Monday 14 May 2012

Kate Middleton in Turquoise Dress

Speaking of all things girlie and beautiful, 
let's talk Kate Middleton,
the Duchess of Cambridge.

{I wonder if we'll ever stop calling her 'Kate Middleton' now that she's married?}

How's does this gorgeous turquoise dress rank on your to-die-for list?
I'd say it's pretty dang high up on mine.

Total teal lushability.

Kate Middleton wore this incredible dress to the London Olympic Gala Concert. 
She was by FAR the best dressed lady of the night.

Lady of the night?
That came out all wrong.

She could not look less 'lady of the night' if she tried, could she?
All the details, down to Kate's beautiful up-do and Jimmy Choo's are just perfection.

But it's Kate Middleton's sparkle-studded turquoise dress that she wore to the Royal Albert Hall event that hits all the right spots for me.

It's delightful.

Now that I'm towards the end of of my pregnancy, I can't help my mind drifting towards non-maternity clothes. They all look so beautiful, soft and so non-stretching-over-a-massive-bump. I have clothes-envy wherever I look...

On the catwalk, this Jenny Packham dress looked more like this:

Kate Middleton has changed little details to make it more in keeping with the future queen of England.
And I much prefer her more modest version. Do you?

I'd say this little number would go down a treat as a leaving-hospital outfit for me.

Let's take a look at how that might pan out...

Yup, I can just imagine Kate Middleton reaching into the car to swing out the baby car seat!! I think it might just work.

Stop your sniggering...

Hopefully, by Wednesday, I'll have snapped out of my Kate Middleton reverie and be ready to talk Girl's Bedrooms: Neutrals...

Wish me luck!

{And if you're desperate for more Kate Middleton gorgeousness, then check out these posts: 

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Cassie Bustamante said...

if i were rich and had to go to fancy parties, that is the dress i would wear.... it's gorgeous!

Seaweed and Raine said...

Well, while you're shopping to pick up one of those dresses (Kate version, not catwalk version) can you grab me one too? We can do the whole "post baby" thing together (4.5 weeks to go for me! Whew!!!) I'm sure our post-baby bumps will be cleverly disguised by it! ;)

Connie in Hartwood said...

The front of this dress has too much going on for my taste. The back, however, is perfection!

How wonderful to dream of sparkles and gowns ... when stretchy pants are more in keeping with your destiny. So excited for you with baby #5 on the way!

Brandi said...

I agree, that is one gorgeous dress!

miss b said...

I love everything about this dress - the colour, lace detail, the amazing back design (and of course the shoes too!)

Jo said...

Gorgeous dress! It looks so much better on the Duchess than on the model.

chris said...

She is lovely, and the dress is a perfect color.

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE HER! When I saw this dress, my jaw dropped. If I ever had somewhere to wear such a dress...this would be the dress I would wear. SO STUNNING!

Unknown said...

Perfection, in one of my favourite colours.

My gosh that girl can carry off a bit of lace with style!

I do wish she'd put on a few pounds though, totally beautiful though she is, she looks sooo skinny, and hordes of young women will hold her up along with Kiera et al as the body shape to starve for. Just like Diana's figure often was. xx

Little Leslie said...

Gorgeous dress, hair, shoes. Perfection. I think is would be a beautiful maternity dress too. Honestly.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Oh, it definitely rank really high on my to-die-for-list. I actually had a very hard morning where everything went wrong from health news to a mail from someone I bought a gorgeous transferware plate saying he had broken the plate and was sending my check back... So before going to work I thought I should do something to cheer me up and I chose to spend long minutes admiring Kate's dress (the number of pictures of it on the Internet is just crazy)... And I come back home and find your post... I'm totally cheered up!

Unknown said...

Flipping heck those shoes are to die for. Love them. But I have just counted up the cash in my purse and at a mere £17.63 I've got a long way to go til I can afford them!

Isn't she fab. Very thin though - never gonna happen for me even if I had the money to buy the dress I just couldn't be that small.

Nicki xx

Lori said...

Every bit gorgeous!

Megan said...

Kate is beyond stunning- hardly fair is it?? I don't think I looked that good on my Wedding day! Boo Hoo! I really do think that this turquoise dress is one of my favourites that I have ever seen on her. I also loved her royal blue engagement dress-She really does look great in colour! Heck she looks great in anything. I wish you all the best with the upcoming birth- I am sure that you are ready for the end. I know I was by the time the end neared. All the best.

Lorrie said...

Such a gorgeous dress - much better than the runway version. I loved the way it flowed around her legs as she walked.
Soon you'll be holding your sweet little one and won't be thinking of Kate at all!

diana said...

I don't think I've told you lately that I just LOVE dropping into your site every evening when my email notice arrives. This dress IS amazing. But I'm with several of your readers-she is just a little bit TOO thin. Stunning, but skinny. Thanks for all these glam pix - and I'm praying all goes well as this little one gets herself ready to be born.

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on everyone. You never can be to thin or to rich! She is gorgeous. I believe we are all a bit thin envious?

Cathy (aka Catherine) and Bill (aka William) said...

Love Kate's little changes to the Jenny Packham dress including the jewel-like colour! Stunning! I agree with everyone about her weight though (did you notice that she is even skinnier than the model??)... She looks like I did after sailing for 6 months across the South Pacific getting seasick every day!! Now that was skinny!!
Love visiting with you :-)

bj said...

I agree with ANONYMOUS....never, EVER too thin or too rich and as in Kate's case, too beautiful.
She is indeed a real STUNNER.
I am pretty sure she even does her own beautiful hair.

Unknown said...

She just doesn't miss a beat, does she? Last year when they were in Canada she out shone everyone on Canada Day in a stunning white suit.

You'll have you pre-pregnancy body back VERY soon. Not to worry.

You're almost to the finish line C:

Privet and Holly said...

I'd say this dress has
a little Downton Abbey
feel to it, don't you? I
think it is all the gorgeous
lace details....LOVE!!!

xo Suzanne

AliBlahBlah said...

My three year old dress said 'Momma I don't think you should buy that dress' - I was pretty surprised as usually she wants me to dress in full evening wear all day long, but then she added 'you need it to be longer and pink'. Her taste is still a work in progress!

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi again Sarah,
Loved all your pretty room posts,
gorgeous and lovely every one, but just had to comment on this one about
Princess Kate. I love her, she is such a lady, much like his Mother,
and there is nothing she could put on that she wouldn't look wonderful in,
she is fascinating and lovely and refreshing! and that peacock blue
dress looks gorgeous on her, as well as everything she puts on.

Have a great day,
Blessings, Nellie

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I like it!!!!

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