie girls with swathes of pink flowers adorning every corner, romantic florals are the way to go.

The trick with this look, if you want to rock your Modern Country booty, is to keep those florals unobtrusive so that they blend in to the room as a whole. The very last thing you want is chintzy overload, so avoid  florals that are overly busy or overly loud. Gentle and subtle are where it's at.

Industrial Florals

The floral duvet cover and pillows give this otherwise quite stark room a girlie touch. Wouldn't this look be great for a tomboy with just an edge of femininity? Plus this is a room your little one won't be growing out of any time soon. In fact, I wouldn't mind sleeping there myself. But I think that's where the problem lies with this room. It's a little bit too grown up. It needs a bit of a design eye to appreciate the contrasts between the grey brick wall, and the cuddly giraffe. I'm not sure my little girls are quite up for that yet!!

So while this look is uber-cool, I'll be passing it by.....

Country Florals

How could we do florals without delving into the Country look?
Ruffles and painted furniture and chandeliers and elegance. By keeping the walls a subdued Modern Country colour (try any of  these), here, a washed out watery-grey, the whole room suddenly become current and gorgeous.

It's always super-useful to completely immerse yourself in inspiration. Not from one photo, or from two, but from lots and lots and lots. It lets your ideas gradually unfurl. Little seeds of loveliness are sown in your creative imaginings without you even realising.

This process helped me to identify the feel I wanted for our girls room. Come back on Wednesday, when I'll be sharing exactly what I mean...... 

Images via: Silentime, Silentime, unkown, Tia Zolden, Kate Forman


  1. Well I wouldn't mind any of those rooms for ME. There is something about pink and florals that looks so clean and scrumptious. I can't wait for your reveal.

  2. Just had to pin a few of those rooms to look at later. I'm always moving forward in Kennedy's room little by little. It all helps!

  3. *sigh* I'm just realizing that this is something I missed out on...twice. My sister and I shared a room but decorating was not high on my mother's list of things to do...clean and functional was the order of the day. I was never a girlie girl but I would have loved something floral in that room. When I had my own room I did go with a more feminine touch but never really decorated the way I wanted to. Then I got married and obviously I wasn't having a floral room (my husband was so not keen on that!!). And then I had children. Two boys. So there went that opportunity. Maybe 3rd time is the charm and one of my boys (or both) will someday be fathers to daughters and I can decorate a guest room for when they come to visit!

  4. As a grown-up girl, I'd be happy to live in any of those rooms.

  5. Oh... I so want the last room. Badly! Can't wait to see your finished room! x

  6. I like the industrial room but not the walls and the last room is very pretty. Can't wait to see what have done.

  7. The industrial floral is my favorite. LOVE!

  8. All of these rooms are SO pretty! They make me wish my girls were still young!! I agree, unobtrusive florals are the best, you don't want it to look like grandmother's dining room!


  9. Lovely lovely post, as usual! I have been out of pocket for, I don't know, four months? Lots of reasons for that, but I was thinking about you today and thought I'd check in. I'm especially sorry that I missed your post about the birth of your little darling girl (we have a Sophie, too :) ). Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say "hi". I hope all is well for you and your family!

  10. Lots of fun ideas...I'm excited to see what lovely things you came up with, especially as I'll be doing up a girly room soon. :)

  11. Sarah,
    Oh, drats...and I had sons!!! No pink and girly @ our house, dear friend! YeS!!! Of course, I'll be back to see the reveal!!!

  12. The last room is absolute perfection - in fact it's exactly how I envisage my OWN bedroom - lol!
    I CANNOT WAIT for the big reveal!
    Paula xxx

  13. I adore the lovely country florals for my 4 yr old daughter's room. I am currently working on a redo for her. Thanks for the ideas.

    Lisa x

  14. Oh, I can't wait to hear what you are thinking of for your daughters' room! I love all of the inspiration photos you shared, too. :) I hope you are enjoying your week so far, sweet Sarah!

    Blessings and hugs,

  15. I love the first room - a pretty, subtle pink and a practical space too. Gorgeous!

  16. What gorgeous rooms! My 5-year-old would love any of them! Thanks for breaking down what to look for in florals without making it too cutesy.

  17. I love your heavenly pics! They are just gorgeous. Goodluck with consolidating your ideas and bringing them to fruition I have tried to create a heavenly girly space for my girls but only if they kept it looking heavenly; and not like there's been a party going on in there LOL!

  18. Possibly not where you are going with yours, but I really like the second last one. Especially the curtains. I like the splashes of colour, and the light and clean whites and girly pinks.

  19. The soft, muted colors of the floral fabrics does create a quiet, calming appearance - one that invites a body to come in and simply relax. Wonder if it would calm an over-active child, keep them from bouncing on the mattress? :D

  20. These rooms are so pretty and girly. I must show these to my daughter. Her room is currently yellow but she's now decided she wants it pink.

  21. Hi!!!!

    I love all of the rooms, but, the one I LOVE the most was the one with the little girl reading while sitting on the bed.

    The bedding just looks so cuddly and warm for a chilly night. The floral prints are just perfect!!

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful pics!!!!!

