Thursday 23 February 2017

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

I have a new obsession. I say that as though it's a recent fad but I've been crazy about it for months now. What is it?

Modern Calligraphy...

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

If you haven't heard the name itself, you will most definitely have seen Modern Calligraphy at a wedding near you. This gorgeousness gets everywhere! Just take a look at some of these examples and tell me that you're resisting falling in love....

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

And the very best news of all? It's totally doable! This isn't a craft that you have to stand back and watch the experts at work. 

Yes, it takes time, yes, it takes a little equipment but you and I can do it!
{And, anyway, since when was buying stationary a bad thing?!!}

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

In December, I decided I was going to set to it and learn Modern Calligraphy for myself. Then, unexpectedly, for Christmas, I got lots of beautiful bits and pieces to help me on my way, which I've added to over the past two months. Some bits were UH-maaaazing, others not so much.

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

Modern Calligraphy: The Modern Country Craft You'll LOVE!!

So over the next few posts, I'm going to be here sharing my journey so far in learning Modern Calligraphy, and how you can come along with me too...

Images via: etsy, etsy, style me pretty, the lane, umkmown, buzzfeed, etsy, a fabulous fete, elli, unknown

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