Friday 22 July 2011

Paint, Please link party....oh, and my table reveal.....

Hello there, honeypops.

Welcome to my 
Paint, Please link party. 

So....where were we?
I've taken you through the whole process this week of painting a piece in 
My Beginners' Guide To Painting Furniture
If you've missed any posts, then you can find the whole series by clicking here.

And today, I do believe I promised you the big ta-daaaaaaaaaaaah! 
So without further ado, let the big reveal begin!

Here's what I started with. 
An extending oak dining table in a baaaaaaad way.

I've created a weathered white oak finish on the top, using Annie Sloan paints.

And a mixed-by-me paint on the base.

I've called this colour Modern Country Grey. 
{It's a perfect cool grey-green and I am in love.}

I want to paint our entire house from top to bottom in this colour and then 
walk around in a haze of bliss. 
{Mr Modern Country has vetoed the idea.}

I'm really hoping that this Beginner's Guide To Painting Your Furniture is showing you that there's NOTHING to be scared of. Because there really isn't. If you make a mistake you can wipe off and start over. 
Easy as pie.

Did I ever tell you that I LOVE throwing parties here? 
I absolutely LOVE looking through the posts you link up. 
I LOVE finding new blogs to ogle. 
I LOVE seeing what you have to share.

You can link up anything to do with paint....

favourite paint colours,
room redos,
painted furniture,
plus anything you'd like paint advice about....

Let's get this linky party on the road, shall we?
It'll stay open for one week.

 Here are two things I'd love you to do:
1) Follow Modern Country Style 
if you like what you see here.
2) Link back to me in your post 
so other people can come and find the party. 

Then everyone who comes over to Modern Country Style from other blogs who've linked back will be able to see a link and picture from your blog, and they can come and visit your fabulousness.

Not rules, exactly...but I'm hopeful. ;-) 

Oooh, and one more thing....
next week, we'll be having a good look at eating spaces. 
How to make the space inviting, warm and cosy.

Sounds good to me.

Enter your email address:

to subscribe to Modern Country Style


Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Your table is gorgeous! And happy party day!

the fishermans cottage said...

Your table really does look so good Sarah and fits into your music/dinning room so well, I really am going to have to try this paint... I'll be back to visit everybody else linking today :) x

GoldenValley50 said...

So pleased to have made it to your party Sarah. Your table is a masterpiece! ;)Sharyne

Melissa said...

I love the table! I have a large two-leaf table and eight chairs from World Market that the finish is getting bad on. I'm wondering how durable is your table top, would it stand up to kids and scrubbings? And also what brands did you use? I'm don't know much about the finishes that you have used.Thanks!

Unknown said...

Your table turned out beautiful..


michelle said...

It is gorgeous my gorgeous friend!! I love the color and looks perfect in your home. I am currently using the chalk paint on a dresser and I am loving it, although I am sad that I didn't finish in time to join.
Enjoy your weekend!!!

coastal village life said...

Your table is just fabulous! I am also in love with the grey-green shade and am desperate to paint our whole house like this. I have so much painting to do right now I'm not sure what I would link up to your paint party! As ever, you are wonderful inspiration! Have a lovely weekend, Michelle

Alison Agnew said...

you always throw a good the greigy-green painted table too...i'm all for splashing out whole-house style myself...;)


trish said...

I love your table! What a beautiful job you did and such pretty colors!! :o) I have an old (dear to me) farm house table that will get a nice make over once our weather cools. :o) It is pictured in a recent post. :o)
Have a lovely weekend.
Sincerely, Trish

Catherine said...

Your table looks just beautiful honey! Awesome job!!


Deborah said...

Sweet Sarah,
This is so beautiful!!!
I went to a garage sale last Saturday and the women showed me a table set in her home that was oak (I think) and it was the pedestal kind with four beautiful chairs in great shape for $50.00 and I felt I didnt have enough room for it in my kitchen.
Maybe I should have now that I see what you've done!
I still have the phone number! Hmmm :)
Have a great day and thank you so much for taking the time to show us all of this!!

Deborah xoxoxo

camp and cottage living said...

It's amazing what a little paint can do for a old table.
Your color mix is nice. I like the color. Not something you'll find in the store.
I'm a paint mixer too. I live so far out that I am not about to drive into town just to get paint, so I just use what I have. A little of this, a little of that and viola'. Someting beautiful happens!

Nan ~ Playful Decor said...

I found this party from Jenni at Beautiful Nest. Thanks for hosting! You did a great job on the table - I would never have thougth to paint a table like that - always dismiss those. now I'll look closer! :) Have a great weekend!

Nan ~ Playful Decor said...

Oh, blogger is doing its thing again with not showing followers - I'll come back to follow you!

Amy Chalmers said...

Great party! Thanks for hosting, I love painting and its always nice to get new ideas.

Meera @ firstsense said...

Your table looks GORGEOUS!! I love the weathered look on the top and the colour of the base. I haven't used chalk paints before but now I really really want to - just need to hunt around to find furniture to paint. Happy partying and happy weekend, pretty lady!

At The Picket Fence said...

Hey friend! Your table looks absolutely stunning and you did a fantastic job. :-) I'm so excited I have something to link up to your party!!

Tricia said...

Oh Sarah, you table looks absolutely beautiful! You did a great job. I'll have to look back and see how you did the top...I LOVE it :) I haven't been able to do my paint projects because it has been about as hot as an oven here!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Sarah, just linked up my Living Room re-do 2-parter to your party. Oh, I LOVE your table now, the soft gray-green is just a perfect color! Thanks for the great party,
xoxo Debra

Nat at Made in Home said...

Love the table! Getting ideas for my chest of drawers..

Full Circle Creations said...

Your table looks fabulous! Great job! Thanks for hosting the party!

Holly said...

I joined your party today! Love your table Miss Sarah. You always make everything so fun! Have a great weekend.

Young Adventures... said...

Looks gorgeous Sarah. Have a great weekend!

Elz @House Pour said...

I love the finished product! Especially the paint on the base, I love the two tone look! I linked up my table too, hope that's okay, I know you've already seen it?


Sarah, I love coming to your parties. You are always welcoming and fun . . . a perfect hostess.

I love how your dining table turned out. Great work.


Robynne's Nest said...

Absolutely gorgeous result Sarah, must admit I haven't actually followed the process this week...been busy, have my son over from Australia and we're off to Wales so no time to even participate in your linky party which are always such fun...but I will look forward to seeing everyone else's projects. Robx
p.s. I do love your parties...made some new friends on the last kitchen party. x

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Lovely lovely table. Our computer table could do with a makeover, might have to copy. Off to look at some of the paint projects.

You have a fabulous weekend, honeypop. xx

Lila said...

The table looks totally different, love it.

Happy Weekend

Magali @ The Little White House said...

Your table looks amazing... And the links are really great! And I found a village where the florist (I think) sells Annie Sloan Paint (weird, hey?)... So I might try...

Unknown said...

Fantastic have inspired me!
Take care, Kerry

Jenni said...

Hello Sarah! I hope you are having a beautiful day! :) Your table is gorgeous! Thank you for showing it to us! :)

I will be visiting those who link to your party today! You always have such delightful parties! :)


Erin said...

Hello, hostess with the mostess! LOVE how your table turned out. I'm *so* glad you took the leap and tried your hand at painting--isn't it fun?! Well, I'm late to the party but here nonetheless...can't wait to see what beautiful pieces other folks are sharing.

Take care,

Pamela said...

Your table looks gorgeous! I am your newest follower!:)

Shelly Wildman said...

Hello, Miss Sarah! I'm home for two nights and catching up on my favorite blogs (and then it's back to no internet for two more weeks). I have to say that this series is the BEST. I am bookmarking these posts and hope to come back again and again. I love painted furniture, and you make it look so easy.

Happy partying!

Jess said...

Love these links! What great projects! Your table looks awesome, btw. I might add that dark wax to my kitchen shelves I linked. I've been a little unhappy with how the paint is wearing anyway.

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Your table is amazing, Sarah. Just brilliant. I love the contrast between the tabletop and the sides/legs. Gorgeous, I say! And I can't wait to visit some of these wonderful links.

Tammy @ Type A said...

do you sell the chalk paint?

Tonya said...

Ooo, your table is SUPERB!!! I LOVE the color!! And your parties are always so fun. I look forward to catching up on your furniture painting steps: been painting all week myself! :S Sorry my painted floor link came up twice: seemed to be having troubles. Thanks again for the fun!

Susan T said...

due to circumstances beyond my control - as they say when we get 'leaves on the line' my painting project came to an abrupt end. However I has sanded down a table and now have a completely gorgeous idea from you as to how I can re-vamp it. So all is not lost. I hope you have a wonderful party, you are a charming host, and I will be back to view the painted treats ASAP.

Sue xx

LindyLouMac said...

Wow you have been busy Sarah with this series, I just love what you have done to the table.

Le said...

table looks fabbo Sarah - well done clever chickie :) best le xox

Travel With Lulu said...

Fabulous party as always! Your table is absolutely STUNNING - I think your piano and every other wooden surface beware :)


Good Saturday morning to you. (on my time zone anyway.)

I just finished reading all the links to your party. Wow. I learned so much and saw so many wonderful pieces.

You throw a perfect party and invite the most lovely guests. Thanks for hosting.

I am popping over from Sarah's great paint party. (Link #34)


Connie@Connie Nikiforoff Designs said...

Love it! So much prettier. Now,I spy an old upright piano in the background that could use a facelift. Hey, let me tell ya, I'm an expert at getting those to look fabulous! And my husband, a Registered Piano Technician, is expert at getting them to play wonderfully again too! Interested? :-) Contact me here. Once again, I'm lovin' the table!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Linda @ LindyLouMac told me about your blog. I love it, and I am your newest follower.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah!

I'll have to look back and see how you achieved the beautiful finish on your table. Doesn't it feel great to transform furniture that you aren't so keen on. I love how it turned out! I agree with you on the color. Beautiful! Oh, how I wish I could join your party. I will have fun looking though. Still looking forward to using chalk paint. I found an antique plain dresser for $25, last week, and I think it would be the perfect candidate for chalk paint.

Hope you have a gorgeous day, lovely!

Anne said...

The table looks fabuloso, Sarah! and I love this party. Really looking to seeing the 'eating spaces' post, too, since making the dining area cozy is my constant quest.

Paula Jo @ Home and Garden Decor said...

You have done a beautiful job with the table. The color is fantastic!

Cindy said...

Oh my! It looks like you had a very successful party my friend! As you can see, I did not join, I did not paint one little thing. Well, yes I did, but it wasn't of the furniture variety.
Your table looks beautiful! I love the look of it.
Hugs, Cindy

Privet and Holly said...

LOVE how your
table came out!
That was some
seriously great
work my friend.
I just arrived at
my parent's and ran
out of time to do
a proper job on my
own table re-do.
Instead, I'll oogle
yours and all the
lovely entries!
Brilliant : )
xx Suzanne
PS: Heard from Glenda
that you'll meet her
daughter! Love it.

Michelle said...

Doesn't even look like the same table, I love it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,

Today I joined your Paint, Please party and it is my very first link party, so I hope I have done all the right things! Please feel free to let me know if I have made a mistake (gently, though as us arty types are big softies and cry easily:))Thank you for this opportunity.

melissa said...

I absolutely love what you've done with that table - it's gorgeous! Can't wait to have a look at all the other posts now too! Melissa xx

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

I love the way the table turned out. What a great color combo. You have inspired me to may give it a go on my table too! I'd like to start on my hutch first though. Still trying to decide on trying the chalk paint.

On Crooked Creek said...

Your table is gorgeous, dear! You made me laugh with your comment [Mr. Modern Country has vetoed the idea.]Like the first coat of paint, give it another try, dear...perhaps in time he'll hop on board!!!

Bunny Jean said...

I have been gone from blogging for over a year and this "chalk paint" is new to me. I will have to check it out. Your table looks great.

Thanks for hosting the party.

xoxo Bunny Jean

Mary @ Redo 101 said...

Y'all have just got to stop it! I had no idea y'all were over here partying without me. I've got to get my paint on and join this party, girls! I'll be back soon - go ahead, and have fun without me this week!

I just discovered your blog and you gotta know you're going on my blog roll!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Fabulous table and the new finish is gorgeous. Great job. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Cassie Bustamante said...

sooo pretty! i love the color and the wood top- gorgeous!!!

Michella Marie said...

Your table is AMAZING!! I love the finish!! I'm taking a faux finishing workshop Friday and cannot wait to share all that I learn!!
What a wonderful party!!! I will be back to peruse the wonderful links :)) So many beautiful blogs and so little time (sigh).... If I could only slow time down just a bit!! Wouldn't it be great!!

Brandi said...

Sarah, this such a beautiful piece and the color is wonderful. I just love it.

A room with a view said...

Well, I only discovered your blog recently so I missed this post entirely. The table looks the finish, the color, the whole look.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog and nice pictures of modern dining room furniture..

Kate said...

Hi! I just found you when I googled "Annie Sloan paint country gray" :) I just got some samples and can't wait to slap them on something!! So glad to find you, I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll stop by some time. said...

We saw a lot of blogs that pertains to furniture having a new look after painting of the right color. It is natural to our furniture to fade its beauty or color as years goes by. We can maintain its good condition if we know how to care for this things.

ruzzel01 said...

Fairly good idea. You push us to be more creative.

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