Thursday 7 February 2013

Modern Country Dining Rooms

Today, let's take a look at some Modern Country Dining Rooms, which are exclusively used for what it says on the tin. A one-stop room for eating-purposes-only.

The fact is that not everyone has a separate dining room like these, and not everyone wants to dedicate a whole room to eating but, for those that do, feast your eyes on these beauties!

Do you like this way of eating? Separated from the hubbub of noisy living, they're super-serene....  

All that Modern Country space can be solely focused on enhancing the eating-aesthetic.

The more I think about this, the Modern Country way of living, the more I realise what a huge range of dining options there are: the smart, the casual, the formal, the chilled....

There's no need at all to feel you have to pick from only one option. The lovely thing about Modern Country Dining is that you have the complete freedom to choose what suits you and your home. And me and my home.


Images via: This Is Glam, Living etc, Unknown, Ideal Home, Home Bunch

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Ann said...

They are all so very beautifully styled, the third and last one took my breath away.

Unknown said...

That last table just made my heart go pitter, patter. C:

rusty duck said...

The last one hit the spot for me too. Perfect.

Le said...

as you say dear Sarah many delights to be found :) I'm not a fan of the separate site I have to say ... just seems like for us a room that would get little use and take up valuable space .. so I suppose it comes down to how you live and how much space you have to live in :) le xox

Teresa said...

And for the something extra a chandelier. YES!

Makes me crave a dining room so badly.

Thank you for sharing,

Blondie's Journal said...

I LOVE the last one. I so wish we had a separate dining room. I'm not sure how much it would get used as the kitchen is the hub of our home, but it would be nice.

By the way, I bought the latest Sophie Dahl book and love it. I never heard of her until your post! :)


On Crooked Creek said...

Lovely dining rooms, dear friend!!!
I still swoon over the more Traditional elements in the rooms!!!The chandeliers are exquisite!!!
Thank you for sharing, dear friend!!!

Shelly Wildman said...

Oh, the last one. If I could create a space like that, I would do it in a heartbeat. Love it!

Kirsty Girl said...

Gorgeous. Just moved into a new home complete with chandelier... never had one of those before and white provincial table. Loving the look.

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I've toyed with the idea of turning the middle bedroom (what used to be my boy's room) into a dining room. It is right off the kitchen, and has an outside access door.
Hmmm... Sounds do-able.
But...probably not the way we function. Sometimes even if space is IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE TOO.
like you said. YOU and YOUR HOME. :) Pat

Lorrie said...

We do have a dining room as well as an eating area off the kitchen. I like having both - dinner in the dining room, away from the bright lights of the kitchen - can be very romantic. I especially love the last photo.

Erin S. said...

We have a dining room, but kind of by default because our kitchen isn't big enough for an eat-in kitchen with our big brood. At first, I wasn't happy, but I really like having a bit of separation now. I love the first and the last pictures. So lovely and serene.

Cindy said...

Lovely images, Sarah. I have made my sunroom into a dedicated eating area and I love it.
It's pretty tiny, though, not large like some of these, I will have to work at making it modern country.

Anonymous said...

I wish wish wish I had a whole room, just for dining! I don't know whether these are your cup of tea but I have nominated you for some awards over at my site. Pop on over and have a look if you fancy. x

Arabella said...

It would be difficult to pick just one, but I think that the last is my favorite.

Hope 2013 is treating you well so far.


Louise said...

beutiful bones in these rooms, but i find them a bit bland actually. I would like my dining room to be more cozy and lively, so people feel they can relax. I find that when you get the formal out of the room everyone have a better time. The first one had a bit of life to it, with the greens and the rougher tablecloth, but i still think it lacked something.

Unknown said...

All the above dining areas photos are fantastic, I can't add more, Surely, dining in each one of them will be very inviting. brooklyn home inspector

Unknown said...

Love the first one! So so gorgeous and just casually elegant. xxx

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