
Thursday 21 July 2011

Beginner's Guide To Painting Furniture Part 3: Painting

Hey peeps,

Only one more day until my 
Paint Please link party! 
Swing by tomorrow from noon (GMT) to link up your paint-related posts:

favourite paint colours,
room redos,
painted furniture,
plus anything you'd like paint advice about....

I hope you liked the White Weathered Oak look I showed you yesterday. 
I love it on the dining table I've been sharing with you.

This is what we're doing today: 

Once I'd completed the table top, 
it was time for the very pleasurable task of 
choosing a colour for the table base.

A quick aside: 
I haven't bombarded you with a million products. 
Only the ones that I've tried out that not only work but work WELL.

As you get better and more confident then that's the time to branch out and try different things. But when I first started I wanted someone to hold my hand through the whole process.

And that's what I'm here for.
Hand holding.

I gave the table a base coat of Annie Sloan's Old White.
Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint DOESN'T NEED SANDING OR PRIMING so I was able to paint straight onto the varnished base, and the plastic-coated table collar.

So quick and so easy.

I painted quite thickly and with brush strokes in lots of different directions, creating texture, to which the top coat could cling.

Remember I said that Annie Sloan's Chateau Grey caught my eye?
This is how it looks unmixed, so you can see its components.

I mixed one third Château Grey with two thirds Old White. 
And then I added a dribble of Graphite to produce 
a GORGEOUS gentle grey-green.

Paint it on in a normal back and forth motion. 
It will pick up the texture of the base coat gorgeously.
{For a smoother finish water down your paint slightly.}

I LOVE it!

I gave the base a coat of clear wax, which will protect it, and enriches the colour slightly, as you can see in this photo where I am halfway through.
(Right half is waxed).

Isn't the colour incredibly beautiful?
Farrow and Ball eat your heart out!!

And with a full coat of clear wax:

I wanted a slightly rustic-looking top of the table with quite a clean looking table base so I kept the dark wax to a minimum.
A perfect mix of Modern and Country.

Once again, because I'd used clear wax first, 
any readjustments along the way were easy-peasy. 
Just wipe as you go to get the finish YOU want.

A bit too much dark wax?

A quick wipe and it's just right!

Don't feel that you have to go along the 
Shabby Chic method of painted furniture.
Painted furniture works for a whole range of looks: 
Modern, Eastern, Country, Scandinavian, Vintage, Classical.

And, of course, Modern Country...

See you tomorrow with 
all your paint-related goodness.
{Plus the full and delicious table reveal!}



  1. Ooo. Texturey! I'm eyeing up my armoire right now and I'm thinking it could use a little bit o painting and waxing just like you did.

  2. Stunning, Sarah, and as you would say "easy as pie". I'd love to see a pic of the whole table in all its glory. xxx

  3. What awesome tips!! I agree I would love to see the whole table becouse I am sure that it looks awesome!!

  4. That really does look great Sarah and love the grey over white and waxing makes it all durable.. ideal for a dinning table x

  5. So lovely and clear. I finished my project late last night.

  6. Love it sweet Sarah!!!
    It looks so easy!!!
    Id love to psint over my dining room furniture AND bedroom!!
    Does it go as far as regular paint or do you have to buy more? The paint cans snaller?
    Thanks so much for "holding my hand" :)

    Much love,
    Deborah xooxooxoox

  7. Sarah your table is looking like a work of art. I certainly need my hand holding when it comes to anything more than a plain paint over job. You have given me food for thought - and the inspiration to get a bit more adventurous, thank you sweet one.

  8. it's stunning, sarah. you go.


  9. I really love the color on this item, nice choice:o)

  10. great work! been loving your paint tutorials...looking forward to the paint link party!!

  11. Just discovered Annie Sloan chalk paint and am finding it hard to resist slapping it everywhere! So fricking easy! Fridge, washing machine, bike??? xxx

  12. you've done such a wonderful job on refinishing your table, Sarah. it's truly beautiful. Looking forward to seeing it in your lovely home.

  13. You have me wanting to paint all my furniture right now!

  14. I have been wanting to use ASCP for months, and I've gotta get started. I can't wait to see the table in all it's unadulterated gorgeousness tomorrow! Thanks for showing the step-by-step. Wonderful!

  15. thank you for this! I am a beginner!

  16. I love it! It's looking great!

  17. Sarah, your table is simply gorgeous! I love {LOVE!} what you did with the table top, too! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for the how-to on using the chalk paint for the base. I am still quite a beginner with the chalk paint! :) But I am so excited to see the whole table tomorrow at your paint party! I wish my bedroom were done, and I would link it, but sadly only the ceiling is completed! {Except for some caulking!}

    I hope your week has been a good one for you! Oh, and by the way, thank you so much for your advice on my last email to you! It helped a lot! I am sorry I took so long to thank you, and I'll be emailing you back asap! :)


  18. Very needed for beginners, The grey over white and waxing makes it all durable. You have described it in a very descriptive and understandable manner so everybody understand it.

  19. Hi Sarah, you make it look so do-able! Got my Paint Party post all ready.. looking forward to it!

  20. Oh, Sarah, this is turning out to be an absolutely beautiful table. This is such a great series.

  21. you do beautiful work. thanks for the tutorial on the ascp. i am beginning to play with a few colors myself.

    jumped over from MMS furniture friday party

  22. I love your tips! I just did a post over at my own blog about chalk paint and love to read more on this paint. Thanks again for your post...very informative!

  23. So gorgeous!! Saw this over at My Romantic Home and had to stop over and take a peek!! Love the way you have distressed the finish- it's so pretty! :)Hugs, Courtney

  24. Oh my goodness! I just found your site and I love it! Thank you so much for all the paint instructions. It is exactly what I have been looking for!

  25. Those tips are really helpful and useful. You can also add some modern inspired ideas, and even a simple paint will add beauty.

  26. A gorgeous collection full of inspiration. Thank you

  27. If you're not happy you're welcome to return the item in good shape within 7 days for a complete refund minus 2 way shipping expenses. You can rely on us to deliver a high-quality product which fulfills your expectations. Get more interesting details about hallway tables this site.

  28. Oh- Brilliant- Brilliant and brilliant stuff you represented here for the home fanatics and furniture lovers. The furniture painting and color ideas you revealed were totally impressive and worth to take a try at home for our furniture. I like the modern and country color idea and guidelines your brought before us. "Thank you" perhaps will be less saying. Love your project-3 very much. I think it can be done with hiring any house painter. Keep up the great work and I am sure I have to get into to find out more interesting resources.
