Monday, 5 September 2011

I hug, you hug, we all scream for more hugs....

Shirt: Fat Face, Skirt: Marks and Spencer, Bag: Chloe, Sunglasses: Boots

Hello there, rabbits,

Hooray for happy weekends.
{Only five days to go to the next one!}

I had the weirdest conversation with a photographer on Saturday. 
Mr Modern Country was standing with his arms around me.

{just to keep it real, 
we were talking about 
how our youngest daughter 
had been sick in the car 
on the way to there}

It went something like this:

Photographer: How long have you and your husband been married.

Me: Twelve years.

Photographer: Don't you know it's not normal to still want to cuddle each other?

Me: Errr......really?

Is it me or is that just plain sad?

I hope I still want to be man-handled 
by Mr Modern Country 
in a HUNDRED and twelve years.

So, people, this week, your mission, 
should you choose to accept it, 
is to get out there and 
hug, hug, hug.....

{The winner of Decorate book,
chosen at random,
is Anne Caston.
Congratulations, lovely!
I'll send you an email in two shakes of a bee's knee.}

More on Modern Country Interiors coming up.....

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Toni said...

Wow, that photographer is really missing one of the best things in life. I am with you I hope my Mister is "man handling" me for the next centry.

BTW - My 14 year old son still hugs me several times a day, I would sure miss that if he ever stops.

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Oh, that's SO lovely to hear about your son. I hate the expectation that teenagers don't like hugs.


Greta said...

I love it!!!! My hubby and I have only been married 4 years...but we cuddle all the time in front of others. I am all for PDA. :) Plus, I really want our kids to grow up seeing how affectionate we are with each other {and them!} Much love to you! :)

Tracy Glover said...

I was just talking about jugs on my blog today. My little one is ill and has needed extra hugs. The only nice side of poorliness.
It is very sad to think that people stop hugging. My mum in law still hugs my bloke, hee hee!
The more hugs the better!
I love your hair on today's post. Gorgeous clothes, you look beaut! xxx

Alison Agnew said...

the sweetest moments in my world are those unsolicited cuddles from my hubs and's to hugs!


Doda said...

I've been married for 20 something years and I still can't keep my hands of my man! Like you, I hope it will always be so.

Nat at Made in Home said...

What is that photographer on about? We spend evenings hugging - and I am intending to do this for the rest of my life Mister Photograher! My grand-parents just celebrated (last weekend) their 60th wedding anniversary and they still hug, and so do my parents and they are nearing 40 years together! He is just jealous! Bring on the hugs!

Almost Precious said...

Love and hugs are timeless and we can never get enough of them. Perhaps that's what's wrong in today's fast paced world, it needs more hugs and love.

Speaking of love, I love that skirt, it's really adorable.

It's me said...

You look wonderful......12 ??? and hugs from

Tricia said...

Yay for hugs! They're one of my favorite things. My son is a big hugger...I hope it stays that way :)

High Street Cottage said...

Sarah, my husband and I will be married 28 years in December, we still kiss, cuddle, hug, hold hands, and yada yada yada, bla bla bla hehe, you'll have to google that "seinfeld" reference. ;)
I've known couples how lose that after only a few years, and I also know couples in their late 70's who walk hand in hand. This is not to say we don't have a good old fashioned row now and then, and anyone who says they don't are most likely living in a fantasy world. Marriage is all about sorting it out, and compromise, but the kisses and cuddles make it worth the while. PS, love your skirt, and what on earth were you doing with this photog? Family photos? or do you have a secret life as a model we dont' all know about? Have missed you, tami

loveandlilac said...

My son is 39 and we still hug. To quote Springsteen "I just want to feel you in my arms, share a little of that human touch". xox

Anne said...

Lovely pictures and thoughts, Sarah! I agree, cuddling with a long time spouse is one of the best parts of marriage. And how could Mr. Modern Country not want to hug you when you look so fetching in that cute shirt and skirt!

Blondie's Journal said...

My husband still wants to hold hands all the time!! We've been married almost 25 years!! And he loves to hug our grown children. You couldn't ask for a more affectionate man!


món cosit a mà said...

lovely pictures.
Congratulations for these "hugs" 12 years! Kisses!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Your photographer is such a cynic.....go ahead and give him a hug!!! ;P My husband and are have been married for 23 years and we are still all touchy-feely...and we *love* hugs! I accept! I choose to accept your challenge ;P

Ricki Jill

Deborah said...

Hi sweet Sarah...dont you just look so that long skirt on you!!
Thats so funny that you mention "hugs" because at work the other day I said to my friend, "Hug, hug, hug, everybody hug"! Lol
I think that was from Sesame Street!
Hugs are the best!!
Sending lots of warm ones to you sweetie!!!!!!

Deborah xoxoxoxoxoxo

Rachel Rose Mercantile said...

Love this post!The outfit,hair,photography and YOU so pretty .....very nice! Spirit hugs from San Diego.CA XOXOXO

Kirsty Girl said...

I agree it is definitely rare but congrats to you for that!
I'm lucky too! hehe
I LOVE the top and skirt!!!


Amen, sister! Keep it up.


ps. you are simply adorable . . . of course your husband want to cuddle.

On Crooked Creek said...

"Cuddle up a little closer baby, please be mine" written years before "Mr. Ed" and I were of age must have been written JUST FOR US!!! I'm a hopeless romantic. Plan to stay that way. Favorite movie...The Notebook!!! Grab your Mr. Modern and hold on tight!
P.S. You look amazing!!!

Arabella said...

You go girl! My hubby & I have been together 28 years and hug/kiss ALL the time. It really is sad when people lose that connection over time.


Anonymous said...

Love that outfit on you. You look amazing. xx

Privet and Holly said...

Amen to that,
girlie! I am
a hugger, so
no hugs just
would not be
natural around
Sending one across
the pond....
xx Suzanne

Anonymous said...

You now, my girlfriend was over one day, and I was talking about my husband. We've been together 10 years, married for 8. We hold hands a alot. I swoop in when he stretches for the fly-by hug. So, she says to me "I think it's cute, the way you guys are with each other after all this time." What? Seriously? I am crazy for him, always will be. How sad people think it can't be that way!

michelle said...

First of all you look gorgeous! Second, that is really sad! How do you not want to still cuddle after so many years. We have been married 15 and to be honest we cuddle more now than we did then, I love hugs!!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE hugs!! We hug a lot even now- after 33 years of marriage..... and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Hugging can lead to children :) My hubby says he will still be chasing me around the house when we are old. I think we are more affectionate now, than when we first married (18 years ago). I love to hug my boys and embarrass them at school. I think they secretly adore it because they get the biggest grin on their faces. I can imagine the hubby is more than happy to oblige with hugs. You look beautiful, Sarah! Aside from the obvious, I love your hair and shades.

Get your hugs on! :) xxxxx

chris said...

Amen. Hugs are SO needed on a daily basis, regardless of one's age.

Unknown said...

Too sad! My heart still goes the big pitter patter when the husband saunters in.

Cindy said...

Hello sweet lady,
I still adore hugging and being hugged by my Mr., whom I will have been married to for 21 years tomorrow!
That is a very sweet outfit you are wearing. You are such a cutie-pie.
Big hugs for you, Cindy

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

First, I love your skirt, and you look absolutely gorgeous in it. Second, I whole-heartedly agree with you.

Travel With Lulu said...

Absolutely! And sending you a squeezy hug :)

Chookie said...

Eighteen years here, and still snogging.
I send wedding cards that say "May you be as happy as we are". Not everyone can write that, but I can, thank God.

Brandi said...

you look gorgeous, Sarah! i love hugs! my husband and i have been married for 15 years. i hope we have many more hugs to come. my children love to give and receive hugs too. sending you a big hug!

Sachiko said...

Hi Sarah,

Let me tell you how lovely you look in the picture with that skirt!

My husband and I have been married for a little over 16 years, and we hug, cuddle, kiss, and hold hands all the time. That is one of the most important things in our marriage is to show affection to one another.

I came from a family that is totally the opposite, but I like our style much better.

The closeness and the love I feel comforts me and gives me wings to fly. :)

Connie @ Connie Nikiforoff Designs said...

I've been married for 34 years (yes to the same guy!) and still hug my hubby! And we have date night almost every week too! :-D

Unknown said...

Cuddles are all the rage in our house as well, never understand people who don't 'like' hugs. As for the photographer, he's obviously a very unhappy man! Shame really, he obviously doesn't know what he's missing...

You are looking gorg in that skirt, missus! xxx

abeachcottage said...

What is that photographer talking about?! What a sad outlook he must have of the world, poor him. You look gorgeous btw, that skirt is so fun! Thanks for sharing at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

Debra@CommonGround said...

First of all you're adorable in your darling outfit, your husband's a smart fella. I've been married forever and still love me some spontaneous hugs and smooches! so glad you came by to visit! xoxo, Debra

Meera @ firstsense said...

Just realising how behind I am in my blogging activities as I try to catch up now. Firstly, you look GORGEOUS! I would cuddle you! Colin and I are very cuddly too, and I hope that never ever changes. Yay for hugs! They make everything better. :-)

Meera xx

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Hey there Sarah!!! Just stopping by to say thanks for linking this sweet post up at Feathered Nest Friday !! :)

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