
Thursday 26 May 2011

Country Kitchens

Welcome back, m'darlin', to
Modern Country Style's
Makeover Your Kitchen Series.

We're on Part 4:
Finding Your Style.

And first up are Country Kitchens.

I think every kitchen should
have a touch of country in it.

What do you think of
when you think 
'Country Kitchen'?

I think it's a place where the whole family
- muddy dogs and muddy children -
or muddy friends for that matter -
congregate to enjoy the warmth and smells
of whatever yummyliciousness
is slowly cooking in the oven.

That's what I want in our home.

I WANT my children to loiter
while I'm getting tea ready.
I WANT our kitchen to be a
welcoming place for guests.
I WANT to look forward to
preparing our evening meal.

I WANT a bit of Country in my kitchen.

So I guess what I'm saying is that my test of
whether a kitchen has a country feel is not
whether it has the latest super-duper hi-tech gadgets 
but whether you'd want to dawdle while you're there,
pottering stove-side and chattering to friends.

Sometimes my children put their
craft things on our worktops, and sometimes,
I want to bake my little heart out.....
that means clutter
- temporarily, maybe -
but clutter nevertheless,
and I want a kitchen that
can stand up to family mess.

Come on by tomorrow and see how our kitchen fares. ;-)

Images via Country Homes and Interiors, Homes and Gardens, Period House,
Country Homes and Interiors, Period Living, House to Home


  1. These are gorgeous kitchens! I so wish I had a slightly bigger kitchen to loiter in. It seems to be the spot that guests hang out but it is not ideal. One day I hope to make it a great space.
    Have a beautiful weekend sweet pants!!!

  2. Lovely kitchen photos Sarah, I wish I had a bigger kitchen here in our little rental...unfortunately it's a galley style in a separate loitering in there...I'm so not use to that. I feel like I'm stuck away from everybody miss my kitchen at home with it's open plan!! I do love the idea depicted in your photos, though, of a small dining/kitchen table in the room...plenty of opportunity to loiter.. Robx

  3. YES!! This is what I want too (as I look around at the piles of kid stuff on my countertops and laundry near the basement stairs and about a hundred pairs of flip flops near the back door)! A kitchen that welcomes the soul. Ahhhhh.

    (And I love the last photo. So pretty with that red Aga.) *sigh*

  4. Loving these country kitchens...especially the ones with the pops of red! Looking forward to seeing yours soon!

  5. I think all of the above kitchens fit the bill of a Country Kitchen. I don't have a country kitchen, However it is the hub of the house and people do seem to congregate around the kitchen. I think it is just because it feels like HOME!! Kathysue

  6. Great photos the kitchens are gorgeous! I'd love a massive range but haven't the space :(

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  7. Kitchen number three please - when can the fitter come round? Does he take two sugars or six??

  8. I like your idea of what a kitchen should be! Beautiful inspiration.

  9. Beautiful Kitchns Sarah! Warm and inviting that is what love in a kitchen.

  10. I love the third pictures hood fan..the long expanse is awesome!

  11. Kitchen 4 does it for me, and i suppose proves you can have a cosy country kitchen without an aga! Love those chairs and table. xx

  12. ha! ha! Some of your pictures were already in my "favourite kitchens" album. I'm trying to sort them out according to your method. So far I noticed that all the kitchens I gave a 10/10 are not perfect kitchens, ones were you can spot a bit of a mess, or at least a teatowel somewhere!!!

  13. Some serious yummylicious images here. My two faves are the one with the tea towels and the last one with the red aga and other red touches.

    When I think of a cosy country kitchen, I do think "aga". Grandpappy J and P has one in his kitchen and it's great to cosy up to when you come in from a long old hike in the mountains (he lives in the Lake District) or, in my case, a strenuous trawl round the charity shops.

    What do you think of agas? I'd love to know. No, I really would!

  14. Give me the kitchen with the black stove and wreath, sans wreath. That one makes my heart race.

  15. Yes....temporary, organized clutter. That is what I am after. Too bad my OCD doesnt understand the word "temporary"! I think our interpretations of our own homes are alot different thru other peoples eyes.

    My favorite part of a country kitchen is that it actually looks used....lived in.
    It bakes, crafts, and is the family hub :)

    Just dont come in mine on a Sunday morning. Yikes. Saturday evening wine glasses on the counter mixed in with pancake batter, bacon grease and the Sunday paper....actually, that doesnt sound too bad :)


  16. For me, it means a fine dusting of flour in odd places. A dictionary above the refrigerator. A giant table with a few crayon marks. And it is the warmest part of the house.

  17. Very lovely kitchens Sarah, warm and cosy with the Agas... would love a white Aga and a Smeg fridge :) x

  18. SUE-WEET!
    Love all this
    country kitchen
    And YES, the
    tabs are mighty
    impressive. I
    am looking to
    do that, myself : )
    Thanks for the
    kick in the pants!
    xx Suzanne

  19. I vote for the second one! Loveliness everywhere in that one. I agree on what a country kitchen should be. A place for all our loved ones to hang out.

  20. These are great the country in them!
    You're right, the kitchen should be a special place to linger with those we love...
    Love the lingering....:)
    Have a great weekend Sarah!! xo

    Deborah xoxoxoxo

  21. The last photo with the red Aga is truly wonderful , you'd need a strong arm and a gorgeous face to get me out of there :0)

  22. I want to hang out in your kitchen . . . you that meets the test . . . YOU have a country kitchen. I also want you to hang out in mine.

    Our lake house, where we lived almost 3 years before we moved to Chicago, had a tiny galley kitchen. I am sure enjoying more space in our new kitchen.


  23. Lovely country kitchen examples Sarah. We muddy our kitchens and drag the outside in!

  24. Couldn't help but notice all those fabulous ovens! They don't sell anything like that around where I am. They are fantastic.

  25. Oooooh! I love the kitchens you showcased today, I love the stoves, what are they called, Aggas? I don't think that looks right. We don't have those over here, Sears nor The Bay carries those, not even Home Depot, that is where I got mine. But they looks so great!
    Looking forward to tomorrows post, my friend.
    Hugs, Cindy

  26. I am starting to hanker after a red aga. These kitchens are all very warm and cosy.

  27. Gorgeous photos... Makes me want to move to an older home with more character! Thanks so much for the pretty pics, can't wait to see some of your kitchen!


  28. Hi sweet pea!

    Mmmmm... these kitchens just speak "cook in me" :) I am impressed with the ovens. You sure don't see too many of these in the states. I like to see country touches in a kitchen because it feels warm and inviting... the heart of the home.

    Hope you have a great weekend! I'm up really late because the hubby has our youngest at the E.R. He broke his hand :( Please say a little prayer for us.
    xoxo ~M

  29. There is no question the kitchen is the heart of the house. Love that AGA, again :) Can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow! XOL

  30. You are right you need a kitchen to expand in, I have been tired of having a separate kitchen so am delighted with the large space I have now, cooking is delightful when you feel part of family life. Love the photos all have aga's in now that's what I am missing!!!
    have a lovely weekend with your family.

  31. Morning Sarah!
    Well, I just finished reading all the posts I had missed, so lovely to do this, in pj's, quite house and reading about your fashion, kitchen posts, also, have to say this, I have body envy, you look so lovely! four kids, really? so what's the secret to have such a lovely waist, don't worry I won't the tabs, still haven't found the time to make some, anyhoo, I have to start my day, love to come over here and smile at your words, enjoy the weekend hon, Maureen x

  32. Everything but the muddy part sounds good to me):-

  33. Love those kitchens!!!!! I too think every house should have a little country in it....or maybe cottage...oh ok how about both:)

  34. An Aga in an English country Kitchen, here I think ours feels Italian country style, welcoming with the mix of modern units and old furniture. :)

  35. I definitely love the first one with the checker table cloth. I also love that big rooster in the corner that is feature in another picture. I think the first one is still my favorite though because I love the chairs as well :)

  36. I love the checked table cloth - such a cozy kitchen! I think a country kitchen makes people feel welcome and want to just hang around all day. Nice photos!

  37. I would so love an Aga, love country kitchens and our kitchen needs to be warmer too in the winter - working on it!
    Fab images here, lovely post

  38. You are so on the ball about what kitchens mean! These kitchens are so so lovely, how I would love a big kitchen one day with an Aga... might just happen in this lifetime if I work very very hard, who knows!

    Utterly divine inspiration here, sweetpea, I am adding these images to my inspiration folder!

    Meera xx

  39. Sarah,
    I want a bit of COUNTRY in my kitchen, as well...French Country! Adore this post! Sorry I've been astranged lately; first it was new employment and overbooked life...then blogger went down for a week. Thanks for this lovely post! Hopefully, I'm back on track!

  40. Sarah

    I'm loving all your gorgeous kitchens - beautiful and inspiring. I am new to all this blogging - posting comments to others and posts to my own ( We are also renovating our old house and I will be using your blog for inspiration.


  41. I wish I could make my kitchen nice but not allowed to touch it at all and it's pokey and awful :( My house in Redhill had a nice big kitchen and was definitely a loitering place! Nothing worse than being all lonely in the kitchen when you're preparing dinner! xx

  42. That red stove in the last picture is killing me... love it! Fabulous inspiration picks, Sarah.

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  44. Hi Sarah,
    Thank you so much for featuring my kitchen - the last one with the red/claret aga. We renovated that house over 6 years and it was an absolute nightmare as it was 500 years old and had no kitchen at all! Just before we moved we put it into 25 Beautiful Homes and I keep seeing it on Pinterest! We now live in the Cotswolds and are refurbishing our current stone cottage which even though it is a relatively new house is still a lot of grief and we seem to be in constant choas - you can follow the madness on I love your features on Farrow and Ball paint as that is mostly all I use. Keep up the fab work, Sarah x

  45. Thank you, Modern Country Style, for celebrating the heartwarming allure of country kitchens and for encouraging us to find joy in life's simple pleasures. Here's to embracing rustic charm, cherishing nostalgic spaces, and nurturing our curiosity about the world around us!$5-off
