Friday 11 May 2012

Girls' Rooms Colour Schemes: Brights

I absolutely LOVE the part where I get to narrow down exactly the look that I want one of our rooms to have. I so enjoy playing around with different schemes and ideas, don't you?

But where to begin?
Well, I thought I'd show you the process I go through step by step.

First off, I want a basic colour palette to work from.
Let's have a look at colour scheme option one:

I guess this is a bit of a broad theme for one post. 
So broad, in fact, that it could be split into three further categories 
{and then, no doubt, eighteen sub-groups and forty-three meta-sub-groups....}.

You can either go in a vintage direction, like these images, 
which I think can work extremely well in children's bedrooms. 
Sturdy, brash and practical....

with blocks of colours...

and funky retro patterns...

Or, if you love a bold look, then why not embrace it with 
bright for bright's sake...

Look at this gorgeous wall-paper.
Not my cup of tea but I bet any little girl would adore 
staring at it as she fell asleep each night...

And, woooooah
that's not what I'd call a restful children's bedroom, 
but it's certainly attention-grabbing...

And lastly, as you might have guessed, my favourite: 
subtle with a pop of bright.

Not too overwhelming, easy on the eye, not too kitsch. 
I do love the look of this room....
but it seems a bit impractical with that spindly light 
and lack of storage. 
Am I being too picky?

Now, let me have it...which is your favourite?

Images: 1st Option, Despues, A Paddington Perspective, Bloesem Kids, House To Home

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Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Mmmmm. Probably the first room but my daughter would disagree. That's the problem with 11 year olds. They have views. And they don't coincide with mine. Funnily enough, I'm about to decorate her room. I want all white with maybe a feature wallpaper wall. I've seen some nice birdy wallpaper with union jacks (doesn't sound great I know but I thought it looked quite nice) which should satisfy her union jack obsession. I'm off to do some plastering. Whoop whoop! Take care, m'dear. xx

susan said...

I love the vintage look. I think this look can grow with your children. My girls seem to love it. I have just finished their rooms and my nine year old chose Laura Ashley Summer palace and my five year old chose a nina campbell paper with parrots all over it. Good taste!!!!

Seaweed and Raine said...

I think it would have to be somewhere between the first image and the last. But if I'm totally honest, I think (Depending on the age of the girls) I would go something more like the images found in "for the young ones" or "for Nan & Pa" The neutral colour scheme, with the bright pops of colour... in whatever colour scheme that you like.
I'm sure whatever you do will look amazing! :)
Have a great weekend!

Ann said...

Love the second room.
Bright and girly ♥

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day.

michele said...

oh baby, the first two!!! that first one just sucked me right in and hugged me with its trapeze and cheery vibe!

happy decorating, lovely!


Greta said...

Ahhhh -- they are all so cute! Almost makes me dream of having a bunch of little girlies...almost. :) I'm sure you will make their space beautiful.

chris said...

I used to love lots of bright primary colors, but have toned things down a bit as I've matured. I am thinking of neutral grey-ish walls with color on the beds and artwork. :)

heather @ new house, new home, new life said...

Gotta go with the vintage look - it will grow with your little girl. But I also love the pop of colour on those red beds!!

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

Oh there are so many great ideas here! I love them all!

I am sure that your daughters rooms are going to be so fabulous!

Have a great weekend and a happy mother's day.

Casa Très Chic said...

Love the second and last images.
Beautiful selection.

fourkidsmom said...

Sarah, the first one is my favorite. I would love to do a room like that.

Unknown said...

Certainly not being too picky! You know that the kiddo's toys breed at night when noone is watching. Best to put in as much storage as possible.


The pink room with lots of white ... even though I never use pink, I liked it. Of course, I'd have to add a little lime green.

Paula said...

Definitely the first image for me! My twin girls actually had the Cath Kidston 'Old Rose' wallpaper in white on their wall in our old house - I loved it. Their room is now a neutral Slipper Satin and white - the colour comes from soft furnishings and blankets...but I'm VERY tempted to adopt the roses again! Great topic/post. Paula x

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

I like the first one a lot, and also the last one. That would be my preference, but my daughter would disagree. I think she'd love the butterflies.

We did embrace the brights in Elsa's room. Very bright. I love it though.

Val said...

I adore the first adorable.

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

I have to say the first and last are my favs xox

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

I love the first one, mainly because there's a bit of clutter in it, so it looks real. The soft colours are perfect and restful... But I wonder what they were thinking when they put that trapeze right behind the door. I'd be sure to walk in it every day! I love the heater... looks old and efficient!

Cindy said...

They are all adorable.
The last one is my favorite, but the lamp would have to go. Especially if it's meant for two small children, just not practical. The neutral with a pop of color is fabulous, though.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Cindy

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love the last one, but I agree that it is not too practical for children. So I would go with the first one :)

Elaine said...

I like number 3 but since you can't see a total view of the room I wonder if the butterfly wallpaper would be too busy for an entire room. If that's the case, then I would pick the last one.

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