
Monday 18 July 2011

Beginner's Guide To Painting Furniture Part 1

Welcome to Part 1 of 
My Beginner's Guide 
To Painting Furniture. 

Ooh, and I've had an extra idea for Friday.
If you have a piece that you'd like advice on,
why not link up to my 
Paint, Please link party 
this Friday, 
{button on the sidebar}
which is for letting us ogle 
your very favourite paint projects
{potential or real}:

room redos, 
favourite colours,
painted furniture
.....and anything you'd like advice or help with. 

When I started out painting furniture, 
I felt so intimidated by the information that was out there. 
I just didn't know where to begin.
So I didn't begin at all.

I wanted a site  that explained things 
for absolute beginners and struggled to find one.

I hope to create that here.

My aim is to make it as:


So let's begin right at the start.
What's the point of painting furniture?

The point is that you end up with a piece 
that is completely and utterly yours. 
No one anywhere will have a piece like it. 
Your heart will swell with pride when 
you admire your beautiful handiwork.

It can be hard to visualise what a piece will look like 
when the colour of the existing piece is right up in your face.

Three words to help you find what will look good painted:
shape, shape, shape.

You need to look for pieces that have a lovely shape. 
It doesn't matter what the shape is but you have to LOVE it!
But all I see here is orange varnish...uugh.
So why not get rid of the colour element? 
Take a photo of your piece 

It makes it so much easier to get a feel 
for what it will look like in a different colour. 
{See what I mean?}

This extending solid oak dining table is the piece 
I've picked out to walk you through the process.  

The top is covered in peeling varnish.

The curved edge is laminated chip board. 

The future wasn't looking good for this piece 
but I can see past that using my black and white photo technique.
The shape shines out.

Nice legs, eh?
I think it's worth rescuing.

Find out how tomorrow...


  1. Great shape! Just what I'm looking for-any chance of it coming to Canada?

  2. I can't wait until tomorrow to see what you do to this!!

  3. Can't wait to see what you come up with Sarah!

  4. I'm so excited! I have orange varnish cabinets in my kitchen! I want to paint them black and distress them! :) Can't wait to read your advise!!

  5. Helloooo my dear!! I have missed you! I loved your posts on Annie Sloan and these came just in time, I am hoping to use some chalk paint for my sons room. :) I don't like to strip either. ;) You are the sweetest for putting all this together and I can't wait to see what you do with your magnificent table!

  6. what a fantastic tip about seeing the piece of furniture in black and white, if you cant get past the colour in front of you. I shall be reading your quide, as i want to embark on my first piece.....just got to find the right piece first!.

  7. Can't wait for Friday Sarah. I have a beautiful old rocking chair (great shape!) that I am desperate for some advice on. Just don't know where to start? Following your tips with gusto! ;0 Sharyne

  8. Hi sweet SaraH!
    Do you even know how helpful this is to us?!
    You betcha!!
    I love what you're teaching us here...thank you so much!!
    Can't wait for your next post!!

    Deborah xoxoxo

  9. ohh nice - looking forward to make over and the big reveal :) le xox

  10. Thanks for a great post as always Sarah, you are brilliant! Count me in this Friday I have an old cupboard that is already distressed but not sure if it should stay that way.
    hugs Kerry

  11. Great idea looking at it in black and white! Makes a big difference.
    xo Cathy

  12. That's a great table, I think it will be very beautiful painted!
    Waiting to see it...

  13. Oh you have gotten me excited to see what you have done with this table. Really looking forward to seeing the finished project!!

  14. Definitely worth the rescue! Excited to see what you do with it.

  15. I love visiting your blog! I cannot wait to learn from you how to paint and to use the chalk paint! I fell amd have felt as you said you did and although I saw other turorials I always felt as if something was missing because my things did not turn out like theirs.

    Have a wonderul night!

    P.S We got the granite in! I will have a little preview but then I want to wait until the tile is finished! Then I will show the whole before and after! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  16. I love this practical start. I can do this . . . look for the shape. And can't wait for your advice on a piece of mine that needs painting. Where to start?


  17. I am itching to see what you have done with your table. It has such potential. I am sure the transformation will be inspirational.

  18. How exciting is this! Well, let me tell you, Sarah, very exciting indeed. Looking forward to part 2.

  19. Oooh can't wait to see what you do with this! Agree, it's all about shape and interesting details in a painted piece and sometimes hard to ignore ugly orange finishes ;)

    Would love to join your party my dear but I've been out of town for work much of this week and will be away Thursday and Friday. Sigh.

    Will have to catch up with the party-goers when I return my lovely.

    Hope you are having a fabulous week Darlin xxx

  20. You have wonderful style and vision for creating peacefulness. These all furnitures are very stylish and really unique collection you shared here. It is very much helpful for my new home furnitures.

  21. Really nice table, lovely legs :) Thanks for adding your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and sharing.

  22. Sarah, it's my first time to stop by. Your black and white photo tip is a great one! Such an easy way to "see" the shape. Your tutorial is a good one. Maybe one day I'll find a piece that makes me want to tackle painting!

    Stop by if you get a chance. I'm celebrating my first year of blogging with a Vintage Linen & Dish Action ... going on now -- 'til 9PM eastern Monday.

  23. I am trying to work up the courage to paint our old kitchen table, and your tips have solved my all queries about how to paint furniture.

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  25. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post. I love it so much.

  26. Yeah, all the shape really are shining out. You finished an awesome project surely. Pretty beautiful all the painted furniture. You deserve countless thanks for this gorgeous share. love your work. Oh, guys, if you are in and looking for only the best paint products from the most reliable brands, including Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams and Dulux to transform your Richmond Hill home into your dream home, house painting professional in Richmond hill surely will be your trusted one to go.
