Tuesday 7 June 2011

Spode Giveaway: These have YOUR name on them...

Welcome to today's Giveaway...and let me tell you: it's a corker.

Yep, I can't believe it either: it's Spode, girlies. 

Spode was founded in 1770 in Stoke-on-Trent in England, 
and, to this day, manufacture goods of an incredibly high quality.

The china equivalent to having the Queen for tea.
Yes, that good.
Their Baking Days collection is dishwasher, freezer, oven 
and microwave safe and is designed to bring 
bit of Modern to their traditional Country designs.
Do I hear Modern Country in the kitchen?
Yes, I do.

Modern Country Style has partnered with Spode 
to bring you this Giveaway. 
Let's look at what treats 
we have in store for you today.

First up - and, errrr, how gorgeous? - is this one litre stoneware measuring jug (available in red, black or green).
Next, this beautiful pudding bowl (available in red, black or green).
And finally, this fab oval rimmed serving dish (available in red, blue, green, black or multi-coloured).
To enter, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me:

1) How have you chosen to follow Modern Country Style? Do you subscribe via email? By Following with Google Connect? By using a particular RSS feed? 
{New followers always welcome ;-)}

2) Which colourway you'd choose. 
You can stick with one colour or mix and match.
Me? I'd go for red every time.
{No extra comment needed}

3) if you do a shoutout about this yummytastic giveaway 

in a blog post
{two extra entries}

or on Facebook
{one extra entry}.

Let me know which you've chosen to do by leaving 
an additional comment for each shoutout. 

Yep. That's it.

Easy, huh?

And then these li'l babies will be winging their way 
to one lucky winner who'll be announced 
on Modern Country Style in a week's time.

Enter your email address:

to subscribe to Modern Country Style


Missy K said...

Hello! I must be first!

I have Modern Country Style in my Google Reader. I've also "liked" MCS on Facebook, but I'm taking a Facebook break for the summer.

And red, no contest! :-)

Doda Smith said...

Hello! Those are gorgeous! I especially love the red with white polka dots!
I follow you on the google connect thingy. Nice giveaway!

Beth said...

Hi Sarah, I follow and read through a link in my blog dashboard or my sidebar. (hope that makes sense!) lovely giveaway. I lived near Stoke-on-Trent once and used to visit all the potteries- there are some great ones and Spode is right up there. I would definitely go for the red too . x

{northern cottage} said...

yep I'm your follower girlie! And I'd go for RED too! for sure!

susan said...

Yum! What a fab giveaway! I follow with google and with facebook, does that count as two entries?!!
I'd go for red every time too! But to be honest they are all nice.

Kathysue said...

Oooh this is a hard choice, green or black I love them both!!!So fun, what a great giveaway. I am a follower and i read your post from my dashboard on my blog, but I like to come here so I can comment!! Kathysue

Unknown said...

Love polka dots! Especially the blue one!
I'm your follower but I live too far!
Is it a problem?
Have a nice day

Athena said...

I subscribe via email and follow on GFC.

I would probably choose green since that is my favorite color.

cereza25 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah! Oh, my goodness! I love these piece! I'm following you on Google and each time you do a new post you pop up in my favorite blogs section.
I would take any or all of these gorgeous little pieces in RED! I love red. Please enter my tiny name in your giveaway! This is very exciting.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Young Adventures... said...

Hi Sarah!

I follow through google. I love the red! These are darling pieces.

At The Picket Fence said...

ARE YOU KIDDING?? This is an amazing giveaway Sarah! And yes, they do actually have my name on them...didn't you see it on there? Why do we even need to bother having other people enter to win? :-)
I'm a Google Followin' Fool!

At The Picket Fence said...

I'm leaning towards the red but I might just go out on a limb and pick that lovely soft green shade. Hmmm....what do do?

Anonymous said...

Are family allowed to enter? I couldn't find the small print...

With love,

Richard x

Laura said...

Hi there Sarah
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog today! Well, I am a religious reader of your blog. Your on my dashboard and then I just pop on, as soon as I see you have posted. Not sure what medium this is, but hey I get there... and as for the colour... do you really need to ask? Red, red, red! Love these!

Behind Margery's Daw! said...

Oh, easily the red ones as that exactly the colour I about to decorate my kitchen with, along with soft blue and cream. I have just made over a kitchen ceiling rack in red and they would go perfectly (see it on my blog if you want).

Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!

Also I follow you on Blogger Dashboard. I'm going to blog about your give away now as well x

Deborah said...

Good morning Srah!
Those are so cute!
Im your happy friend & follower and I follow you through google.
I would love to win these pretties!!

Deborah xoxo

Tracy said...

i follow you via my blogger dashboard to see what you are up to and i would pick red to go in my new kitchen!!!
i shall blog and facebook about you later too and add a comment when i'm done!!!
fab giveaway by the way!!!

Sandy A said...

This is such a great give away--I follow on Google Reader--and I would choose the Red, my favorite color...

chris said...

Did you hear my squeal all the way from Idaho?? I follow via google friend connect. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah

Brilliant blog, I'm a new follower (in Google Reader) but had to go all the way back through to see how your house has developed.

Oh, and red defo!


chris said...

I would mix green and red or go all green. What a lovely thing to dream of.

Deborah said...

I posted your cute giveaway to my sidebar sweetie!
And I would love this in black! :)
Have a great day!! xo

Deborah xoxo

coastal village life said...

Hi Sarah, These are gorgeous, I have bene eyeing up the red ones for some time now. I follow your blog through mine?! Google Connect maybe. Also on facebook.

Our new kitchen is nearly finished so I will be posting pics soon, when I get a spare minute! Just trying to convnince husband that we must get Farrow & Ball Blue Gray for the walls. We are in the middle of thunder, lightning and hail storm at the moment but these lovely Spode pieces brightened up my day!

Susanne said...

Hi Sarah! I follow you through Google Connect and through Facebook. I absolutely love your style and these pieces make my heart melt. I am just swooning over that measuring cup! My first choice is always red, but that apple green pie dish caught my eye. Either color would make me smile every time I used it!

debrarae said...

they are perfect! I would go for red or blue although I do love green!! I follow on google and also by email

Susan T said...

Hi Sarah, I follow you through Google.
Oh I like these little babies - Spode a la mode! - I just love the red, but for me the choice would have to be green as it would suit my kitchen.

Holly said...

Love it, Sarah! If this is open to US readers, you know I'm a follower!

Holly said...

Not sure if you meant separate comments for each entry...I like the red. And the green. But I think I'd take red.

Loo xx from Jumbles and Pompoms said...

Hi Sarah sweetie pie,

How exciting is this! Red every time, most deffo.

Your lovely blog pops up on my Google Reader - hoorah!

I will try and link your giveaway when I next do a post which will hopefully be soon.

Hope you are fine and dandy. xx

Alison Agnew said...

i think i follow you every which way possible! and for me? red, reD, rED, RED every time...love the polka dots too...thanks for the chance!

lindab said...

I just found you 3 months ago and I honestly have been meaning to write you and tell me yo have quickly become my fave. You have even changed my favorite style from traditional to country. I am trying to change bit by bit. I love the red! I don't have a blog, but will put you on FB. Keep up the beautiful post!

Lolo @ The Adventures of Stig and Lolo said...

How cute are those polka dots?! So stinkin cute :)
I follow you all the time sugar....via google reader and as one of my favorite blogs on my blog sidebar!
I just cant get enough of ya ;)
Thanks for the fun giveaway..crossing my pinky toe for this one -


Rusthawk said...

Oooh ...gorgeous! I'm one of your GFC followers and a new email subscriber. Thanks so much for the entry!

Rusthawk said...

If I won I would have to choose RED!

Rusthawk said...

I posted on my FB wall: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=192560510791803&id=100001156831237

Ashley Slater said...

this is so great, I am finding all new blogs today and they are almost ALL doing giveaways. I have to win one, I know it!!!

following you!!


Adventures of Newlyweds

It's me said...

I think black !! that is the most beautiful color in my kitchen..we have a Dutch design kitchen from Piet Zwart do you now him ???...it is a beautiful modern kitchen from 1930.....new maked.....lovely give away darling...fingers crossed.....xxx...have you enter my give away yet ???...xxx...

Stacey said...

I've been a follower through Google reader for a while now.

Stacey said...

I would LOVE the GREEN!!!! Right up my alley!

Priscilla said...

I want those darling RED cook dishes!
Even though it make more entries and therefore less chances for me, #1. -I put it on my blog.
Of course, #2. - I'm a follower and have been for some time. I look forward to seeing what is there each day when #3. - I review my Google Reader.

Pamela said...

How fun is this. Yes, I am a faithful follower of yours via Google Friend connect. I have enjoyed your blog since I began blogging and have used your blog design as inspiration for my own. I have loved Spode for ages! Lovely dishes are my one weakness.

Pamela said...

I would choose the red! Red is my winter accent color for my kitchen.

Stitchfork said...

Absolutely follow! And red, yes red would fit right in here!
xo Cathy

Sarah said...

I'm a new follower through Google Reader. So happy to find Modern Country Style. And definitely red! ~ Sarah

Bumpkin Hill said...

ooooo I am so happy to have just come across your Blog. I'm a new follower (just followed you via google). I reckon I'd go with red everytime too. Thank you so much for this fabulous giveaway chance! I'm having a giveaway on my Blog too. Hugs, Catherine x

Anonymous said...

Hands down RED!!!!!! Love it! I just stumbled upon your site this afternoon and love it! So inspiring! And Spode really does know how to make me, a mom of 2 small cherubs feel young again!
Great site, great inspiration!!

Jennifer C. said...

Let's try this one more time! =)
Hands down RED!!!!!! Love it! I just stumbled upon your site this afternoon and love it! So inspiring! And Spode really does know how to make me, a mom of 2 small cherubs feel young again!
Great site, great inspiration!!

Onita76 said...

i follow and read through google reader :)

Onita76 said...

i think i would choose a mix of colors cause trying to decide would be too hard ;) thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah.

I get your emails and follow you on fb too. Am a fairly new follower and I'm enjoying reading back through past blogs. It's great to find a fellow obsessive/ perfectionist with paint colours, and someone who would be an interior designer in another life. We seem to have pretty identical taste - so of course I would love to win the RED ones!

Your blog is fab, and I feel like you're one of the girls!

Kate x

Pamela said...

I follow you on my blog dashboard . . . & I like the green polka dot!

Prior said...

google connect and oh my goodness it's ReD for me every time, too! I really love the polka dots, how lively!

Family said...

How have I chosen to follow Modern Country Style? By way of Favorites!You pop up on my screen when I turn my computer on. I'm a green sort of Modern Country girl and I would love to have a Spode dish in my kitchen.

Privet and Holly said...

How fun!
I'd go with
red, for sure : )
I subscribe to
MCS via e-mail.
Hopefully USA
residents aren't
xx Suzanne

Maggie Mae said...

Those are super cute!
I follow you using Netvibes.
I love the green color.
And I love your bedroom!

melissa said...

Hi Sarah, I just adore those dishes in the red, super pretty! I've mentioned your giveaway on my blog and maybe if I'm really lucky there's some with my name on them!
I actually like to visit each of the blogs I read, I know it is probably a lot more time consuming, but I just kind of got in that habit and stuck with it.
Melissa xx

A Farmer's Wife said...

Oooh - must enter! I would like the red and I follow via Google Connect. I live in Australia on a farm and so love your take on modern country style (particularly as I am busily redecorating a farmhouse...)

Belinda - The Lattimore Acre said...

Oh so lovely.... that Jug so cute. I follow via RSS feed from Australia!!!

Mimi said...

I follow through Google Reader....and I love the red!!!!


I am a happy follower of your blog through google reader.

I think I would mix and match - red and green.

If I win, would you please hand deliver them . . . I'll fix lunch.


Anne Boykin said...

I follow your wonderful blog via email. Love the polka dots. I'd have trouble picking a color since these are my favorite colors! I'd have to mix, I think. Thanks for the great give-away.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I'm a Google follower. I'd love the green.

Sarah said...

Thanks for this fab giveaway and if its open to us peeps in the US...of course I am a follower and I would love Spode in RED of course!! I did have Spode, Italian Spode, the blue and white country which I adored. Fab, thanks!! :0

Marya said...

I have Modern Country Style saved to my favorites. I stumbled upon this site via another craft sight (can't remember which one, I love and visit so many :) ). I would definitly go with the red!

Cindy said...

Wow, what a great giveaway!!! I love the Spode bakeware.
Okay, I have you on my Blog List and every time I see that you have a new post up, I come over and take a gander. But, I am also a follower and have been for years...well not years, but a L O N G time, at least a year.
I think I would go for the red also, it would fit in very nicely with my other reds and I love polka-dots!!!
Hugs, Cindy

Marya said...

I have Modern Country Style saved to my favorites. I came upon this site via another crafting site (can't remember which one as I follow so many :) ).

I would go with the red!

Shelly Wildman said...

Seriously? Will you (or Spode) really ship these over the river and through the woods to America?? That would be fantastic!!

I follow you!

Color? No question. RED! I have little blips of red all over my house.

Debbie Faber said...

Hi , I follow you in my blog list of favorites on my Mac Menu. I love these in red or green...both happy colors, so guess i would mix them up. I am signing off and liking your site on Facebook. :-)

Katie Matthews said...

I follow you with Google Reader - and, I would definitely choose the red!

Tara said...

HI Sarah,I follow on my sidebar from my blog..Love popping over to see what you're up to..Fab giveaway..Yep, I love the red as well..xx

Tara said...

I've popped the giveaway on my blog and am keeping my fingers and toes crossed..xx

Anonymous said...

I stalk your blog via google reader :) What a yummy giveaway, Sarah!
Without question, I choose red. How cute are those polka dots?!!

I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes.


Miss Polly said...

Modern country style is a way of life. Its elegance, sophistication, and comfort (think Sloan rangers) all rolled into one.
It would be difficult to decide between the red or black. My home is in greys and whites, so Id probably go with the black in the end.

Stacy said...

i follow you by email! love the red dishes, they are adorable

vikki said...

I love the red also. I follow via email. Love your blog.


Thoughts for the day said...

Awesome dishes, would love some to either keep or share.

Diana Trautwein said...

Ooh, yummy, yummy! Thanks for your kind words on my blog last week - and I subscribe by email. LOVE this blog, love your words and your pix.

Just yummy, that's all.

Oh, I'll take mine in green. :>)

Diana Trautwein said...

Okay - a shout out on face book.

Arabella said...

Wow - what a fabulous giveaway!

I have your posts delivered to my email box. I'd love to win the blue Spode :O)

Thank you!

Scarlett said...

What an amazing giveaway! Moden country style is on my google reader.

Got to be red for me too - its beautiful! Scarlett x

Unknown said...

Sarah what a fabulous give away you have me all excited. My cupboards are already stacked with goodies from companies like pampered chef my partner doesnt quite appreciate this sort of thing (thankfully enjoys my cooking however). I am just taking on some pieces for my showroom & soon to be online boutique I think you may like :)xx

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Hello Sarah, I've been following now for several weeks so still fairly newish. And I receive the posts in my InBox by email.
And RED would be my pick. xx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Sarah

My path is E M A I L :-)

Absolutely love the Spode WARE. That deep covered deep dish is yummy.

G R E E N is my colour !!

N @ GrubbyCottage

WobiSobi said...

What an awesome give away. I follow you on google and facebook. and would stalk you if I lived anywhere close. LOL Hugs Anne

Patricia said...

I am on your e-mail list, and receive an e-mail every time you post a new entry to your blog. I thoroughly enjoy reading about your beautiful home and seeing glimpses into a Cotswold lifestyle, which I envy very much , living in a big American city myself.... I also love the red - it would match my kitchen perfectly ! Thanks for the chance at the give away....

Anonymous said...

I get my Modern Country Style, in my AOL email. And I love reading it!
This is an awesome giveaway. I'm like you, give me red any day! Love, love, love it! Thank's for a chance to win.
@ Texasriverlily@aol.com

Deborah said...

I follow you through Google connect, would love the red! Great giveaway :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

I'm a GFC follower! Cool giveaway!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Great colors, but I think I'd pick green!

Marlis said...

Hi Sarah, I facebooked.... what a generously cool, amazing, gracious giveaway!!! thanks for a chance.

Marlis said...

Red red red!!!! or maybe lime green. or both.. omg what a lovely giveaway... thanks for the chance.

michele said...

i just plain follow. i don't know about all the other techie stuff. it's a tough choice but i choose BLACK.


Valerie Teeling said...

I subscribe to Modern Country Style emails.
I would choose the red, for sure!


michelle said...

Hi sweets! These are adorable, I love them!!! I follow you on my blogroll and email so I see your pretty face everywhere!! :)
Have a great day!

Sara said...

I follow with google, email and facebook! LOL I am a "real" follower I guess - promise I am not a "stalker"! :-)

Sara said...

LOVE that red!

Violet said...

I'm a new follower!! What a fab giveaway!!!

Violet said...

I would mix n match!! :)

Charlotte said...

I follow Modern Country by email....and I would love the green....Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.....

Little Leslie said...

I love these colors. I follow you on Google, and black would be my choice. Thanks for such an absolutely fabulous giveaway. I'm going to link your giveaway on facebook and my blog.

Little Leslie said...

Ok, it took me a while, not very good at linking, but I did it. Check out my blog and facebook;Leslie Devillez.
Thanks for the chance!

Jenni said...

Hello Sarah! I follow you through Google Connect, and I have you on my sidebar! :) As far as which color way, it would have to be red! It fairly *pops* in those pictures! :)

How is your week going? I hope it is a lovely one so far! AND I hope you have a beautiful day! :) Now I must go and paint a ceiling, aren't you jealous!? Nope, didn't think so! ;)


Magali @ The Little White House said...

That measuring jug is just too cute! I receive each of your post in my mailbox and it always makes me smile to spot "Modern Country Style" in my mails.
I love the traditional look of the red items, but I would probably go with black myself, so it would go with whatever colour I choose to paint my kitchen... next summer! I want to keep my mind open till then!

Rachel Rose Mercantile said...

Goodness...I don't know how I follow you..... It must be email because you go straight into my email inbox---it's perfect! I printed your directions to go step by step.....oh yes I have "liked" you from day one and on face book :)

Rachel Rose Mercantile said...

Richards comment is cute!

Full Circle Creations said...

Love the red! I follow through Google Reader.

Unknown said...

I follow you by email and would choose the red for sure!

Unknown said...

I've also shared this on facebook!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely give away....black and white would match my kitchen but I do love green...really hope to win....

Love you site follow you on google and FB

Stephanie at lucasaaron_5297 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I've shared this on my blog too!

Unknown said...

I've shared this on my blog too!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower and I also love, love the red. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I receive your e-mail updates. I would choose the red for sure. Gorgeous! --Renee S.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I go through google and subscribe. I found your site through the Frenchy blog. I look at Facebook once every blue moon. I love your site and the red Spode! Steph G.

Calypso In The Country said...

Hi Sarah,
Oh, I just love Spode! Great giveaway - and I like RED too! As you know, I am a follower - through Google Connect and I have you listed in my blogroll too. (Is that extra credit? LOL!)

Kirsty Girl said...

oo these are so cute. love the measuring cup!

Kirsty Girl said...

I'm thinking... green... maybe. So hard haha

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Proud follower via Google Connect. Awesome giveaway, Sarah!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

I would take everything in red. Love it!

Comeca Jones said...

I love the black and white polka dot. Count me in and of course I am a follower via google!

Anonymous said...

I am an email follower and I love your blog! I also love polka dots! I think I would choose the red, but I also really like the green! Decisions, decisions...!
Michelle T.

Meera @ firstsense said...

This is one lovely giveaway, Sarah! I follow via RSS feed (Google reader). Hmmm, loving all the colours so tough choice... I'll go for red. :-)

Meera xx

Leslie-Anne said...

Modern Country Style is on my list of blog favourites on my internet browser(Explorer). I love all colours and can never decide, so I would definitely mix and match (although a red measuring pitcher would be awesome!)

Luciane at HomeBunch.com said...

OH MY!!! yes! This is amazing!!!

I want the red with polka dots! Soooo cute!

Have a great day!


Luciane at HomeBunch.com

LindyLouMac said...

Absolutely gorgeous and it has to be red :) You know all my details xx


I love these dishes, have never seen them before!! I love the red but would probably go for the green or blue. I subscribe via email and love getting your blog!! I am also on google


Love love these dishes, have never seen them before. I use google and also recieve your blog by email. Love you inspiration!!
I would choose green or blue but the red is spectacular isn't it.

White Ironstone Cottage said...

Google connect follower love anything polka dot LOL
Thanks for the fun giveaway

Kim @ LIAH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim @ LIAH said...

I'm following via email subscription and a GFC follower. Most definitely would want to win the red! It's absolutely stunning!

Kim @ LIAH said...

I've added your giveaway to my Weekly Deals linky that gets posted each Sunday!

Tonya said...

Hi, I follow you on my Blogger Dashboard, is that Google Connect? I LOVE your style! I love the red, but the green is tempting, too! What fun pieces!! Thanks for the fun giveaway! I hope I'm not too far away to enter. :)

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

I follow you through blogger. What a lovely giveaway Sarah!

I'd choose Red, for sure!!!!

Erin S. said...

Hello sweet Sarah! I feel slightly mercenary that that I just happened to come out of my self-imposed blogging hibernation in time for this yummy give-away. I've missed you (and not just because you are giving away Spode, either). I follow you though Google connect. I love the red most, followed by the apple green.

GoldenValley50 said...

Hey Sarah - how gorgeous would those sweet little red and white polka dots look on my "soon to be" kitchen open shelving - all the way over here in Far North Queensland. (Great match for the Gingham Cinnamon Garland!) Funny you should mention them having my name on them - I'm pretty sure I saw that too! ;)Sharyne
PS - Of course I follow you - how could I not?

meppybn said...

Spode, spode, (sigh) in apple green for my beachy craftsman :) love following you on google connect

Natasha in Oz said...

Well, I am late to the party as usual but please please please put me down for this fabulous give away! I love the red spotty fabulousness and would love to add this to my spode collection.

I follow you via google reader by the way and will tweet about this as I am not on Facebook.

Thanks so much!

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

I'm a follower and would love the chance to win. The Spode colors are very pretty and I would probably choose black.

G said...

Gorgeous! You're my google friend dear Sarah! And those Spode goodies would no doubt look their best in black in my kitchen. gxo

Anonymous said...

I follow you GFC. I think I have you on FB but never go there.

RED for sure!

Tricia said...

Hello lovely. I follow you on my dashboard and in my google reader. As for that pretty stoneware...I'd go with red :)

zanetta said...

You come straight to my email so I can run look as soon as I hear the "ding" of arrival. I love that green but I think the red would be a universal compliment to anything in my kitchen. Love love love it!

the fishermans cottage said...

Oh I nearly missed this.. What a great giveaway...They are all lovely but I would love the black with the polka dots. I'll pop you on my side bar too x

Melissa said...

morning lovely sarah...i walked past these little lovelies the other day in our cookware shop & yep...fell instantly in love!!

my cupboard is full of blue & white spode...but these modern pieces got me all excited i have to say!!

i am a VERY happy follower through google reader- but i pop in constantly with no prompting anyway!

i'd find it hard to choose- but i think i'd have to go with the green...and leave all the red for you ;)

am FB-ing with a coffee right now....

just back from 10 days in scotland- so am loving my blogging catching up...

melissa xx

Judy said...

Hellloooooo lovely lady.

I follow by clicking the link when it appears in your Facebook posts.

I'd have a red jug, red bowl, and a multicoloured serving dish, danke muchley.

First entry: made a comment!

Judy said...

Shout out on Facebook, done! Entry no. 2 please!

món cosit a mà said...

I love your blog and The Modern Country Style...!!!
I follow your by blogger and google but from now on I'll do also by facebook....
I am absolutely sure I will choose the RED ONE!!
And now what else shall I do?
Have a nice week end!!!

Judy said...

Entries 3 and 4, See my blog: flamingo-scholes.blogspot.com

Judy x

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just became your newest follower! Your site is great!

Anonymous said...

I would definitely go for red! It's adorable! Could the polka dots be any cuter?!?! What an awesome giveaway!

Gail said...

Red - so fuuuuuun
I'm new to your site, but I'm bookmarking it.

Carla63 said...

Oh, I love the red ! My kitchen is red, white, & blue...How perfect. I follow you via email.

Sandra J said...

You had me at Spode! Wonderful blog!

CHRIS said...

Hi, I follow through Google and I'd choose green. It is my accent colour in my new black and white kitchen X

CHRIS said...

Hi again I have shouted all about this on my blog. Love reading your posts too. x

Bhutan Tour Packages said...

Beautiful awesome distribute. It is usually pleasant and valuable submit. Appreciate it for expressing some of these perfect search topics

eroomje said...

I am a new follower, and because I follow, I love the red, just like you do. Love polka dots, too!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

I follow! Via google. I'd love to win the red. What a great pop of color for my not yet painted kitchen!

Unknown said...

Gotta agree, it's red all the way for me too! Great giveaway and just the thing for the open shelving that we'll be doing in the kitchen :)

I 'follow' you via blogger so you show up on my dashboard but to be honest, I stop by here pretty regularly anyway just to see what you're up to!

Will post about this soon to spread the word xxx

Meera @ firstsense said...

Hello there cupcake! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend! Just to let you know, I've mentioned your giveaway on my facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/firstsenseinteriors

Love to you!

Meera xx

Unknown said...

Here's my blog post baby!


And here it is on Facebook...


Hope you are having a fabulous weekend, gorgeous girl! xxx

Meera @ firstsense said...

Hello again, gorgeous!

I've given prominence to your giveaway on my right sidebar - http://firstsense.wordpress.com

Can you tell I would really love to win this?! :-)

Meera xx

fraya said...

I follow using a bookmark in my sidebar

I love the green

Elsie said...

Hi Sarah I am a new follower, I found you on "My Romantic Home" through google connect. I would choose red, just my color. I love
polka dots. I guess I can enter, I do not have a blog but here is my


Mary said...

I follow you via Google! Oh..and I luuuurve the RED!!! :-)

Mary said...

I'll be posting this on facebook in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Thanks!

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Love them! I think I would choose the red, though the red and green would look awesome together~Cheers Kim

American in Bath said...

Can you tell how far behind I am. I'd probably pick red, but I want to say green. Is that wrong. I follow through google friend connect when I'm not typing in your url in hopes that you'll entertain me. Wheee.

glynis said...

HI there...I've lurked for a while but am now subscribing via email...I should have done it much sooner.
I love the red but the green has a real country charm about it too so would be thrilled to have either - but definitely not black!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah
Virginia here... I follow your blog through Facebook - and links at bottom of your emails. I'm not bright enough to work out any other way and don't have a clue what an RSS feed is! Anything to do with chocolate? Anyway, if there is still red Spoke to giveaway, it would look absolutely fab against the Light Blue F & B walls in my kitchen!! i've just bought some plates which have the blue/grey on and also some deep red poppies!! Virginia xxx

Megan Whitney said...

I'm following via GFC!


Suzanne said...

I eagerly await your words of wisdom through email.......This set is sooooo unbelievable!!!! I would love to have it in BLUE !! What a change for an outstanding OLD, yet timeless company to shoot into the 21st century with this excellent product!!

Sara said...

New Follower! I love your blog Sarah!
I'm now a goodle follower and a facebook Liker. Also gonna do a facebook shout out to make sure all my friends hear about it too!

Oh and the red would be ace!

Sara Martin x

Anonymous said...

D Herrera
I follow on e-mail and facebook, red (no contest on that one) I am a little bit country and little bit rock and roll so that would discribe my taste for Modern country

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