Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Farrow and Ball: Recipes for Decorating by Joa Studolme (published by Mitchell Beazley) is a must-have read for anyone with even the remotest of interest in creating a gorgeous home.

We all know that a lick of paint can make the most ginormous difference to any room but this clever book takes Farrow and Ball's previous lovely literary offerings to another level. Not only does it feature incredible rooms in incredible houses but, this time, we're taught by Joa Studholme, Farrow and Ball colour aficionado, how these gorgeous spaces link together visually.

It doesn't matter where you are on the experience and ability scale, beginner or pro, if you have a home to paint, this book is for you!

Recipes For Decorating takes that special blend of utter gorgeousness combined with a ground-up training course that is an absolute hallmark of Farrow and Ball's previous books and it builds and builds and builds. Each chapter takes you through an entire house, looking at the whys and the wherefores of each wowsome paint choice. 

As well as taking you through the basics, such as room orientation, amount of natural light, etc, Recipes For Decorating also, and in a way that I've never seen done before, talks about how each of the rooms works with each other. Some work in blissful harmony, others in more of a bold juxtaposition but ALL will have you gasping for breath at the sheer beauty of the spaces....

And they'll most certainly have you reaching for a paintbrush faster than you can say 'Farrow and Ball reeeeeeally know their onions'.

At the end of each home tour, Recipes For Decorating shows all the paint shades together used in that particular house so that you can really see clearly how to do this for yourself, in your own home, with its own particular quirks.

All in all, Farrow and Ball: Recipes For Decorating is an absolute cracker of a book. Get it! And get it now!!

Take Care Until Next Time,

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