Oh, sunshine, how I love you. You make feel all skippity again when you peek through those pesky clouds that have been dominating of late.
This warm weather has had our whole family dashing outside to play, sit and work in our lovely garden. I have my seeds bought and my seedlings at the ready. Are you gearing up for some planting-action too?!

Today, I wanted to share these images of Vintage-style gardens. It's a look that's hard not to fall for: the blend of older, well-loved pieces, especially when mixed with pretty country fabrics is a positively heady combination.

If this look is one that gets your heart beating faster then stay tuned for my review of an utterly fabulicious book coming up next on Modern Country Style!

Ooooh, you're going to LOVE it!!
Now, trowels at the ready....?
Images via: House To Home, The Master Garden Decorations, World Of Vintage Pearl, Flickr, Modern Country Style