
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Belgian Style Bedroom Action

Hey cutie,

Welcome back to Belgian Style: How To Make It Yours.
Today I want to show you a bit of Belgian Style Bedroom Lurrrve.

The reason why Belgian Interiors can get away with 
very little colour is because they use masses 
and masses of different textures to add interest, 
instead of bombarding you with a riot of colour.
Even though there's very little contrast in terms of hue, 
nevertheless the huge array of texture means that
 the room is a visual feast.

The purpose of this post is to show how I used that 
technique of building up layers of texture 
where the colour palette is gently limited 
to soft grey, brown and white.

Our bed is piled high with: 

a thick warm quilt, 
plump feather-filled pillows,
and crisp white bed linen.

The quilt is soft dusky velvet with a washed silk border, 
and is unbelievably tactile.

Remember this cushion I made a while back, 
using nubby linen, chenille and 
the adding the dull lustre of mother of pearl buttons 
(click here for the tutorial)?

At the end of our bed, we have a worn leather suitcase:
perfect for storing seasonal bedding.

The roughness of the rustic wooden beams and 
waxed door adds warmth to the room.

The mahogany sleigh bed was the first piece we ever bought. 
I love its chunky curves as much as I did when I first saw it.

{Only now its filled with lots and lots of delicious memories.}

On the other side of the room, 
painted white cupboards with exposed brass hinges
keep all my clothes neatly tucked away. 

{Oh, and some of Mr Modern Country's too.}

I absolutely adore this room.

And I have secret grown-up reasons for wanting our bedroom 
to be a completely gorgeous sanctuary 
a whole floor above our children's bedrooms. 

You get me?


  1. What a saucy title, Mrs MCS!

    Loved seeing your suitcase again. Must dig out the one in the loft and have it on display somewhere. xx

  2. Sarah I love your bedroom! Beautiful! I'm all about texture, I especially love the quilt on your bed.

  3. LOVE! Sprucing up our boudoir is on my "to do" list this month. thanks for the great ideas.

  4. "delicious memories"--ha! I'm going to remember that one. And, may I add, that's just as it should be.


  5. Your master bedroom is a delight. The texture and subtle tones a visual/textural feast.
    - Joy

  6. I love your bedroom and your colour palette!

  7. The throw on your bed is just gorgeous - and I love the colour scheme you have chosen.

  8. I really love your hinges! Is that weird? Do you know the exact name of the finish on them?

  9. Okay Mrs. Fiesty,
    you are rocking
    that red number!
    And the boudoir is
    looking mighty cozy,
    as well....I love
    the idea of having
    our own havens. Our
    kids beg to watch
    TV in our room because
    of our squishy duvet
    and zillions of pillows.
    Sometimes we even let
    xx Suzanne

  10. I love your room! And all the special touches really makes it a lovely haven :)

  11. Texture - key and so underrated in my opinion. I was talking about this style to a Belgian friend and she said another crucial factor that the Belgians understand is that for this level of simplicity and spareness to work the pieces of furniture and fittings are usually of a very high quality, maybe old and /or rustic or not, but beautifully made so that they shine out in the space they are given. Thought it was interesting. I guess in very restrained interiors bad furniture has no where to hide! xx

  12. ya know outside of designblogland it's well established sex, drugs, and rock n roll are the formula for engaging reads. way to be a renegade and make belgian style sexy, Sarah.


  13. I love the layered look and I try but my hubby dumbs it all on the floor. I love the pearl heart pillow.

  14. Fantastic suit cases. Still completely in love with the idea of Belgian style.

  15. So nice that pillow with the button heart !!

  16. LOL Perhaps the word "action" in your title gave it away ;-D

    Your bedroom is beautiful...I don't know what I love most, but I must say, your door just gets me every time!



  17. I love the bed quilt. I want one. Beautiful. I am now following so I don't miss anything else.

  18. A very lovely bedroom. I am very fond of earthy tones and now I know how to pull it off...The Belgian way, thanks!

  19. i get you!! and i agree your bedroom is gorgeous. i love your button pillow. and your bedroom door is so nice.

  20. your room is gorgeous and all those textures make you wanna jump right in and cosy up! :)


  21. Lovely room Sarah, I can see why you love it.. and that beautiful velvet quilt looks so cosy :) x

  22. Your bedroom is just lovely. The pillow is beautiful. For some reason, I love the waxed door. Just beautiful!!

  23. I love your bedroom! It looks like such a lovely place to relax.

  24. Hello Sarah! How are you today, my friend? I hope this week has been a wonderful one for you! :)

    I truly heart your master bedroom! The quilt is the most beautiful quilt ever, and I adore what I can see of that trunk! I can completely see what you have done with textures versus color in this room, and it is so lovely!

    I hope you have a fun weekend! :)


  25. The texture really is key, isn't it? Your bedroom looks so lovely and cozy. I need to tackle our bedroom because the time you spend sleeping and heh-hem...doing other valuable and important time, isn't it? Speaking of which, I am staying up way too late getting caught up on my favorite blogs. Cheerio, Sarah :)!

  26. I always love seeing that cozy bedroom of yours, Sarah. You've created such a wonderful space. I really want that bedroom door!

  27. In a nutshell: Fabulously beautiful!
    I want it! :-D

  28. beautiful pics!! i am pinning a few!! :) I love the pillow with the heart buttons!!

  29. er uh what do you mean :) le xox

  30. Gorgeous room! You're right, the varied textures is what really makes it!

  31. Just beautiful! Love all the textures and layers. And your photography is delightful!
