Okay, I admit it...I've gone mad for Cabbages and Roses Hatley in all its gorgeous forms: wallpaper, fabric and oilcloth.
I've rounded up some of the best of the rest. I've had a good scout around and there's loads of gorgeous ideas out there. Just take a look at these....
I'm completely gutted to tell you that Cabbages and Roses no longer sell Hatley in Oilcloth or wallpaper. *sob* Why would they do such a thing to the human race? Leaving us stranded!!? Outrageous. ;-)
Cabbages and Roses, if you're listening. Pleeeeeaaaaaase, purrrrr-leeeeeeeasssssse bring back Hatley wallpaper in Pink....
...and triple please with a cherry on top, bring back Hatley Oilcloth!!!
Do you love it too? Tell me you do!
Where Hatley is in Raspberry, Blue Black or Pink it looks completely gorgeous and Completely Modern Country Style!

And, you know what they say...there's power in numbers! Let's all club together and beg Cabbages and Roses to reintroduce Hatley wallpaper and oilcloth!!
Imaes via Cabbages and Roses, unknown, unknown, Llewellyn and Co, Mathilde and Co, Cabbages and Roses, Une Belle Vie, Mathlde and Co, unknown, unknown, Lisetta Love, Cabbages and Roses, John Lewis, unknown, unknown, Cabbages and Roses, Cabbages and Roses, Sarah Gordon Home, Cabbaes and Roses, Llewellyn and Co, Sarah Gordon Home, Westbury, Cabbages and Roses, Cabbages and Roses, Westbury