
Friday 7 September 2012

Modern Country Edwardian House Tour

Though this house obviously needs de-show-homing, given a few toys scattered here, and two mugs of tea waiting to cool by a pile of tatty books, the space would be just delicious as a Modern Country family home.

Don't believe me?
Here's how...

  • The painted floor boards would easily withstand tricycles zooming up and down the length of the house. 
  • The sofas, which appear to be upholstered in leather, are clearly designed for wiping juice of easily and efficiently. 
  • There are very few knick-knacks waiting for tiny hands to 'play with' (ie. break!!).
Yes, of course, it needs some more bits and bobs in it to ensure that it feels lived in and warm but, as I always like to say, the bones are definitely there to build a welcoming family haven.

What strikes me instantly about this house is the way the palette flows so beautifully from room to room.The various grey tones, varying from charcoal to ash, lead you thoughtfully throughout the entire house.

Meanwhile accents of colour are spotlighted in warm, sunny yellow.
Did you notice how the choice of colour was inspired by the encaustic tiles in the hallway? And even the books on the shelves above coordinate (albeit in a very show-homey kind of way).

Shall we take a trip upstairs?

Nothing seems overly fussy. There are no deliberately overly-shabbied pieces here. Instead, everything seems unpretentious yet smart. 

Yet there are touches of country within all this stark modernism.
You have to look hard to see them but they're they're all the same.


The enamel pitcher by the bath.
The rustic wooden ladder used as a towel rail.

Look at this pretty headboard in the master bedroom.

And the pattern on the cushion, together with the gently-floralled curtains in the second reception room, combine perfectly to create a house that is firmly Modern yet has echoes of Country.

So, my poppett, will you be taking it?

All images by Amanda Prior via 79 Ideas


  1. What a wonderfully stylish staircase. In fact a very elegant house with such beautiful chandeliers.

  2. Nice, but definitely needs a bit of 'roughing up' for my liking!
    Paula xxx

  3. Yes! I would love to family-up a place like this!!

  4. Mmmm... I could stay there. For a retreat...or a TREAT for myself.
    Oma's spa appreciation for a life of giving and sacrifice!
    Yes, I appreciate me. I deserve to stay someplace that, my coffee and my comfy jammies!

    ...and then to come back home, where I'm needed. :) Pat

  5. Hmm not sure about this one, there seems to be something a bit TOO spare about the interior, although do like the look of the bedroom. I wonder how all the grey paint would hold up with our gunmetal winter skies, perhaps things would look a bit dour and uninviting.

  6. I'd definitely take that staircase - beautiful.

  7. I'll take it! It's a very cool Modern Country Home.
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. I really like this house. It wouldn't take much to warm it up at's "almost" already there.

    Nice home tour Sarah. I love your inspiration.

  9. This home is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Sarah, Thank you for your sweet comment and following my blog! I came and just joined yours! Funny how things are sometime, as I was reading and looking at this post. I was drawn to all the pretty floors, as we are getting ready to paint ours for the farm house/beach cottage look. Have a great day!


  11. As our "reply" button doesn't seem to be working these days.. no surprise in the technical world. Thought to thank you for following our blog.. we love love love yours. amazed by your chicness in 30 maternity outfits in 30 days.. and so happy for you guys w/your sweet new addition.. no worries, you'll get to sleep again one day.

  12. I adore that headboard immensely.

    Lisa x

  13. Oh wow, this is truly a GORGEOUS place! Yep, it needs a few more knickknacky type things (I do like me a bit of clutter) to make it 'home' but the bones are there! And I'll totally keep that yellow chesterfield. Want. xxx

  14. I like the fine details on headboard. And that stylish staircase. I want to explore more Edwardian style homes.

    ~ Herman Swan

  15. A very elegant house with such beautiful chandeliers. I want to see more. Thanks for sharing it.
