
Friday 15 July 2011

How to crackle your Annie Sloan paint AND make coloured waxes......

  Hey gorgeous,

Are you gearing yourself up for the 
Paint, Please link party 
NEXT Friday? 

I want to see how paint has transformed 
your house, garden and furniture.....
You'll be able to come over and link up 
so that we can all have a good ogle at your loveliness.
{I've put the button for the party on my sidebar if you'd like one}

Extremely excitingly, I'm guest posting at 
Janell's House of Fifty blog this week, 
and also at the ever-so-gorgeous 
Do pop by and say hi if you have a moment...
and if you've come over from there then
I'm so pleased you could make it.
Grab a seat, and join in!

Now have I got a cracker of a post for you today.....

Annie Sloan's Paints are magic.
Don't believe me?

Let me show you how to create a gorgeously antiqued look
...without the need for crackle glaze.

Paint on a THICK layer of the colour of your choice. 
{I used Paris Grey}
Don't spread the paint out. 

Then turn on your magic
 ...and most unexpected....tool: 
your hairdryer.
And cook that paint!!

Keep blowing in gentle circles over the paint 
and in a short time the paint will begin to crack.
Yes, crack!

And you'll begin to smile.
It's real magic.

No crackle glaze needed.

When the cracking has finished, 
and the paint has dried,
it can be waxed to protect it. 

Here's the second amazing part of the post. 
Did you know you can create 
{Any opportunity for a bit of Rainbow Writing} 
Yup, you can.

Here's how:

Just smear on a bit of Annie Sloan clear wax 
and add a daub of one of the Chalk Paints, 
{I chose a touch of Provence}
and rub over your paint for extra depth.

And, yes, I know that the wax is oil-based 
and the paint is water paint but what can I tell you?
They mix perfectly.
Magic paints, I tell you.

When you're happy with the final colour, 
you can start with the dark wax. 
This is definitely a case for showing the need for the dark wax 
because it highlights the cracks in the paint absolutely brilliantly.

Just rub it in gently and then wipe off any excess.
{The layer of clear wax underneath makes it 
easy-peasy to create exactly the effect you want}

And here's my finished sample board.

See how the dark wax nestles in the crevices?
Isn't it incredible?

Now, I feel it's time for a bit of real life painting action.
Next week, I'll take you through step by step 
how I painted our dining room table.

This week, I'm aware that I've whizzed through a lot of information.
Next week, I'll be slowing riiiiiight down.
If you're a newbie at painting furniture then DON'T worry one jot. 

Each step will be clearly and slowly explained.
{If you have a specific question then do let me know.}

I was looking for a site that explained things for absolute beginners 
and struggled to find one that didn't make me feel intimidated. 
So I hope to create that here.

The Beginner's Guide to Painting Furniture 
starts at Modern Country Style next week.
Bring along your piece of furniture that needs a little love, 
or cupboard doors that need a hug. 

Paint along with me.
And feel the magic for yourself.


  1. Ok, you must be doing that magic trick in honour of the final "Harry Potter". Wonderful!

  2. I love that you can just *feel* your excitement! Am loving this series :-)

    Big hugs


  3. did I already say I have got to get my hands on some of this paint!?!??!!? What a magic trick! I know I can get it here in the states and actually have a friend that ordered some to use.....I can feel some online ordering coming on!!!!

  4. Oh no . . . I might have to paint my dinning room table, too. I can't decide . . . maybe seeing yours will help.


  5. after seeing the posts about the ways to use Chalk Paints and Waxes, I have to follow you to see what it coming next! I finally ordered some of the chalk paint and wax, but am only half way done on my first project, but after seeing what you've done, already have a few more floating around in my mind. Great techniques and very easy to follow your directions! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am loving this. My ebay bidding will conclude tonight, hopefully in my favour.

    I'm definitely looking forward to the beginner guide since I've never painted a piece of furniture in my life and it looks easy to mess it up by being incompetent.

  7. I'm enjoying your tutorials on AS chalk paint! Keep 'em comin'!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm loving all the tips on ASCP! It would be great to have a go to place to answer all our questions and find new ways to use the paint. I'd like to share one important tip I never read about. I started out using a regular paint brush with the ASCP. Then in my next order of paint, they sent me free paint brushes. I have to say the AS paint brushes are amazing. You will have a much smoother finish and your paint will go twice as far using the AS brushes.

  10. This is great Sarah. I have my table at the ready, all I need to do is decide what effect to use. You make it look easy though!

  11. loving the crackle, love!

    can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve. i have been painting furniture and waxing since the dawn of time and don't get nervous about paint. i always just go for it knowing i can paint over it. i am in the middle of painting my childhood piano right now and hoping to give it brand new life.



  12. This is so cool! I love Annie Sloan Chalk paint, although I have only done one major piece of furniture so far, a day bed.

    Thank you for sharing your information and know how from your class with Annie Sloan. Although there are a lot of people using it, there are not too many people who are willing to share their techniques.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

  13. Simple and easy directions to follow.Thanks so much, I am enjoying my paints as well and I am excited to try the crackle finish look.~Cheers Kim

  14. wonderful tip - makes perfect sense too! looking forward to seeing your table, must be absolutely lovely :)

  15. Annie certainly has some great products! Looks good!
    xo Cathy

  16. so cool! I have my quart here and have done a couple picture frames but nothing big yet. I'll have to try the crackle sometime!

  17. Oh wow this is great!! It turned out so nice and to think you were able to get it to look like this by using your hairdryer!!

  18. That Annie Sloan Paint is some fabulous paint! I am so in awe of it and so mad that I would have to drive for two and a half days to get some!
    So, I am thinking of painting my armoire, we shall see...perhaps I will be able to join your Paint Party.
    Hugs, Cindy

  19. That is so clever, loving these posts! and looking forward to the painting one, I might have to have a rumage in the loft for small pieces to paint ready for Friday. I have added your link to my sidebar :) x

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Cool! I will have to try this crackling! I grabbed your button!!!

  22. What an awesome tip! We would love for you to come share this at our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday" link party!

    The Sisters @

  23. Sarah ----- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing all of this wonderful information with us!!! You take us through each step so clearly and simply that I'm beginning to realize that I TOO can do this!!! lol! I really want to order some of that magical paint (am saving my pennies!)now that you're right by my side encouraging me and showing me how to do it! luv ya!!!!

    XOXO laurie

  24. Love, love, love your blog!!! Can't wait to get some paint and start! I've been seeing some "silver" paints of late, do you have any tricks up your sleeve for that? I saw in one of Annie's book how to do it with silver leaf but you I bet you could come up with a less tedious and expensive way to do it with all your talent! Look forward to drooling over more of your pics!!!

  25. I just attended a painting party at Robyn Story Designs and this stuff is amazing. Bye bye primer hello happy lungs!

  26. This paint is fantastic! Looking forward to the guide on painting furniture :)
    You do the loveliest things on your blog, sweet Sarah!

    Meera xx

  27. hee hee too clever :) well done you le xox

  28. I am way behind and don't have any Annie Sloan paint YET!

    I am going to try that with just my old black chalk board paint

  29. Thanks for the tip. I love the Annie Sloan paints and wax. I am going to try to crackle something :)

  30. Wow, Sarah! I can't believe you can crackle the paint with a hairdryer... How cool is that?!? Can't wait to read more about painting furniture.

  31. Wonderful!!! I'm so excited to try these new techniques! Thanks!
    Fondly, Tami

  32. What a great tip Sarah! I actually noticed some natural cracking with my CHateau Gray earlier and thought how neat but had no idea ho wit did it in the one small spot! Now I can recreate it!

  33. I am so glad someone is going to give instructions. Thank you!! I was curious if you have to do small sections at a time with the hair dryer for the crackling effect?
