
Monday 11 April 2011

Define Your Blog: Inspiration

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Define Your Blog week with a chance for YOU to join in on Thursday.

If you'd like to take your seats, I'll take you through your schedule for this week at Modern Country Style. Would you turn to page twenty-four of pamphlet you were given at the door....

Wait, what do you mean there was no pamphlet?....and no door either?....and no seats?....

Well, then, I guess it's just me and you, baby.

Here's how I plan this week to go. Starting today, I'm going to do a li'l series of posts defining how I see each area of my blog: renovation, inspiration and creation.

And then on Thursday 14th, it'll be time for YOU to link up to the Define Your Blog link party. Please feel free to link up either a post that you feel defines your blog to perfection, or, preferably, a post specifically dedicated to defining your blog.
{There's a fine-looking button on the side bar, waiting just for you}

When I first started Modern Country Style, I decided that I wanted my blog to have three aspects to it:
Inspiration, Renovation and Creation. 
In today's post, I'm going to
define the five types of Inspiration posts I use
at Modern Country Style:

{For each photo, you can click on the image to be taken to relevant posts}

1) Paint Colours
When I'm choosing paint colours, I love searching out pictures of rooms painted in the colours I'm pondering over. I thought it might be helpful for other people to collate them in one place.

 This picture links to a post about Farrow and Ball Light Blue

2) Celebrity and Film Inspiration

From lovelies such as Nigella....need I say more?

Click on the image to see Nigella's kitchen...

Oooh, and film sets.... there'll be plenty more of these coming your way, I can tell you.

Something's Gotta Give kitchen post, anyone?

3) Style-themed series posts
At the moment, I'm working through two style series. One is Belgian Style:

Click the image if you fancy seeing all posts dedicated to Belgian Style

...and the other is Making Over Your Kitchen....

Click on the image to be taken to Modern Country Kitchen Inspiration 

4) Having a snoop
I love having a sneak peek at other people's lovely houses, so when I find one I love, I simply have to share it here.

Love this house? Click on the image for more lusciousness...

Welcome to Kitchen Nirvana....I'm serious...

5) Specifics
When I'm working on a particular room, I find it invaluable to break it down into specifics. So, for example, in the bedroom, I looked at doors, beds, and storage....

Wanna see some Modern Country Bedrooms? Click on through...

...or how about ideas about Al Fresco dining to DIE for?

So there you have it. The five types of Inspiration Posts I use at Modern Country Style.

Inspiration defined? Check.

Come back veeeeeeery soon for a closer look at Modern Country Crafts....

I'm linking to my favourite parties in the sidebar...


  1. Like you, I like to look at a LOT of things before doing something in my own home. Like seeing how others used colors I'm interested in or maybe how they worked around a particular problem for storage or arrangement or what not. But unlike you, I'm too lazy to upload those inspirations, LOL!

  2. Yum. I wonder if I can keep a little detail in my head long enough to get is written by Thursday;)

  3. This is a great idea! I love the way you've broken down how you define your blog and look forward to thinking about mine in that way. I think doing this will be really helpful and interesting.

  4. Great idea, this linky party! I will definitely be writing a post, linking up and linking back to your blog. This comes at a good time, I think I need to sit down and revisit the reasons I write a blog! Janell

  5. So excited for this link party! I love your original ideas!!!!

  6. What a great idea...again! This is a great time to think more about my blog...I use mine more of a journal of little things in my little life but I would like more of a direction. This will definately help me ... I love yours because it's so full of fun and inspiration and beautiful things!!!!

  7. V. interesting, Sarah. I'm thinking about it seriously. Promise, womise. Love Nigella's study.

  8. I will come back veeeeeeeerry soon, I promise! :-) I love this idea Sarah and I know which post I'm going to be linking up. Be sure to come over might see a familiar face at our blog!

  9. Hi Sarah, im Bonnie, ur latest follower, i found u featured over at the picket fence...Ur post has really got me to thinking aswell...Im adding u to my sidebar and cant waite to link up on thursday. Have a great Mondday.........Bonnie

  10. This looks like lots of fun, Sarah. I am not quite as organized as you, though hehe, I'll try to link up with a post that will work, xxx tami

  11. I am working night and day (well, day, anyway) for a post worthy of your wonderful meme. I have your button on my sidebar and can't wait for the fun.

  12. you're so organized Sarah--such a good role model for me since you already know i feel all over the place so often!

    i love how your lovely brain works and the conversational tone of the blog. i feel i'm there!

    can't wait for your party but i'm nervous because i'm still defining!

    love to you!


  13. This is a great idea for a linky party. Like many others, my blog is only an operational definition, but I could use the incentive to think about it a little more deeply. Love Nigella, by the way, but HOLY COOKBOOKS!

  14. If you will do me the honor of flying to Colorado and help me paint the kitchen, I'll have a post for Thursday :) Looks like a great link party, Sarah! I like how you think! Do you think people would notice if I used the kitchen from "Something's Gotta Give" and called it mine? :)

    Happy Monday!

  15. Hello Sarah
    How are you?
    beautiful pictures as always ... expect to see the news

  16. Happy new week my darling Sarah !! love

  17. I want to live in all the houses piccy's come from, especially Kitchen Nirvana.

    Looking forward to the link party. It should be interesting, great idea.

  18. I agree this is a great idea and really does look like a lot of fun!

  19. All so inspiring, I agree with you, love to watch movies and put all my attention on sets, almost forget about the film.

  20. I like it that your blog is so well thought out. All five things are so enjoyable.

    I had insomnia the other night, so got up and prepared my post for Thursday. My blog has 5 goals. Must be a good number.

    Thanks for something to do while I was awake in the wee hours.



  21. This is a great idea my dear, I will get to work on it very soon and I will be back!!

  22. I will try to put something together for Thursday, I will be here with bells on!
    I love all of your inspiration and of course, as I have mentioned before, I enjoy your wit tremendously! Seriously, I do!
    Hugs, Cindy

  23. I really like how you've broken this down into recognizable & easy to define segments. I get inspiration from so many things & places, certainly not the least of which is right here in blogland. I subscribe to a lot of mags and rarely spend much time reading the articles. I devour the pictures, even the adds. I've gotten so many ideas for wall art or tablescapes from some small section of a mag photo that was totally unrelated to what the photo was about. Crazy, huh?
    Your blog is wonderful.

  24. Well, I've got a post all planned out in my head :)

  25. Your blog is definitely all the things you wanted it to be ...especally inspirational. I love what you have done with your home thus far and the colors you have chosen.

  26. Your posts just get better and better!


  27. Modern Country Crafts?? I am intrigued!! ;) You know how to hook a reader! Thanks for the visit today! :)

  28. Hi Sarah, I have been thinking quite a lot about this question you have posed. What I would like my blog to be about and what it is about. Thanks for making me sit up and have a good think.
    Did you say modern country craft. I am hoping for more yummy crochet.

  29. I can tell I have a lot to learn from you, Sarah. I'm a rush-into-it-and-get-it-done kind of gal. I think I need to slow down a bit.

  30. OK Sarah, I'm pondering...sounds like a really great idea!!

  31. I love your process, Sarah! I love how considered your decisions are!

    I am so looking forward to your party, particularly noseying around other blogs to see how they define theirs. I've yet to think about what to submit, though. You've got me thinking!

    Meera xx

  32. Hi Sarah, So much lovelyness, Nigella is perfect! and that wonderful home with all the little draws.. is stunning. Looking forward to your Thursday link party, Deborah x

  33. Hi Sarah- Thanks so much for your words of encouragement on my blog and for offers of help with it- so utterly sweet of you. Yes not even two weeks in - am loving it even though it is more time consuming than I thought. Amazed at how many lovely people there are out there. Where abouts do you live in the Cotswalds? I used to go to school in Cheltenham then uni in Oxford so know it well xxx

  34. What a magnificent idea for a party! I am working long hours right now so I can't do another new post but I will be joining the party to introduce everyone to a new artist. I don't know that it defines my blog but introducing new artists is an aspect of it. You have wonderful party ideas! See you Thursday.

  35. What a great and fun idea !! Love it. The inspirational pics are droolworthy, for sure. Thanks for sharing, *Becca*

  36. Can't wait for the party Sarah~ sounds like so much fun! Your inspiration pictures are gorgeous- I am loving so many of them!! Hugs, Courtney

  37. Sarah you already know I think your blog is lovely, it is certainly interesting to know where you get your inspiration from.
    You know where my inspiration comes from, the beauty of the place I am lucky enough to be living in :)
    Forgive me though if I do not link up to your party.

  38. Hi Sarah~

    How have you been lately? I hope you are doing well, and enjoying the first of spring! :)

    Sorry I have been terrible MIA lately. I am trying to organize my life so that I have a consistent and predictable time to blog. I am so sad when I don't get the time to do it, and I think organization is the key! Hopefully you can forgive me for being the worst blogger friend ever!

    Now, about this party idea of is such a wonderful idea! I will be giving it some thought, and definitely plan to join in! :) I loved reading this post, and the pictures you shared are so beautiful. And inspiring. {Inspiring me to get started making something beautiful today!} :)

    I hope you have a beautiful day! :)

    Blessings to you~

  39. Super idea. I loved seeing all the pics and everyone room was stunning. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  40. of course, i always enjoy a good snoop around your blog, your home, and all the lovely inspiration for the challenge of putting together something myself for thursday...

    stuff and nonsense

  41. oh!!!!!!!!!!!!! so inspiring!
    love the pics!

  42. Hey my sweet sweet!

    I am racking my brain for ideas to your link party. Help me :)

    I just had to come by and give you another shout! You were over at Kristin's so I couldn't pass up the opportunity!

    Enjoy your night! XO ~M

  43. Sarah, you've got an extremely focused blog. My absolute favorite without question. Love to see your inspiration and read about your process. You're so insightful without being pedantic. I think that you're about 72 steps ahead of the rest of us in terms of strategizing for content and networking with your peers. Would be interested to know if you gained any insights from your reader query last week - any surprises? I'll be checking in with you either late Thurs or sometime Friday. We're driving south to the shore for a few days... xoxo Diane

  44. I've just found your lovely blog, so it's delightful that you have a post defining it. All of the photos are so lovely. What a cute idea to decorate with Scrabble blocks.

  45. I love hearing how you see your blog. I really like the paint color information that you share on your blog and the themed style posts, too. Aw, heck, I love everything about your blog :)

  46. Great idea! Thanks for adding your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays!

  47. Such great sources of inspiration. The specifics is something I'd like to work on more on my blog. Looking forward to seeing more on how everyone defines their blogs - Melissa xx

  48. Hello, just found your blog through My Romantic Home. I love the inspiration you have shared and also am interested in watching your renovation. I am a new follower. I invite you to visit my blog.

  49. Sarah, I dream through your blog, and it inspires me to boot. I see things that you show and it makes me appreciate what I have, but makes me yearn for what I want to. So I love seeing what you post and the sense with which you do it! oo

  50. my aust country style came in yesterday and it has a home in industial country style - you'd love it 0 I'll find some pics ... hugs le xox

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