
Friday 8 July 2011

The Happy know you need one...

Hurrah! It's Friday!!
Is it me or does this week seemed to have whizzed past?
Before I crack on, I have news.
Next week is Annie Sloan Week 
here at Modern Country Style.

I was lucky enough to spend the day with Annie last week
so I'll be able to share lots of what I've learnt from 
the Queen of Painted Furniture.

If you've *ever* fancied having a go at painting something then do make sure you follow along 
so you don't miss a single thing.
You'll be pro-ing it before you're knowing it.
{That worked in my head.Not so much on the page.}

Now then, where was I......

Hat: Accessorize, Scarf: Gift, Bracelets: Top Shop,
Boots: Clarks, Skirt: Boden, Jumper: Next, Belt: Hobbs

I think I'm going to start calling these fashion posts
The Happy List.

All these Modern Country outfits
(or costumes, as Mr Modern Country likes to call them...Costumes? Costumes, I ask you?}
have secured a place on 
The Happy List.

Remember, I talked about The Happy List here?

The List is for Sad Days. 

Not that I have lots.
But when I do, 
here's my little secret:

I'm rubbish at choosing clothes when I'm feeling sad.
Why? Why? Why?

Grrrrrr to you, Mrs Sad.

So I've developed a cunning plan, 
instead of wearing shapeless bleaurgh
{their official name, you know},
I turn to The Happy List 
where I write down outfits that 
make me want to skip down the road.

When I come across an outfit 
that makes me feel zingy,
I note down what I'm wearing 
in my special Happy List.

Then, next time Sad Me rears her miserable little head,
I consult The Happy list and choose what to wear from there...
and it's usually not long before
Happy Me comes out to play again.

So.....what would make your Happy List?
Come on, spill.


  1. You look adorable and yes, happy too. The sun always does it for me:) How can one not be happy in a beautiful sunny day:) Oh, and a cute outfit dosn't heart either. lol
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. I think this is a splendid idea. Things that make me happy lately are well fitting pants, pretty skirts, and happy colored, tailored t-shirts. Now to start that list.

  3. A funky necklace and a killer pair of heels always makes me ready to conquer the world.


    And some lippy too. :)

  4. I love this idea and I am going to use it and spread the word!!! I make a list of alternative pleasures also. It is a list of things that cost nothing to $20. When I feel like I want to do something but just don't know what to do, I look at my list. This is for pleasure, lets face it there is always something to do if we have a home and a family and a job and a husband and friends. Oh my!! The list could go on and on!! I like your attitude!! Kathysue

  5. Ridiculously gorgeous you are Mrs MCS!!

    I think we are all secretly hoping that one day you will spill the beans on how on earth you can have had so many babies and remain so slim , trim and generally slinkymalinky? I have a sinking feeling you will say sensible eating and exercise, but details Sarah!!!;)

    Happy for me is good eyebrows and lipgloss. xx

  6. Happy makeup usually Clinique and one of my thousands of pink lipsticks, just discovered Bobby Brown lovely stuff, good colours for pale English skins.

    Running around after four little ones seems to agree with the figure somewhat, that's where I went wrong, I only had two.

    Mr MCS sounds SO sweet, when will we get to see the man behind the camera? 'Costumes' bless him.

  7. Look at you gorgeous girl! Your smile certainly made my happy list:) Just love your gorgeous piccies and the outfit! Hmm, I am a sucker for perfume and lippy...oh and my family and friends (especially lovely bloggy ones who leave me such kind words!) always make me happy. Hugs to you for a fabulous weekend you gorgeous Sarah!! ~ Txx

  8. You look darling! I love this outfit...very put together looking!! Just lovely!


  9. Hi Sarah, I bought a jumper just like that today, I know what to team it up with now :)... can't wait for the Annie Sloan posts, have wanted to try her paints... hopefull there will be lots of tips x

  10. I don't have a list, per se, but sometimes when I'm feeling a little "down" (hello? PMS?) I dress up a little more than I normally would. I might throw on a skirt instead of a pair of jeans, and I would definitely wear a sweater and a pair of shoes that made me feel beautiful.

    You are so cute!

  11. Ha ha, what a great idea! Hmmm, must try that too. Strange how outfits fall in place sometimes. Love the one you're wearing in this post. Happy weekend!

  12. i usually dress to suit my mood, but your idea is better.

    my happy clothes are casual skirts and dresses made from cotton or linen. comfy and feminine. abercrombie, anthropologie, j. crew, gap, and banana republic. and i ALWAYS wear earrings! i can't be happy without them.

    love to you, sweet stylin sarah.


  13. Checking in to see if you are still doing "inspiration journey" on your blog? You are to cute for words by the way! xoox, tracie

  14. I feel REALLY happy when I can actually fit in my jeans without feeling as if I am in a "straight jacket"! Yep - does it for me every time. Get a realy smile on my dial then. ;)Sharyne

  15. Undoubtedly just a few things on my Happy List include beautiful sunshine, my grand piano (especially after my piano technician husband has just tuned it)conversation with my husband and good coffee(decaf) with some great chocolate! I have much to be happy about!

  16. Hello Sarah! You look so cute, and I love your outfit! I do remember you talking about your Happy List, and think it is such a wonderful idea! Why have I still not done this? I really must. :)

    As for what would be on my Happy List {do you mean clothes?} it would be this one skirt I love, with a little ruffle at the hem, and my favorite flip flops! :)

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  17. How cute you are!! I love the idea of a Happy List :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. love the cardi jumper top thing - great weave great colour - very hap hap happy you :) best le xox

    ps v excited re next week :)

  19. I can't imagine sunny you even has a sad day :) Loving the 'costumes'! XOL

  20. LOL I think I may just tune into your "happy posts", because they are guaranteed a smile :-) I have to say, you and Mr Modern Country look like you guys have a total blast when you are doing your fashion shoots!! I bet there is lots of giggling, isn't there :-)

    Big hugs honey!!


  21. That last photo really made me smile!! Robx

  22. Sarah, this outfit looks gorgeous on you! And it seems unbelievable that you have sad moments, especially with that bright, sunshine-y smile!

  23. Heels. This is what makes me happy. Heels.

    I know some people find them uncomfortable; that's because they're buying the wrong sort of heels. Even if I wore heels yesterday, if I feel the need to wear them today also, I jolly well will!

  24. Hi Sarah!
    What a cute outfit today! But, I'm afraid we won't be wearing a sweater or a jumper as you call them, of any kind here because it is hot day and night here for another two months anyways.
    What do I wear on Sad days? I wear something bright and pretty, one of my best outfits, it always does the trick! It turns that frown upside down!!!
    Hugs, Cindy

  25. Okay...this is my favorite outfit thus far. Just darling! Did you knit the scarf? I could see you making that.

    I found a red striped wrap shirt with a vneck, today. It's so cute. It reminded me of you :) I like your take on wearing clothes that make you feel good. I think red is my happy color. Love browns, too.

    Now, don't sit here reading. Go jump on the trampoline with the kids :)

    Shell xxx

  26. Everyone needs a happy list! Love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine so I could find yours xxx

  27. Super idea, Sarah! I'm going to make one too. This summer my striped cotton top from Forever 21 (I'm wearing it now) will be on it. Lets have a happy list party!

  28. You are so darn cute!

    I love wearing an outfit that looks really cute and getting compliments on it. Totally makes my day!

  29. Your last photo really made me smile! You are gorgeous! Great idea and I love your attitude! Have a wonderful week.

  30. love the skirt i have one like this hiden in a drawer im never very brave at getting my lilly white legs out & im rubbish with fake tan!! I end up in maxi skirts drives my man mad ha

  31. Lotta energy and spunk! nice ones

    drop by @

  32. You're so cute. I don't think I EVER wear anything that would make the Happy List :) I think I need to start by fixing that problem. Can't wait for the Annie Sloan posts!

  33. Visiting from Frugalicious Friday...had to click on your contagious smile. Adorable outfit! Your joy beams through the photos. So glad I found your adorable blog.


  34. So cute! I wish I could pull that off! We would love for you to come share this at our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday" link party!

    The Sisters @

  35. Ok How have I missed this? ! what a great outfit. and as always you look amazing!! Love the hat!!

  36. Sarah,
    Too darn cute!!!
