Monday 15 August 2011

Book Review: Decorate by Holly Becker and Joanna Copestick

Just to confirm that my 
Summer Loving link party 
will be on Wednesday 24th August.
{Come and link up ANY summer-related gorgeousness.}

Can it possibly be Monday again?
And a Book Monday at that?
I do believe it is.

This week's choice is 
by Holly Becker and Joanna Copestick,
 published by Jacqui Small.

I have to be honest that I was initially sceptical about this book.
Holly Becker is author of the huge blog Decor8,
I thought it might seem overtly American.
And while I LOVE American style as much as the next girl,
 my house is not American.

I wondered how much I would find to inspire me in this tome
{And a tome it is, at nearly 300 pages}.

But I need not have worried even a smidgen.
Inspiration positively bursts through the covers.
Back and front.

Let's take a stroll through, shall we?

Decorate starts off by helping you think through 
the kind of space you have to work with, 
and includes plenty of luscious examples of each.

It's a practical book.
Even ideas for room layouts are suggested.

Yes, there are A WHOLE LOT of gorgeous rooms 
but it has a firm backbone of sound advice 
from a plethora of respected designers.

There's a section on Setting Your Style, 
walking you through different looks 
and breaking them down so you can pinpoint exactly 
what it is that you love.

I'm including a slight caveat for this part,
 which is that the range of styles is not huge.

It draws on two main looks, 
one is firmly in the grounds of Modern Country: 
rustic with a smattering of industrial. 

And the other is what might be termed eclectic brights.

However, as I am in love with the first look, 
and rather enjoy gleaning ideas from the second, 
this does not even begin to be a problem for me.
But I thought it was worth mentioning
in case that's not your cup of tea.

The next section is Room By Room, 
which helps you expand your options 
for each space in your house.

Again, loads of ideas are included for your delight.

And then, my favourite part: Attention To Detail. 
Looking at all those small touches 
that make a biiiiiig difference.

Right at the end, 
there's a section to help you with sourcing 
(which includes an international mix of contacts).

Overall, I have to say that 
if you like the look of the photos I've included here 
then you'll L:O:V:E Decorate.

From a shy start, 
I'm completely smitten.
Buy it.

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Unknown said...

Love the first dinning room those chair are to die for, can't wait for your linky party....

Michelle Lee said...

i want to read it too :) so inspirational

Unknown said...

I don't think I would have given this book a fair shot. Now I will :)

FiliGrace said...

Oh my.... I want that book! And I blame you, Sarah, remember. ;-)

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

I have been gone for a week and was just looking at all of the things I missed! I love what you are doing in the dining room! Love the mantle and I love the little seating area next to the fireplace!

Thr riots are heartbreaking! What is going on in the world the this sort of behavior continues to happen? When you see 8 and 10 year old children looting and burning buldings? Crazy! Where are their parents. I am not judging because I realize that there are a lot of people who are out of work and are tired of being beaten down but this sort of behavior is not the answer. We are having problems like this on a smaller scale all across the US.

On a lighter note, I love that twitter has massed a group of people to get out and clean up! Keep calm and Carry on is the right course of action.

Also, love the book reviews. I think in each of these books there is a little something for everyone. I do not like when some people who are designers post on their blogs preachy post about how eveyones place is suppose to look! We are all individuals and perhaps we do not all like modern or traditional or country looks! Me I think I am an ecclectic traditional person.

Thank you again for all the great posts! Have a great week, looking forward to the link party!!!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Thanks for sharing...I love new books that don't disappoint!
I'm loving the brown sofa.

haus maus said...

Thank you so much for the nice review, Joanna and I really appreciate it and are happy that you found Decorate inspiring! :)

On Crooked Creek said...

Nice review...just enough photos and your skepticism to entice me!

Meera @ firstsense said...

Hello there gorgeous! I'm back from holiday all refreshed but having to dive straight into work. Riding a bike naked, now there's something to do once in a lifetime, eh. :-)

This book is totally my cup of tea, I've not yet had the chance to properly delve into it, but I keep flicking through it every now and again. The pages you've selected are fabulous and your review is wonderful. Love your Book Mondays!

Meera xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah Sarah! This book looks like a winner! I love how each room has sophistication followed by whimsy. The rooms aren't too serious. Love the dining chairs in each dining room photo you shared. Yum! Thanks for sharing another great read and inspiration!
Have a lovely week, girly! xxx

Kirsty Girl said...

Looks lovely.

Tricia said...

Oh, judging by the photographs, this book looks wonderful! Now I want it too :)

Susan T said...

Well, a nice postman delivered last weeks book, so I am working through that. I already have 'Decorate' which is lucky as your book reviews will no doubt leave me near bankrupt! I am falling behind on my blogging. I just loved your fireplace makeover, you managed to transform a bit of an ugly duckling into a classic modern look. Sadly hols next week prevent me from taking part in your linky party. I will miss it.

the fishermans cottage said...

Such an inspiring book, love the mantel pieces, lots of interesting contrasts.. looking forward to the link party x

The Moerks said...

Thanks for the preview. I was wondering what it was like. It looks fabulous.

Anne said...

Gorgeous book! thanks for telling us about it. Hours of delightful daydreaming.

Paula Jo @ Home and Garden Decor said...

The book looks so interesting and worth reading. I'm going to have to read it. Great pictures and diagrams to help anyone with their decorating. Thanks for sharing!

Robynne's Nest said...

I totally agree Sarah, I love the offers lots of great ideas and even if I don't like a particular look or room in it there is always elements that I can pick out which I love. Holly's a very clever lady!! Robx

alison said...

I love your book reviews - always so much inspiration. I've put this one on my wish list...Thank you : ) Alison x

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Looks beautiful! I really love that room with the giant letter A. I wish I could find one! The cover is deceiving. I would not have expected the styles you showed us inside!

Unknown said...

I finally bought this book the other week after so many great reviews but I had my reservations too - mostly because as much as I love decor8 (and for as warm and lovely as Holly always comes across), I find a lot of decor8 showcasing the sort of crafty-colourful-thrift look so was worried the book might contain mostly that look. I was pleasantly surprised that there was a really nice mix of styles (and lots of international locations as well!) and a ton of ideas that can be used in any setting.

Definitely a winner! Just grateful you reviewed something I already had because every week, I have to add another to my Amazon wish list ;)


College Essays said...

Thank you for your generous efforts in constructing this blog & sharing with everyone…

The B's said...

I LOVE those two shades hanging over the dining table! That is a perfect idea - maybe I'll try it in my dining room!!

College Essays said...

It was a dynamite blog.Visiting your blog for the first time really great stuff thanks..

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