Friday, 14 January 2011

Country Kitchen....

Well, this is a bit of jolt from my last post, isn't it?

From the sublime to the ridiculous size-wise. I thought I needed a bit more Keeping-It-Real. Can you believe the last kitchen I showed was from their holiday home? It was enooooooooooormous.

I chose this image to illustrate the softer side of Modern Country Style. Do you like it?
Isn't this lovely? It's very English Cottage, don't you think? I can just imagine the roses around the front door...

The walls are painted in Farrow & Ball Mouse's Back, which is a gorgeous smoky taupe - . It's the colour scheme that gives the room a deliciously Modern edge.

This is definitely another Modern Country Kitchen for my 9 out of 10 category. Remember, no inspiration pictures allowed unless you'd give them 9 out of 10 or above.

So, Step 1 of Making over your Kitchen, is definitely choosing images that make you happy.

At this point in my kitchen-foraging, I try not to analyse what I'm drooling over, I just go with what I ♥ love ♥.

Come back on Monday for Step 2 where I'll be sharing how I narrow down my choices.....

A hard task but someone's got to do it.


Image via Country Homes & Interiors

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Unknown said...

Its gorgeous Sarah, yes very English Country Cottage, we sell alot of kitchens like this. The taupe walls look stunning & edgy as a contrast :)

{northern cottage} said...

yes this is yummy and cozy - a very soft side that says 'HOME'!

Erin said...

Sarah, THIS is something that I dream about! :) I would loooooove to have this kitchen or one is so me :)

Pamela said...

Sarah another wonderful inspiration pic!

paola said...

Hi Sarah! Modern Cottage is absolutely my fave style! This picture is so beatiful! It's the kitchen of my dreams..and a bit different from my REAL kitchen :(

It's me said...

Sarah...........i really like your kitchen !!! love Ria.....

Alison Agnew said...

That is one adorable little kitchen. So sweet...and more realistic for many of us!

I'd love for you to stop by and join my brand new linky!



Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, I am in love with that gorgeous kitchen!!


Unknown said...

Sweet, cosy, perhaps a tiny bit dark? Cottages often do lack light filled rooms, though, and this kitchen is really inviting.

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Oh yes, I like this one. Love the wooden worktops. V. cosy.

Anonymous said...

Morning sunshine!

Don't you just love this one?! I sure do. A little English Country never hurt anyone. It looks so welcoming and cozy. I can imagine it looking out into an English Garden, as well. I'll have to bookmark all your kitchen pics so I can pick out the things I like about each one. I love the warmth of this one but I also like a little industrial modern feel mixed in.

Have a lovely day, girlfriend!
xo said...

I like this one best of all! So cozy and home like. I would be so at home there busy with a day of baking (and eating) muffins and cookies :)

Tricia said...

This is absolutely yummy. I can just imagine standing at that sink and gazing out the window to the pretty back yard :)

michelle said...

I think that this is one of my favorites! It is so charming and cozy! Loving all your inspirations!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Room Seventeen said...

Yes, I love it, soooo cozy and warm!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

What a great English country kitchen... just love it!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Jo :)

Unknown said...

It 'just like I imagine a typical English cottage kitchen!
Have a wonderful weekend

Lauren said...

Love this!

lisaroy said...

I love this look! It's reminiscent of the kitchen we had in our 1850 stone home - wooden countertops, wood shelves on the walls, rustic painted cabinets, same paint colour. I loved that kitchen!! :)
Thanks for your lovely comments on my kitchen reno! xo

michele said...


I'm so charmed by cottage and warmth and live-ability. Amazing how one sheer image can set the wheels in motion.

Good stuff.


p.s. i love the suspense you're creating with these posts...did you read that in some fancy blogging book or what?

Brandi said...

again with the open shelves!!!!! you're making me drool. I LOVE IT!!!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Love that one! so cozy and homey!! Hugs,Rachel :)

French Farmhouse 425

Vanessa said...

Love this one! Looks like it belongs in a movie or something!

Cindy said...

Hi Sarah,
That kitchen is darling! And it is about the size of mine. A Very realistic image, I would say. And I love English cottage. Btw, how do you make the hearts in your post? Do tell. Thanks.
Hugs, Cindy

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

I adore the wall color in this kitchen. I'm trying to find just the right shade, and this is pretty darn close to what I want.

Kitty Deschanel said...

Every time I visit your blog, I know I'm in for a treat in the form of a beautiful photo (or many beautiful photos!)

I'm stopping by to say CONGRATULATIONS! You've been nominated for a Best in Show award on my blog again! Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah- I have been collecting pictures of kitchens for the psat year... we were supposed to gut ours when we moved. Didn't happen... but a girl can dream. PS- I LOVE the pat few posts, esp. the urban/industrial houses. OMG. DROOL. I don't think I can even afford one single chair. SIGH...

Erin said...

Your hard work is much appreciated, Sarah! ;) Love, love, love this kitchen and can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve come Monday!

Jenni said...

What a beautiful picture! That is a picture perfect, absolutely gorgeous kitchen. I love the cabinet hardware, and the wood counters! :) I really tried to talk my husband into wood counter tops, because aren't darker wood + white cabinets dreamy? Oh, well...

How have you been doing? I hope you are doing well, and having a good weekend!


Travel With Lulu said...

Once again, a to die for kitchen with a to die for scale. I love scales. Love love love... I still haven't found an old one to buy here, but I will! XOL

Elaine said...

Ooh I do love that kitchen. Isn't it fun to look for kitchens that

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

Sarah, I love this kitchen even more than the last one. The cozy country feeling is much more "me". I love the countertops of dark wood. Stunning!

Home Stars said...

Great post. Thanks for these outstanding pictures . These are really beautiful.

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Unknown said...

Nice blog! and beautiful kitchen, this type of kitchen make homes attractive. thanks for sharing with us.

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Unknown said...

What a beautiful kitchen. It is so elegant, I love it!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful kitchen. It is so elegant, I love it!

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Earthy Timber said...

Like the furniture that you've shared here. So nice. Wood Kitchen Island

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