Friday 7 October 2011

Giveaway: Modern Country Tablecloth

 Hey sweetiepip,

How was that for a very lovely link party? 
I SO enjoyed visiting you all. Thank you for taking the time to swing by.

For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you'll know that 
I have a pretty awesome giveaway today for you
For those of you who don't....surpriiiiiiiiise!

I was delightfully bombarded with emails asking me 
where I got my Modern Country tablecloth 
after my post on cosying up for autumn

It's from New House Textiles

It retails at nearly £58.44, and is honestly worth every penny.
Made from 59% linen and 41% cotton, it feels weighty and luxurious.

The tablecloth has a gorgeous Scandinavian heart print in deep red along the centre of the cloth, with a small repeat around the edge, and measures 147 by 250 cm / 59 by 100 inches. So gorgeous.

Yup, I LOVE it, and I think you will too!

New House Textiles have very sweetly agreed 
that you can win one of these beauties. 

To be entered into the giveaway, which will be open for one week, all you have to do is make sure you leave a comment telling me 
how you subscribe to Modern Country Style. 
Is it via email? Via Facebook? Through Google Follow? Or Twitter? 
So many options...and all free!!

If you'd like a second entry, then write another comment, 
leaving me a link to the page where you have blogged about this giveaway, or mentioned it on any social media site.

Then next's time to delve into the set of 
Something's Gotta Give. 


Enter your email address:

to subscribe to Modern Country Style


Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

I subscribe through Google follow.... Thanks for the chance to win.

Kathleen Grace said...

I have you on my Google reader. It makes it so easy to check all my friends every day! Love that tablecloth and it would look gret in my dining room:>)

Courtenay@Creek Line House said...

Noooo! I can't believe I missed the link party! Darn real job.... I'm going to go link up now anyway!

I google follow you!

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

Hi Sarah, that table cloth is beautiful. Half my family is from Norway so I really love Scandanavian textiles.
I follow your blog via googlefriend. This is a wonderful giveaway & have a lovely weekend!

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

How lovely. I have you on Google reader m'dear. Have a marvellous weekend. xx

Unknown said...

I loove that tablecloth, but am eying up the cups too, can I ask where they come from? You know I follow you in all ways the ether offers!!;)

Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

Beautiful giveaway! I subscribe through google reader.

MyLittleBlueDog said...

Fabulous tablecloth, and so nice to have a chance to win one. I follow your gorgeous blog via GoogleReader.

susan said...

That's a fantastic prize! Follow both on blogger and facebook.
Have offer in on house today, keep your fingers crossed!

The Vintage Farmhouse said...

I'm having a linky party for giveaways, I hope you will drop by and link up! ♥

susan said...

Update! Just as I sent your message I got a phone call. WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah ~ I subscribe through Google Follow. The tablecloth is so pretty and would be great for Valentine's Day!

Ricki Treleaven said...

:D It is such a gorgeous tablecloth!!!

Google Follow ;P

I am enjoying your blog so much!!!

Ricki Jill

Twyla and Lindsey said...

How absolutely lovely! How marvelous of New House Textiles! Wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity! Twyla

Twyla and Lindsey said...

I follow you on Google follow! Have a nice day! Twyla

Anonymous said...

Stunning tablecloth. Your blog pops up on my googlereader and I also follow you on Facebook.


ANNE said...

I LOVE this tablecloth. Thank you so much for this lovely giveaway. (I'm already a follower of your fabulous blog)

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed! I love it!

ANNE said...

I tweeted your giveaway also :)!/ddreamsbyanne

(and I follow you thru Google reader)

Unknown said...

Happy follower here and I've made a note to myself to find you on facebook-like right now :)

CountryBelle said...

Love it! I follow you through google follow.
Thanks for the chance!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

Beautiful tablecloth! And I'm a "google follower" :)


Mindy said...

Gorgeous tablecloth! Thanks for the chance to win!

I follow you through GFC. =)

justforthis917 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Ceu said...

Adoro seu blog,seus posts são lindos.

Doda said...

pretty pretty! Thanks. I'm a follower with google :-)

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

I think this table cloth is stunning in its simplicity. I think it would be beautiful in any setting.

Ok, I think I fixed my problem for followers at Once Upon a Chocolate Life. Blogging is a challenge for me...the technical part is way beyond me.

Thank you for coming over to visit, the cream cheese brownies were delicious.

xo Elizabeth

Lorrie said...

I have you in my Google reader. I like seeing anything new in my list of blogs at one glance.

Gorgeous tablecloth. Swoon.

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Sweet Giveaway! I follow through email and google~Cheers Kim

Cathy said...

I follow you with Google Reader. Will they really send the beautiful tablecloth across the pond if I should be lucky enough to win? It's gorgeous.

Unknown said...

You know I already follow your every move!! (what do you mean STALKER?!)

That tablecloth is absolutely GORGEOUS! I love it's Scandi-swoon-worthy-ness. (yes that's a word, I've decided)


Unknown said...

It's on Facebook as well ;) xxx

Linden said...

I drop by & enjoy via Facebook & your blog & would love the chance to be entred to win the super Tablecloth if I may. :0)

loveandlilac said...

A delightful tablecloth! (I'm a Google follower) Louise x

Bluebells and Lavender said...

I'm a brand new blogger - just three days old! I came across your beautiful blog quite by chance. I love the heart motive, it reminds me of a heart stamp I once had - it's almost Christmasy - so I suppose hearts are perfect for Christmas time.. I subscribe by google..

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Sarah...

Ohhh my...what a beautiful tablecloth! It would be sooo perfect in my red dining room! I follow you through Google Follow. Thank you sooo much for doing this great giveaway for us...very sweet of you, my friend1 Ohhh...I am crossing my fingers for this one!!!

Warmest autumn wishes,

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Proud follower via Google Friend Connect :) Lovely tablecloth, Sarah.

di@cottage-wishes said...

Beautiful!! Loved the tablecloth from your last post, what a treat! I follow you on email and goggle. Di@cottage-wishes

Miss Polly said...

Sarah Darling -
Winning this tablecloth would totally inspire me to blog more I think!!
I follow you on Pinterest? If not then why not!!! Its amazing!
But I have you in my Google Reader (I need to add you to Facebook)


JStacie said...

I follow via Google Rss. I'm part Swede, so that gives me a leg up on this giveaway, right? :) This would be great for Thanksgiving (if this is open to those in the States?).

CHRIS said...

Hi, I follow with google. Love the cloth, linen is gorgeous. Happy days. Chrisb

Amy said...

I follow you through Google Reader.

AntiCookieCutter said...

I follow through my google account. Thanks for the giveaway.

meppybn said...

I subscribe through Google reader so can see at a glance when you've got a new post up :) :)

Rusthawk said...

I am a subscriber to your delightful emails that brighten my evenings. :)

Rusthawk said...

I posted this giveaway on my facebook wall:

Thank you! I just love it.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email and enjoy every post!!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Gorgeous! I follow thru Google Reader. : )

Anonymous said...

Look at all these comments!!! I'm going to add mine to the list to say that, for me, bloglovin is the only way to subscribe to your favourite blogs (including this one)!

Maria said...

We can all subscribe to you all those ways you said! Isn't the internet wonderful! :)

Glynis said...

To make sure I don't miss anything I subscribe by email & am also a GoogleFriend!

Unknown said...

oh what a lovely give away you lucky girl. Have a great weekend Sarah xx said...

Hi Sarah, I'm following you on FB, please let me win! Thanks for the chance. Debbie said...

And I follow you on Google Friend too, thanks, Debbie

Calypso In The Country said...

Hi Sarah!
I subscribe through Google follower/reader. What a gorgeous tablecloth - you can never have enough! Thanks for having this giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!

eroomje said...

I get your blog via email, but I am also enrolled in Google. (Can you tell I am not all that computer savvy? Shhhh.)

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Facebook but check your blog at least 3 or 4 times per week.. love it and love the chance to win this awesome table cloth!
Kbfox at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

2nd entry.. mentioned the giveaway on FB kyleyne lane fox is my fb name. awesome

Carla63 said...

I follow you via email. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Meera @ firstsense said...

Hello gorgeous, this is a lovely lovely giveaway, thank you! I follow via RSS and Google Follow.

Meera xx

Meera @ firstsense said...

And I've put up a link to this giveaway on my blog sidebar :-)

Meera xx

lacarrico said...

I follow you on FaceBook and email...thanks for the chance to win the beautiful tablecloth

Magali @ The Little White House said...

Oh, that's such a nice giveaway... The tablecloth is so "Modern Country Style"! I suscribed by email and enjoy finding your post in my inbox!

Linda said...

I was searching fall decorations and your web blog was listed. So I clicked on. what a fun web blog you have with so many different ideas. What a lovely giveaway. The table cloth is beautiful. Please enter me in you giveaway. Thankyou

Gypsy Heart said...

I'm a follower ~ Google reader, FB and email.

Would LOVE to win this tablecloth! It's beautiful and my colors.


Gypsy Heart said...

I'm a follower ~ Google reader, FB and email.

Would LOVE to win this tablecloth! It's beautiful and my colors.


Tara said...

I follow through google follower and love popping by to visit..xx

di@cottage-wishes said...

I linked to your site! Here is the link:

I love the tablecloth for my table!!

thank you, Di

Anonymous said...

hi Sarah. I absolutely never enter giveaways. Until now. Can't resist because I love your tablecloth SO! I subscribe to your blog through rss subscription via my wordpress reader. Thank you for offering this chance to win. The tablecloth looks gorgeous in your home :)

Cindy said...

What a gorgeous tablecloth!!! I read your blog through facebook sometimes and sometimes I just see it on the side of my blog and I read it then.
Hugs, Cindy

vikki said...

Love that table cloth. I subscribe via email.

Anonymous said...

following you by email. Love your blog!!

Patricia said...

Well Hello ! I subscribe to your wonderful blog through my e-mail, and I look forward to every single post your write - completely and thoroughly enjoy reading every one ! Thanks so much....

Cuckoo said...

I watched that film last night. Love it. I adore the style of Erica's home. The white pebbles collected in the bowls, the kitchen, the tall bookcases. OMG I could go on and on. Only thing I don't envy is the tiny little bed. I like a bigger bed because I'm a dreadful fidget!

I follow through blogger google followery thingybob.


Anonymous said...


michele said...

following via blogspot!

hope you've entered my giveaway--and check out my interview with Rachel Ashwell...are you getting a copy of the new book??????



Anonymous said...

I follow your lovely blog through many sources. Facebook, google, blogger etc. I guess that qualifies me as a stalker, haha!

Thanks for the chance to win! Hope you had a nice weekend, girly!
Many x's

Anonymous said...

Surely there is a catch here? That table cloth is just so lovely!

I subscribe through email. Thanks for the link party, it was great to get some new visitors to my site and find some new blogs to follow!

Lizzy x

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

I follow you by Google Follow. What a gorgeous tablecloth - thanks for the giveaway.

The Moerks said...

I am a google follower Sarah. What a gorgous table cloth.

Judy said...

I follow now! Having just filled in your email box. Before I was using Facebook and just clicking any links that popped up.

Judy said...

Also linked to you on Facebook - you know where to find my profile! Second entry please!

Alison Agnew said...

google follower
of course

and yes
that tablecloth
is delightfully lovely



I follow you on google reader, neighbor (but only when the curtains are closed and I can't see your beautiful tablecloth through the window.) :-)


Privet and Holly said...

I subscribe by
e-mail so I don't
miss one lovely
xx Suzanne

Privet and Holly said...

Off to tweet
about this scrummy
xx S

vignette design said...

I just discovered your blog and am a new follower via google. Also on FB. I will follow you on Twitter as well.
Love your blog and love that tablecloth! Fingers crossed! ~Delores

Grubby Cottage said...

Subscribe by email!

CHRIS said...

Hey Sarah, I blogged your giveaway xx

Anonymous said...

nice post. Now you can use this business 2 business list to promote table linen import & export business.

plumbing said...

Talk about simple just wash, dry, and use. Polyester and synthetic fabrics have come along way in texture, care, and appearance. These fabrics have the advantage of needing less pressing and minimal work from you, giving you more time for your party and guests

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